
how to disable Just in time debugger from visual studio

Uninstalled Visual studio and all its components from the add/remove programs. But now each time something crashes, it pops up the just-in-time-debugger which seems to be a remainder from visual studio... How to remove it once VS is uninstalled ? Found out that one can disable the popups by deleting the following keys HKEY_LOCAL_MA...

In eclipse for java Is there anything like Visual Studio Custom Debugger Visualizers

The ability to create custom debug visualizers for any .Net type in Visual studio is an interesting feature. Is there anything similar in eclipse for java objects? ...

Debugging scripts added via jQuery getScript function

I have a page that dynamically adds script references via jQuery's $.getScript function. The scripts load and execute fine, so I know the references are correct. However, when I add a "debugger" statement to any of the scripts to allow me to step through the code in a debugger (such as VS.Net, Firebug, etc.), it doesn't work. It appea...

how to set breakpoint in this way?

Hello everyone, I want to set a break point and wants it to be triggered when a piece memory (begin address and length are known) are changed. I am working on Windows Server 2003 x64 platform. Either solution in Windbg or solution in Visual Studio are fine. My purpose is to monitor when the memory content is change. thanks in advance, ...

CLR Debugger, ASP.NET -- how to increase timeout?

I'm trying to debug a problem (exception being thrown) in an ASP.NET MVC program using the Microsoft CLR Debugger. It works pretty well, except after a minute or two, the debugger gets detached (the web request times out or something?) and I can no longer inspect its state. This is extremely frustrating. How can I make the server/debu...

Richer logging/tracing status for C++ applications

There are plenty of logging/trace systems for letting your program output data or strings or state as it runs. Most of these let you print arbitrary strings which you can view live or after your program runs. I noticed an ad here on SO for Smartinspect which seems to take this to a higher level, giving stack traces for each log, fancier...

C# app runs with debugging, but not without

I'm running a (mostly) single threaded program (there's a main thread that does everything, the others only read stuff). I can get the application to run fine in VS2008 after a minor change (I changed the text of a form, and tab order of another form), but I can no longer get it to work outside of the debugger. Does anyone know what woul...

How do you launch the Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger for a Silverlight website?

I'm trying to find a way to conveniently debug a Silverlight website when I'm not working inside the Visual Studio IDE. The following command almost works, but it seems to always attach the debugger in Native Mode rather than Silverlight Mode. vsjitdebugger "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" http://localhost/ ...

How to print string value from breakpoint action?

I have a breakpoint action and am using the Log option from the drop down. I'd like to print out the string (summary) value. I'm doing this: the person name is: but that prints the memory address. I can switch to the Debugger Command option and do po but then I loose my description, as used in the first option. ...

Can a breakpoint be set for EXC_BAD_ACCESS?

Just as you can set a breakpoint for objc_exception_throw, is there an equivalent for EXC_BAD_ACCESS? ...

Custom WCF IDispatchOperationSelector only works when debugger is NOT attached

I'm creating a custom IDispatchOperationSelector to support a Java client calling a WCF service - this Java client does not send the SoapAction header, so I need to select the operation based on the body of the message. Below is the custom SelectOperation method. It works just fine when the debugger is NOT attached - however, when it i...

Hiding fields from the debugger

Is it possible to hide fields and/or properties from showing up in the debugger watch window? See, we've got a class here with over 50 private fields, most of which are exposed through public properties. This means we're seeing a duplication of a large number of data in the watch window listing. Is there any means of controlling this?...

Browser Independent JavaScript debugger?

Hi there, Does anyone know if a browser-independent debugger exists... For example I have been using Firebug in Firefox but if the web developers use other browsers - nothing. I was wondering if there is some kind of "global" debugger that can attach to any browser and just debug? Any ideas? ...

Formatting integer for string output

In a breakpoint action, I'm going this: @(const char *)[(NSString*)[myobject retainCount]UTF8String]@ which gives this output: <Error: Cannot access memory at address 0x2> If I do this: @(NSString*)[myboject retainCount]@ it outputs a memory address. But if I do this in code: NSLog(@"retain count is: %d", [myobject retainCount...

Unable to set breakpoints in C DLL used by C++/CLI called from C#

I have a native C DLL being invoked by a C++/CLI object which is the ViewModel for a WPF progam in C#. I want to set breakpoints in the C DLL. When I try to set them they are grayed out and the help balloon says the breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document. To get the program to run OK I had to...

Can Visual Studio be made to debug child processes like WinDBG?

This is similar to this question, but I wanted to flesh it out a bit. (I'm new here, if I should instead do a "bump" answer on the previous question instead, please let me know.) In WinDBG, I can use the .childdbg 1 command to tell it to break when a child process is spawned, or I can launch it with the -o command-line option. This is...

How do I debug a single .cpp file in Visual Studio?

Is there any way to debug a single file in Visual Studio.NET? I'm still a noob with C++, but I want to start learning how to get comfortable with the debugger, and as of right now I am writing really small files. It seems if there is only one source file, it won't let me debug, but the moment I add another one, I can. I am using

How to keep Visual Studio debugger visualizers from timing out?

I've successfully made several Visual Studio debugger visualizers, and they're working very well, except that on some objects I get a time out error when I try to deserialize the object with objectProvider.GetObject() System.Exception: Function evaluation timed out. at Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerVisualizers.DebugViewerShim.Private...

How to output frame positions in debugger?

I have a UIIMageView and want to output values such as: myobject.frame Basically, position and size information. I'm using both "po" in the console and breakpoint actions with @@ but neither works. I always end up with an error such as "There is no member named center". How do I output these values in both the de...

How do you use the immediate window in Visual Studio?

The immediate window is an immensely useful tool for debugging applications. You can use it to execute code statements that are valid in the context of your break point and inspect values. I also use it to type code snippets to learn language features. How do you use the immediate window? ...