
php debuggers which are not bloated

any suggestions for good php debuggers, which are not bloated? i tried using xdebug with dbgp plugin on notepad++, but it seems the dbgp plugin isn't compatible with notepad++ and hence, didn't work out crashing the app every time i accessed the debugger. any other suggestions? ...

CLR debugger and 'var'

I'm using the CLR debugger (version 8, from "Visual Studio 2005") to debug some C# code. I can step through my code, but for many variables, the debugger won't show me its value. That is, if I type it in the "Immediate" frame or add it to the "Watch" frame, it says "Unable to evaluate the expression.". It seems to do this a lot for va...

Is there any way to tell which gems and plugins are loaded at runtime for a Rails process?

Is there any command either in debugger or ruby-debug to get a list of all gems and/or plugins loaded in memory for a Rails process? I understand only the 'require' gems are loaded but I would like to quickly see what got loaded during runtime. ...

F10 isn't working properly in VS2005

When project is stopped (not in the debugging state) and you press F10, normally the debugging session starts and VS stops at the entry point (e.g. Program.Main). That always worked for me in VS2005 and works OK in VS2008. But recently that stopped working in my VS2005 - the project just runs as if I pressed F5, so I have to place a brea...

VS2008 C++ MFC Access Violation ONLY when stepping through debug mode

Hi. This is crazy. It started happening in my main project, so I created a tiny sample brand-new project to reproduce it in and sure enough.. It does NOT happen in a sample project I created that is only a Win32 console app. I'm running this on Win7x64, if that matters. VS2008 SP1. Here goes. I create a small dialog app with a button...

IronPython embedded IDE

I'd like to use embedded IronPython as a way of allowing users to script / extend my app. Running the scripts is easy enough, but I also need to provide some sort of IDE or editor as well - this is the bit I'm not sure how to do. As far as I can see I have only a few options: Write myself a complete script editor, complete with syntax...

How does a debugger work? In other words how do programs which share the Address space of another program work?

How does a debugger work? In other words how do programs which share the Address space of another program work? How will they have ability to write on to another process' address space? ...

Eclipse CDT debugger does not show console

Hi, I'm trying to debug a C program using Eclipse CDT-s debugger and gdb on a Windows7 system, and everything seems fine, except for the console not showing up, which is bad, because my program needs input at some points from the keyboard. So how should I make Eclipse's debugger work properly? Thank you. ...

VS 2008 debugger displays integers in hex

Hi Guys, For some reason my Visual Studio debugger has started to show me my integers in Hex. I am programming using C#. Does anyone have an idea how can I convince the debugger to display integers in decimal again? Thanks a lot, Assaf. ...

Question About Eclipse Java Debugger Conditional Breakpoints Inefficiency

I just set a conditional breakpoint in Eclipse's debugger with a mildly inefficient condition by breakpoint standards - checking whether a HashMap's value list (8 elements) contains Double.NaN. This resulted in an extremely noticeable slowdown in performance - after about five minutes, I gave up. Then I copy pasted the condition into an...

C# Breakpoint Weirdness

In my program I've got two data files A and B. The data in A is static and the data in B refers back to the data in A. In order to make sure the data in B is invalidated when A is changed, I keep an identifier for each of the links which is a long byte-string identifying the data. I get this string using BitConverter on some of the impor...

System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break() like using java?

Is there a method to signal a breakpoint in Java like System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break() in C#? ...

gcc does not generate debugger info when using -g, -ggdb, -g3, or -ggdb3

I'm using GCC 4.4.1 and GDB 7.0-ubuntu on Ubuntu 9.10. However, GCC won't generate debugger info when using any of the following switches: -g, -g3, -ggdb, or -ggdb3. So when I run the program with GDB, its as if there was no debugger information generated. I have created very simple test source files in a new, empty folder. Here is one e...

A Python IDE with Debugging and iPython Integration?

Does anyone know of a python IDE that has iPython as the interpreter? Using the standard interpreter just drives me nuts, as I've just grown to love using iPython and all the features it provides. To be honest, I'd rather code with a simple text editor + ipython than an IDE, but I love being able to set breakpoints with a click of a ...

Why won't the debugger update?

Hello everyone, Ive had this problem multiple times and it ruins my projects, I make some changes, like say I have a button in the top left corner of the form and move it to the top right corner, then I press debug but nothing happens to the form, it doesn't change the button is still in the top left-hand corner instead of the top right,...

How does a historical debugger work?

A historical debugger is able to revert program state (including current instruction) to a former state. How is this possible in managed or unmanaged environments? I can't imagine that the debugger takes a state shot of the whole system on every instruction. ...

VS 2008 unstable after "Stop Debugging"

This was on Windows Server 2003 X86, VSTS 9.0.30729.1 SP I used "Attach to process" to debug the program, but recently when I "Stop Debugging" by "shift + f5", I was prompted with an error saying "VS has an internal error and will be unstable". After that all the debug related menu items were disabled e.g. "Start debugging" and "attach ...

solaris modular debugger - mdb - examples

Hi Im looking for user-friendly manual for solaris debugger - mdb, where i can find examples of examinig stack. I was googling for a while but all i could find was official manual and only few private pages with not so many informations. Thx in advance for any help ! ...

Viewing complete strings while debugging in Eclipse

Quick question: While debugging Java code, Strings show up only till a certain length, after which Eclipse shows "..." Is there any way to inspect the entire string? (This eases the pain of adding logging statements for debugging everywhere) ...

nxhtml and geben: debug mode stops responding to keystrokes upon step into html/php mixed line

I'm using the php debugger geben and nxhtml-mode. While debugging, as soon as I step into a mixed line such as <foo><?php bar(); ?></foo> the debugger is no longer accepting any key-strokes. However, the mode line still indicates the debugger's presence (*debugging*'-entry). I guess this due to nxhtml's mode changes, because it's ...