
Where can I find documentation for Scala's delayed function calls?

I saw a delayed example in David Pollak's "Beginning Scala". I tried to adapt that, by trial and error. Here's what I have: def sayhello() = { println("hello") } def delaying(t: => Unit):Unit = { println("before call") t println("after call") } delaying(sayhello()) How would you delay a function/method that takes parameters?...

Box2d: mousejoint without inertial delay

I'm using mousejoint to drag bodies in box2d, but it causes inertial delay. Does it exist any way to drag a body instantaneously? ...

sample iphone code for delay and echo

Does anyone know where i can find sample code to apply processing to audio to simulate an echo or delay effect? I am currently using AVAudioPlayer to play samples and would like to layer the effects on top. All of the references I have seen so far are very generic and related to Audio Units. ...

VideoPlayer delay (actionscript 3)

I am experiencing a minor issue...I have a button which is supposed to start a local .flv and loop it. However, there seems to be a small delay between the actual click and the flv starting to play. Here's the applicable code, is there anything wrong/can I do anything about that delay? The flv is small in size, should that matter at all....

Delay in MCC18, 48Mhz, 18F87J50

How should i write a delay macro for an PIC 18f87J50 with a 48MHz crystal and compiler of MCC18. The delay should be in us. So I for example can write: Delay_us(201) and really get 201us delay. What I have now is: #define Delay_us(n) (Delay10TCYx(((n) * (uint16_t) 12 + 9) / 10)) And it does'nt seems right at my oscilloscope! :/ Kind...

Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 Pick Activity Containing a Delay Activity

I'm working with Beta 2 of Visual Studio 2010 to get some advanced understanding of WF4. I've created a workflow that has a Pick Activity that is contained in an If Activity. In the Pick Activity I have two Triggers, one that contains a Delay set with a TimeSpan of 10 seconds, the other Trigger has a Bookmark for a manager to approve. ...

slow update after pipe, stout, stderr redirection and saving file at the same time

I'm saving the output of a command after redirecting its stdout, stderr and passing it through a pipe. Things seem to be working fine but I'm noticing a delay in bash screen update which is almost <= 37 seconds. The same delay I see when checking output file with "tail -f output-ping.txt". I've never seen such a delay earlier even with...

Send fodder bytes until actual response data is ready?

I need to serve MP3 content that is generated dynamically during the request. My clients (podcatchers I can't configure) are timing out before I'm able to generate the first byte of the response data. Is there a way to send fodder/throwAway data while I'm generating the real data, to prevent/avoid the timeout, but in a way that allows ...

Cufon has a slight delay when refreshing BUT not when directly loading the page

I am using Cufon in Firefox, it has a slight delay of converting fonts to images when I F5 but not if I click on the URL bar and hit enter. Any idea why? And it wasn't originally like this, I tried to add a line replacing another selector and then this happened. Then I undoed but the problem remains. ...

http request delay in local network

there 2 computers in a local network, & 101 is running a simple web server on windows xp, 102 running windows 7. if i run a client program in 101 (same machine as the web server) and make a GET request, it takes 0.2 seconds to complete the request. if i take run the same client program from 102, it takes 1....

delay in receiving email sent from c#

here is my code for(int i = 0; i < number ; i++) { MailAddress to = new MailAddress(; MailAddress from = new MailAddress(iMail.from, iMail.displayName); string body = iMail.body; string subject = iMail.sub; oMail = new MailMessage(from, to); oMail.Subject = subject; oMail.Body = body; oMail.IsBodyHtml = true; ...

How to delay while retaining a responsive GUI on Cocoa Touch?

Basically, I have an array of buttons I want to iterate and highlight (among other things) one after another, with a delay in-between. Seems like an easy task, but I can't seem to manage to get it to work cleanly while still being responsive. I started out with this: for MyButton *button in buttons { [button highlight]; [button...

jquery addClass - wait, delay, speed, timeout or other

Hi The question has been posted several times and is how to delay an addClass. I got this: $("#menu ul li").hover(function(){ $(this).addClass("hover"); },function(){ $(this).removeClass("hover"); }) And want something similar but where the class is added after 500msek or so. Best answer so far is this one using settimeout. Mayb...

jquery delay effect

Hi. I am developing a mega menu for an ecommerce site. I have uploaded the current version here: The menu works great with or without javascript at the moment. What I would really like is to improve the usability when the user have javascript enable by creating a short delay before the menu animates out...

Javascript delayed loading blanks page

On a website I'm working on, I need to load a tracking script 10 seconds after the page loads. I found a snippet to do so, but I've hit a snag. After waiting 10 seconds, the page goes white. The URL doesn't seem to change, but the page is no longer visible and the throbber starts spinning. Here's what I'm using to load the script: func...

DataGridview repaints very slowly

I'm using datagridview in windows application developed in C# VS2005 .net 2.0. Datagridview is provided a list of business objects. It take annoying delay of 2-3 seconds before starting displaying the rows in datagridview in falling-curtain fashion. When I switch back to my application from any other window it start repaint process in t...

jquery mega menu help

Hi. I am developing a mega menu for an ecommerce site. The menu works perfectly if JS is turned off and has some subtle fades and a nice hoverIntent delay when JS is turned on. Everything works perfectly except when you visit the site for the first time or when the menu is not cached. What happens then is as you rollover the btns instead...

method chaining in mootools using delay for fade effect

Hi, I want to use method chaining in moo tools 1.2. My requirements are as below. When page load complete. My one div element say "my_div" is set to hidden visibility. After half second its opacity set to 0.4 Then again after half second its opacity set to 0.7 Then again after half second its opacity set to 1. So how could i do th...

Delaying the reload of a page using jQuery

I need to delaying the reloading of the page. Right now, I have this: $('div.navigation_sorter ul li a.delete').click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var li = $(this).closest('li'); $.post('<?php echo site_url('admin/navigation/delete_link');?>', { link: li.attr('id')}, function(d...

Sequentially Load SWFs, on a timer or load next once one is finished. Possible?

Hi, I have a page that loads loads of swfs*. I'm loading in them all at the same time, Sequentially which is slowing down the intro animation. Is there a way to load swfs sequentially? Or if not load them on a timer (half a sec would do the trick I think) *there lots of different dynamically generated Flex graphs so it's not possible to...