
Postgres visual database design tool for Linux

I'm not looking for something like phpPgAdmin or pgAdmin III. I'm looking for something similar to MySQL Workbench. A tool to design databases visually and convert those visual designs into queries that will generate the database. It should also be able to create a visual representation of an existing database and use that visual repr...

How should international geographical addresses be stored in a relational database?

Given the task of storing international geographic addresses in a relational table, what is the most flexible schema? Should every part of the address be broken out into their own fields, or should it be more like free text? Is there any sense in separating differently formatted address into different tables? For example, have a table f...

Critique my MySQL Database Design for Unlimited DYNAMIC Fields

Looking for a scalable, flexible and fast database design for 'Build your own form' style website - e.g Wufoo. Rules: User has only 1 Form they can build User can create their own fields or choose from 'standard' fields User's 1 Form has as many fields as the user wants Values can be the sibling of another value E.g A photo value coul...

Wufoo's Database Schema - How would you design it?

Wufoo is a: HTML form builder that helps you create contact forms, online surveys, and invitations so you can collect the data, registrations and online payments you need without writing a single line of code. How would you approach the database design if building a similar site? Higher level designs (tables and relationships) or ...

MySQL: Database Design that is scalable and flexible?

Soon I'm going to build an application that needs to be scalable and flexible. Since I'm not a "MySQL" Guru I'm wondering if someone with experience could give me a couple of recommendations for achieving this application I'm going to build. Which database model structure do you think is the best for scalable and flexible sites? ...

domain inheritance to relational db - looking for a working db model

Hello: The focus of this question is primarily to develop a relational db scheme given the object model here. This part of the system is concerned with time based allocations made by Resources (different flavors of Employees & Contractors) to Activities (either a Project or an Account). Data entry is weekly, and the domain model must v...

Modeling an assembly line in SQL Server

I want to model an assembly line in SQL Server. This object would progress through a linear set of steps. Each step would have a linear set of statuses: Waiting, In Process and Completed. Which is the best approach for capturing data about a change in step and/or state? Insert one record for the object and update a step field and a st...

Person name structure in separate database table

I am wondering when and when not to pull a data structure into a separate database table when it appears in several tables. I have pulled the 12 attribute address structure into a separate table because I have a couple of different entities containing a single address in this format. But how about my 3 attribute person name structure (...

workflow - does anyone actually use it? How to model & track a process

Looking at the search results for "workflow" seems like a wasteland - the first page or so is full of 0 votes, 0 answers, and very low views. Is that because nobody bothers with it? Too complicated? Not useful? I'm looking for any resources for how to model a process and store the information in a database, tracking each step as it h...

Recording Number of Items in Meta Table?

I'm working on a small digg-style application that will have anywhere between 20-100 items submitted each day. I need to keep a running track on how many items exist at any particular moment. I know that I don't have many records, but I still don't think performing a count() is the best method since I'll be doing this on almost every pag...

creating a address database

I am re-creating a part of my company’s database because it does not meet future needs. Currently we have mainly a flat file and some disjoined tables that were never fully realized. My way of thinking is we have a table for each category except maybe the zips table, which may serve as a connect it all together table. Please refer to im...

Checking rule violations before deleting a record

I would like to implement a "soft-delete" scheme for a number of entities in my SQL Server 2005 database. By this, I mean I would like to delete an row from a table if there are no referential integrity rule violations, otherwise I will set a flag on the record to signify it has been deleted. The table I wish to enforce this "soft-delete...

Correctly Modeling Sports Statistics in a Relational Database

I'm trying to model football statistics in PostGreSQL and I have something that works but it doesn't quite feel right. Here's the problem: I have teams, games and stats. For every game there are two teams. Each team has a single offensive statistic line that might include rushing, passing, etc. However, that offensive stat is implic...

eXist: Collection size limits

I'm using the eXist xmldb for storing metadata/test setups for product tests. Each document contains some identificatory data, the test results, and several interpretations of the data. Currently I store all of my documents in a single collection, and it has been working fine. However, the size of the collection is now about 20.000 docum...

How to design database schema for a content management system (cms) with multiple language support?

Hi everyone, I am going to build a site with multiple language support, and I need to have the ability to control the workflow of the articles, companies, products. All with multiple language support and multiple versioning. Does anyone have the solution for this already or I need to start from scratch? ...

How to model optional one-to-many relationship in 1NF.

How can you model a zero, one or many type relationship without breaking first normal form? That is, not storing any NULL values. Separate relation table? Is it "worth" adding a table, or is this over-normalization? Here's an example that corresponds to my real world case: Say we have a college, with some free courses and some free do...

Keeping the history of model associations

I have multiple models that need to have their history kept pretty much indefinitely or at least a very long time. The application I would keep track of daily attendance statistics for people in different organizations, and a couple of other similar associations. I've realized that I can't ever delete users due to the user not showing up...

Storing polymorphic objects in SQL database

[noob warning!] I need to store some data in some tables where it is like the equivalent of an array of pointers to polymorphic objects. E.g. (pseudo C++) struct MyData { string name; } struct MyDataA : MyData { int a,b,c; } struct MyDataB : MyData { string s; } MyData * data[100]; I don't really know what google search to enter! How ...

Static Analysis Tools for Database Design

I'm looking for Static Analysis Tools for Database Tier. I got some answers for reviewing PLSQL, TSQL code, i'm wondering what are the options available for reviewing database design for naming conventions of tables and their columns, foreign key constraints and triggers etc. There is MSDN article which talks about ApexSQL Enforce, but ...

Can I accomplish this with multiple concrete supertables?

I have two tables, "contents" and "profiles" that can be commented on and rated. I have looked at using polymorphic associations and have decided against it. If I were to use polymorphic associations, the table "ratings" and "comments" would both have this feature. Is this possible with a concrete supertable implementation? And if so...