
Float Clearing Problem in IE6 - They're Clearing By Themselves!

I'm building a page that has a UL list with its items floated to create 2 columns. See http://epraxadev.com/valencia/food_truck_festival/index2.php It works perfectly in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE8, and IE7. The only problem is in IE6. In IE6, instead of the list elements stacking in neat 2-row columns, with the thumbnail floated to th...

Div next to div. Should work but doesnt...

Hello! I have this classic problem that seems impossible to solve for me. I just want two divs to float next to each other horizontally instead of vertically. I have read several solutions to this common problem but they doesnt seem to work for me. #wrapper { margin-top: 260px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background-color: ...

How do i make a fluid float:left layout?

For example, i'd like to have a grid of boxes all floating left. I have the design here: atbskate.com/trusktr. The boxes on my site are all float:left. However, when i expand a box by adding content into it (ajax) it shifts the other boxes and leaves an ugly empty space. I'd like for the boxes to fill up this empty space. The idea woul...

CSS zigzag floating

I'm looking for any idea to get the following working. I need to reorder (only using css!) an unordered list to output its items in a zigzag way - let me explain: Assume we have a simple list: <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> <li>4</li> <li>5</li> <li>6</li> <li>7</li> <li>8</li> <li>9</li> <...

CSS Floating trouble...

Hi I have this really strange error.... I have two elements: paragraph and a link with an image inside of it. Paragraph overlaps the link this results in that the link becomes ineffective... How fix this? Thanks in advance ;) EDIT: Instead I will give you a link to mi site : http://e-skaitykla.lt/ . Try the posts images are the links...

How to create CSS columns for many to many select boxes?

I've been tearing my hair out trying to convert a simple table layout to CSS! I'm sure I'm missing something (like a decent knowledge of CSS :) In this form I have a many-to-many selection facility. The user can type values into a text box, matching values are displayed in the "Available" select box, and buttons exist to move options ...

Floated+cleared element not affecting following floated elements in IE7 - is there a workaround?

I'm trying to style a definition list so that dt tags start new rows, and can be followed by any number of dd elements on the same row. In modern browsers this is as simple as dt { float:left; clear:left; } dd { float:left; } In IE7, however, if the clearing element has float, subsequent floats are not affected. (example) ...

Float a DIV centered over another DIV

I'm trying to float a div over another one but in the center (width). EDIT: I want the container div to be over the top div and centered. Current CSS: body { background-color: #FFF; margin: auto; } #top { background-color: #F2F2F2; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; height: 150px; position: relative; } #containe...

inside div automatic fit width of li in ie

Hello <div style='width:500px'> <ul> <li> some text in 1 line</li> <li> some text in 1 line</li> <li> some text 2 line</li> <li> some 2</li> <li> 2</li> </ul> </div> I don't know what is the correct css code for display of items in ie like: first two results automatic fit in first line and rest of the results...

How can I align DIV's next to each other each with a width of 1000px?

I can't seem to float DIV's correctly. What i am trying to achieve is being able to position 4 DIV's next to each other. Each aligned to the top at 0px, and spaced apart by 30 or so pixels, but i cannot use absolute positioning. The size of the DIV's are adjusted according to screen size. So, i need to position the DIV's relatively. When...

Why does wrapping div not expand around floating elements?

I have two columns in a center column. (They are all div tags.) When I set the inner divs to float:left, the outer div does not wrap around the inner divs. Why, and how do I fix that? ...

How to push my footer below the right column menu's

My menu's at the right column are bigger than my newsarticles. This is causing that the menu is overlapping my footer. How do I get my footer pushed down in the same proportion as my right column? Any help would be appreciated website: http://www.e107webdesign.nl ...

Positioning news in IE7 (CSS)

Somehow my news is pushed down in Internet Explorer 7 (on all other browsers its ok). I want to get rid of the gap between the menu's and the news, so the news will fit to the menu area's. Any idea where I can find the missing link? Website is: http://www.e107webdesign.nl Help would be appreciated. ...

Help with CSS Horizontal drop down menu.

Hey guys, need some guidance on how to get the sub menu to drop directly under the whole width of the navigation bar for each and every option. Basically i want the sub menu to appear in one static position regardless of which option I hover over. Here is the HTML <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://...

HTML Anchor and Input Button Font Difference

Anyone knows why the font of this elements are not the same? Using Anchor Element <a style="font-weight: bold; ">bold</a> Using Input Button <input type="submit" value="bold" style="font-weight:bold; border: none; background-color: transparent" /> ...

Nav menu & CSS spacing issues in IE

A html/CSS problem, if someone would be kind enough to help... I have the following CSS and code for my new menu, but IE8 renders triple the amount of space between lines of text in the menu (span big and small). When I use text-indent on the sub menu items instead of margin, that's when it plays up. IE7 is fine, as is Chrome, Firefox ...

CSS divs width become 100% when the float is set to right in IE 8.But works fine in firefox & chrome

So here is my CSS problem with IE 8 I have a parent div and 2 child div. i want the parent divs width to be increased based on the width of the inner -child div's.It works well in firefox,But in IE8,the first child div's width going to the enitire page width when i have a float:right for the inner element of that div. My HTML markup <...

Why <div class="clear"></div> instead of <div class="clear"/>?

I just realized that: <div class="clear"/> after a series of floating divs causes layout havoc, while <div class="clear"></div> works fine. Can anyone explain this? This is the CSS: div.clear { clear:both; } ...