datatable with byte array VB.NET

I have populated a datatable from a SQL stored procedure and need to do further filtering on the datatable. The datatable holds data that is returned from the SQL DB as varbinary and is stored in the datatable as a byte array. I am attempting to pass TheData!Hash which is also a byte array. When I need to filter the datatable I have use...

How to draw rows on the bottom of the DataGridView?

I am using a DataGridView with a DataTable as a stack for some values. Something gets recorded into the DataTable rows and then I send them somewhere in a FIFO fashion - it would be very nice to draw the rows in a bottom->up(to stack them up) direction instead of a up->down direction. How can I achieve this since the paint events are on...

Windows Forms: How to make the Form and a Grid Change Sizes Together?

In C#, I have a table displayed using a DataGridView. The table is significantly smaller than the form in which it appears, and so the table fills only a small portion of the upper-left-hand corner of the form. My question: how can I (programmatically) make either: (1) the table automatically enlarge so that it fills the form, or (2) ...

hide specific rows using DataTables plugin?

Hey, I have a web page with a table that displays data from a database. There is a main being displayed and an additional that is hidden and only displays with jquery when the user clicks a button that is on the first main . The problem that I am getting is when I use the datatables plugin, it finds all the rows and counts them, so I...

Validation for selected row in JSF h:datatable

Hi all, I am having a tough time trying to find a solution to the following design related to h:dataTable. I have certain number of rows predisplayed. The first column is only checkboxes. The rest of the columns are disabled by default. On selecting a checkbox the elements in the corresponding rows get enabled. On submit of the for th...

Skipping rows of a typed dataset during WCF serialization

Hallo, I have a dataset with a datatable which is frequently transmitted via WCF (with NetMsmqBinding) to a service in order to store the changes in the database. In order to keep the message size small I would like to transmit only the changed records to the service (DataRow.RowState != Unchanged). I have tried to use the IDataContra...

Linq query on DataTable

I have a DataTable that is filled from a stored procedure. I am doing a query on the DataTable using a groupby so that I can implement a ListView within a ListView. (Matt Berseth - Building a Grouping Grid with the ASP.NET 3.5 LinqDataSource and ListView Controls) My Query in my codebehind: var query = from c in dtTaskOrder.AsEnumerabl...

ADO.NET - Manually filling out column

(Using Visual Studio 2005 / .NET 2.0) I have a DataSet which is being prepopulated from another module using SQL. All the values in it are fine and will stay the same as they are. But once I retrieve the DataSet (and assign it to a DataTable since it is a one-table set) I need to add an additional column onto the end of the DataTable a...

How do I Pull a Single Column of Data out of a Filled DataSet?

How do I pull a single column of data out of a filled dataset? I have a filled dataset object, with a variety of tables. I need to get all of the data that is stored in a particular column in one of the tables, and bind a ComboBox ItemSource to it. (This may require me to pull the data out and make it into a string collection ...) ...

Linq not in select on datatable

Hi i've got 2 data tables (bannedlist,countrylist), both contains list of country names and cods in columns cc and country. I am trying to do a query where i can select countries from countrylist table that are not in bannedlist table in order to create a 3rd table. Any ideas? I haven't got too far with this. var ccList = ds.T...

Separate the value in a datatable from the display in a datagrid

I have a datatable that contains an entry for the volume of a sound. The user can pick from values 1-10 or choose 'auto', in which case the system handles it. Internally, this is represented as an integer, where 1-10 represent volume values and -1 means 'auto'. The application is localized, so the exact string for 'auto' will vary by ...

LINQ Dynamic Expression API, predicate with DBNull.Value comparison

I have an issue using the Dynamic Expression API. I cannot seem to compare a DataTable field against DBNull.Value. The API is supposed to be able to "support static field or static property access. Any public field or property can be accessed.". However given the following query: var whatever = table1.AsEnumerable() ...

Any advantages of binding a list of objects to a grid instead of to a datatable? (.NET)

I have a business object let's say a Customer. I have a DAL method which brings back a datatable of customers. I have a UI which has a grid which will display a list of customers. My question is.. is it OK to bind the grid to the datatable, which means the UI will have a reference to System.Data or should the datatable be converted firs...

Linq Query Using DataTable with Paging

I have a Linq query that I copy to a DataTable which is then used to populate a gridview. I am using a group by "key" and "count" which I evaluate in the aspx page for a master/detail gridview with a repeater. The problem that I am encountering is that the gridview datasource and bind to the datatable is not presenting me with any addi...

Fastest way to load an XML crypto stream into a Datatable

I currently have an XML file that is encrypted that I decrypt and put into a crypto stream. I then pass that to a method that uses the DataTable.readxml. The readxml() method takes 5-6 seconds but I'm hoping to get it down to 3-4 seconds. (or less) There are ~90k entries. I then use the DataTable for parsing data which eventually mak...

Is there any non-dummy way to get only 100 rows from a DataTable in C#?

I want to get, let's say 100 records from an already populated DataTable with let's say 150.000 records. I don't wanna do this with a loop or importing rows. There should be a more efficent and easy way to do this, and i'm not finding it. I tried using myDataTable.Select("ROWNUM < 100"); // because i'm working with oracle but RowNum is...

How to select distinct values from datatable?

How to select distinct values from datatable in C#? For a retrieved data from database, I need to get its distinct value in C#? ...

Create ADO.NET DataView showing only selected Columns

In C# & .NET, can one create a DataView that includes only a proper subset of the DataColumns of a given DataTable? In terms of relational algebra, one assigns a RowFilter in order to perform a "selection" operation (). How would one perform a "projection" operation ()? ...

Importing csv file to datatable returns no results

This method does not throw an exception, neither does it return the rows from the csv file it reads into the DataTable. I am at a loss for what I am doing incorrectly. Any help is much appreciated. public string ImportCsvFile(string filePath) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(filePath); //string connString = "Provider...

DataTable.DefaultView.Sort Doesn't Sort

I am confused on DataTable.DefaultView.Sort. Here is the segment of the code I want to use it in. actionLogDT.DefaultView.Sort = "StartDate"; foreach (CustomerService.ActionLogStartEndRow logRow in actionLogDT) { // code here } The samples I have seen don't use the foreach loop and thus is confusing me on how to process this. It is...