
Plugin Driven Design Technique needed?

A project that a group of mine is starting is going to be focused around the use of plug-ins which are extremely specific to the user. We are trying to essentially create an application that without the plug-ins is nothing more then a running environment, and hence will be driven by the addition of the user-specific plugins. I am not t...

How to extend / amend OSGi lifecycle management?

I have a modular application that uses OSGi for lifecycle and dependency management. However, some of the bundles require some time after startup to be ready, for example, because they have to acquire data from somewhere. Also, they might be unable to process certain calls during a configuration update, for example a bundle that keeps a ...

How do I contract out the design of an ASP.NET MVC Application?

As many of you know MVC applications will have one or more of these View elements. Partial Controls Views Strongly Typed Views And probably others that I don't know yet. As many developers, I am one of those that has no art for design, I can't think about colors, just about logic. I will like to contract out the graphic design of m...

How does Spring maintain singletons,prototypes... under the hood?

I've been using Spring for a while now but I really don't know how when I ask Spring to inject a DAO in multiple different service class that it is always the same class or if I require prototype is a new one every time and so on for session scope etc. Can anyone share some light on such especially 'Singletons' as it is the most often us...

Inheriting From Sealed Classes

Lets say I have a Phone number my classes need to validate and keep track of and for the most part a phone number is just a string so in an attempt to be DRY one would just create a Phone class and inherit from string. Since I can't do that what is the next best approach? Adding a string as a private member and overloading the equal/= ...

What makes Erlang suitable for soft real-time applications?

Some background I'm working on building a programming language for digital media programming, which should support concurrency using no-sharing message passing and soft real-time (i.e. do your best to compute audio/video without losing samples or frames and with a constant throughput). It turns out that both these features are surprisi...

Model View Controller inside a Model View Controller

I've just recently completed a personal project and one technique I did use to break down the interface was to have one main Model View Controller that was handling a lot of the main logic of the application. Then for the most part, there were many generic controls lets say a Slider and a Text Field that were bound together to a single f...

WPF GUI plugin design. I need a lil' feedback

Hi all I'm involved in a project which is able to connect to different hardware devices on the fly. We've been assigned to make a Touch Screen GUI so we have a MMI to the devices. As any device (and any type of device) potentially can connect to our framework, we've decided to let 3rd party device developers make their own GUI plugin. ...

Storing values of any type as type initially supplied in templated factory method in C++?

This is a slightly different question to this one ([ which I asked recently. I would like to create an instance of an object using a templated factory method, then from then on only be able to set and ge...

how to design system so users can generate their own objects using dlls

I have a server which takes some messages x and outputs some messages Y. Currently the x to y mapping is fixed. So x1 will always generate y1 with corresponding fields. But now I want to be able to make it configurable such that the users can put their own dll which will generate x1 to y2, y3, or however they want. In case if they don'...

Design to distribute work when generating task oriented input for legacy dos application?

I'm attempting to automate a really old dos application. I've decided the best way to do this is via input redirection. The legacy app (menu driven) has many tasks within tasks with branching logic. In order to easily understand and reuse the input for these tasks, I'd like to break them into bit size pieces. Since I'll need to start a f...

Loading ASPX and ASCX files from assembly

Hi, i want to make reusable ascx components in e.g. web application (or class) project and use them in new Web Site project. If i register controls from assemly on page in web site i can add this control, which is stored in foreign assembly. But it loads probably only code from code-behind, but not the ascx file and if i want to manipul...

Any suggestions for a free software design tools?

Hello, Until now I didn't use any design tools for my small personal home projects. In my workplace I'm using Enterprise Architect which is great but I wont use it for my personal projects because it's expensive and has far more capabilities than I really need. Can you suggest some lightweight and free tool that I can use to design my ...

Challenges when Designing Large Websites?

Possible Duplicate: What should a developer know before building a public web site? What are the challenges that are commonly encountered when designing and implementing a large site like Stack Overflow? ...

God object - decrease coupling to a 'master' object.

I have an object called Parameters that gets tossed from method to method down and up the call tree, across package boundaries. It has about fifty state variables. Each method might use one or two variables to control its output. I think this is a bad idea, beacuse I can't easily see what a method needs to function, or even what might h...

Allowing for high level of variation in Actions and Views and Models

I am designing a product management system. I am wondering the best way to handle a large amount of variation in each Action/View in my application. The app handles 20 categories and 12 Target Markets, each of which affect the data that needs to be collected for each product. For example, the "QuickAdd" action takes in the core data like...

Flex charts gradient fill

I'm struggling to reproduce the gradient fill of this chart. Is there tools that help testing GradientEntry properties on fills? ...

What should I do next?

I have been learning c++ but my problem is i don't know what to do next. I know how to use pointers, classes etc... in C++ but i haven't written a real program, only assigments from the university(calculating arithmetic means, mean deviation etc)... What should i do? Thank you ...

wpf / silverlight textbox filter design

I have a list that the user can filter in several ways. two of which lend themselves to combo boxes and two that need to accept user input. For example, one textbox allows the user to type in any part of a list item's description, and the dialog will only present items whose description contains the text entered. It is a dialog 'picker'...

DDD: Should everything fit into either Entity or Value Object?

Hi, I'm trying to follow DDD, or a least my limited understanding of it. I'm having trouble fitting a few things into the DDD boxes though. An example: I have a User Entity. This user Entity has a reference to a UserPreferencesInfo object - this is just a class which contains a bunch of properties regarding user preferences. These ...