
How to display a Date value in Visual studio Debugger when it is a simple unsigned short

In our company we use ints to store Date values. The logic behind it is quite simple. The int contains the number of days since 1.1.1970. We have our own functions to convert these ints to strings at runtime. My problem is, that I haven't found a way to tell the debugger to display these values as Dates (strings). I only see 40345 and ...

different code behaviour with and without debugger at C++ .net4

I have WPF application which was migrated from .net3.5 to .net4.0. This application uses an old one C++ library (as I understand this is mixed mode library, means managed-unmanaged). Library moved to .net4 environment with some strange bug which occurs on callback call: if (m_pCANCallback) m_pCANCallback(m_pCANCa...

Why would the VS2010 Debugger Hang?

This just started happening on both my work box and home. In Visual Studio 2010, I'll start a debugging session and the program will run to the first breakpoint and that's it. I can hit F10/11/5 all I want. Nothing will happen. The only way to get out is a Shift+F5. This driving me nuts! Both machines are 64 bit Windows 7. Though, t...

Correct ~*e !clrstack Problem

When I issued the following command from VS2005 immediate window, it failed with error message "End of expression expected". How can I correct this? ~*e !clrstack ...

Tools for call stack of a running process in Windows 7

Which tool can I use to see the call stack for a running process? msdn link , but do I need to have the executable in debug mode? What are the other tools/ways by which i can see the call-graph / resource access graph for a running process? I have an external library from a developer to construct my own machine vision algos, but the ex...

Prevent debugger to break on all Exceptions in a 3rd party library

Hi, I maintain an open source library that internally uses exceptions during a recursive method call. The exception is taken back on the call stack and in some cases handled, while in others it will be returned to the caller. The problem we are having right now is that some users are running Visual Studio Debugger with the "Halt on ALL...

gdb\bfd: get child variable address or size or offset

Hi, I'm using gdb and libbfd to retrieve global variables information from an elf file and show it. I can get the following data from libbfd: Global Variable name, address and size. I retrieve the type of the variables and its children using gdb and gdb\MI (ptype, whatis, -var-create & -var-list-children). How can I get the address\siz...

Getting a Crash Dump for a .NET Application that Uses Native Interop

I have a .NET application that makes calls to a native Win32 DLL using interop services. When I run this program, it will crash somewhere inside the DLL. However, I have been unable to get any stack dump information. When I run in the Visual Studio debugger, the debugger exits when the crash happens. I get the "Blah-blah-app has stop...

How do I get the Perl debugger to not stop at "100 levels deep in subroutine calls"

I'm working with a big, old, messy, bloated framework. It regularly goes well over 100 levels deep in subroutine calls. The Perl debugger sees fit to stop and inform me of this fact... over and over again. Package::Stash::name(/usr/local/perl/5.10.1/lib/site_perl/5.10.1/Package/ 21: return $_[0]->{package}; 100 levels...

Ask user to restart application with administrative privileges like VS debugger does

I am in the process of developing an application which uses a legacy USB driver. For some reason the developers of the legacy USB driver decided to write information to the registry and this process requires me to have administrative privileges for my application. Now, the USB functionality that uses the registry should be only done by...

What's the story behind the name of the SOS (Son of Strike) debugger extension?

The title says it all really. What's the significance of the name "Son of Strike"? Does it serve any meaning or does it just sound cool? ...

Searching good Debugger for C++

hello everyone, i was wondering if there was a good debugger you can recommend for C++. thanks for helping ...

java eclipse iterator debugger problem

hello, [edit: I forgot to mention that it is a JUnit Test Case i am debugging. Is that a problem?] i have a really strange problem in eclipse. (I am new to debugging in eclipse so post all what is in your mind...) When i am at a certain line it just stops to go further in the code. It remains in the same line although i am pressing F6...

Debugger unlocks lock? VS 2008

Hello =) I have implemented a singleton that works well... (implemented like this example: public sealed class Singleton { static Singleton instance=null; static readonly object padlock = new object(); Singleton() { //breakpoint } public static Singleton Instance { get { ...

Altering registers, IP while stepping in kdbg

I'm single-stepping through 64-bit intel opcodes using kdbg. I'd like to alter the contents of RAX, etc and repeat a sequence of opcodes - by altering RIP or otherwise telling it continue execution from some point. Is this possible? Of course I've browsed all the kdbg documentation i could find. ...

Where did int 3 go?

Hi, In 32 bits mode programming I used to employ int 3 in my programs a lot for stopping at a given location with the debugger (embedding the instruction in the source). Now in 64 bits it seems to not be working, producing a very ordinary SIGSEGV under gdb and destroying the program beyond hope ("Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV,...

Working with XCode breakpoints

I'm a CS student, so I'm still fairly new to programming. Breakpoints seemed pretty darn cool and useful to debugging, so I decided to play around with them a bit. Unfortunately, I don't really know how to work with them. I added a breakpoint to "Log breakpoint and arguments and auto-continue". The program reached the breakpoint, the deb...

Getting the return value of a method via DTE.Debugger without evaluating the method?

I'm looking for a way to get the return value of a method via the Visual Studio Debugger (using DTE). Is it possible to obtain it if I'm at the closing brace of the method, but not yet exited? Also, it would be best if this could be possible without evaluating the function again via the immediate window. ...

Does the mdbg managed debugger sample exist for .NET 4.0?

Is there a .NET 4.0 version of the mdbg managed debugger source ? I need to port my CPU analyzer, and ICorDebug has changed a bit in .NET 4.0. ...

How do you view segment-offset memory addresses in the Visual Studio debugger?

I'm debugging some code from the disassembly (no source code is available), and there a number of instructions accessing data via the ds segment register, e.g. something like this: 66 3B 05 8A B1 43 00 cmp ax,word ptr ds:[43B18Ah] How do you get the Visual Studio debugger to tell you the offset of the ds segment register so th...