
Separation of logic and UI

I understand that I should keep my business logic and UI separate, but I don't know if what I'm doing now violates that rule. I'm designing my financial program's table structure. I've had a little trouble visualizing some parts, so I mocked up some screens to help me sort out what all will be needed and how things fit together. I rea...

How to set ID in Object Oriented Code.

I'm a bit confused when it comes to Object oriented programming for say a 3 tier application. Here is just a small example of what I am trying to do (I will shorten the database design to make it simple). Assume I am making a ticket help desk system. A ticket has a description, a responsible person, a due date, and of course an ID (un...

.NET: How do you decide how to structure your Namespaces?

I'm wondering what guidelines you guys are using for determining the structure for your Namespaces. When do you decide something warrants it's own Namespace? I read in a forum discussion or article that a best practice is to go for a shallow tree with as few child Namespaces as possible but can't remember the reasoning behind it or the ...

DDD - Aggregate Roots and Creating Behavioural Objects

I want to ask for some advise on how to avoid writing objects which are mere data containers. Consider the following Aggregate Root: public class Post : IAggregateRoot { List<Comment> Comments {get; set;} } Given the pinciples that govern how aggregate roots work, is it valid to call the above code like this? new Post().Comments.A...

What to charge for card style newsletter design work?

hi friends, my client asking for Card Style Newsletter design. I have no idea how much normally designers charge for such work :/ any idea? thanks!! appreciate ... ...

Vitual Studio Design view working with CSS

I using an external CSS to control the display of my controls. and It looks messy when I am viewing the page in th Design View of VS2008. So whenever i change a value in my CSS, instead of examining it in design view, i am forced to run the web page, launch my browser just in order to view the changes I made. ...

How much responsibility should a method have?

Hi all, This is most certainly a language agnostic question and one that has bothered me for quite some time now. An example will probably help me explain the dilemma I am facing: Let us say we have a method which is responsible for reading a file, populating a collection with some objects (which store information from the file), and t...

.Net Template Engine/Report Solution

I am looking to add custom reports/forms to a web application. I want users to be able to upload a report definition/template file and then be able to print out a PDF or word document (one or the other it doesn't need to be both) for each of their widgets based off of the template they uploaded. I can't install anything on the server ...

When should I consider using a in memory database and what are the issue to look out for?

I was just think that now it is common to have enough RAM on your database server to cache your complete database why are the specialist in memory database (e.g TimesTen, see also Wikipedia page) that were all the rage a few years ago not being used more? It seems to be that as time go on, none disk based databases are being used less...

Can this CSS syntax be improved, be made more organized?

Is there a cleaner way to write the same css given that input name f1 to f7 are all type=text like the first line? Thanks #tform input[type="text"] { -moz-border-radius:6px; border: 1px solid green; } #tform input[name="f1"], #tform input[name="f2"], #tform input[name="f3"], #tform input[name="f4"], #tform input[name="f5"] { width...

flex 3 css corrupt design view

when I apply a css using mx:style tag it corrupts the design view this answer settings doesn't change anything wether I checked or not "render skins when opening a file" is there a way to tell flex to ignore completly css in design view, or indeed let flex shows the dcss properly instead of this blue gear icon placeholder everywhere. ...

ASP Gridview design

Hi all, I'm pretty new to this. I have an ASP gridview control so that in my program, when someone enters the email address and submits, the results are show (this works). What I was wondering is, is it possible to change the layout of the gridview so that not all results are shown on one line and so I can move some results to a new lin...

Best Type to set as return type for methods that return a collection?

Which is the best type to us for returning collections? Should I use IList<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IQueryable<T>, something else? Which is best and why? I'm trying to decide which I should use typically, both in the interface and the implementation of a few classes that I'm writing. edit Let me nail this down a little further, I am using ...

Property function style conventions being effected by void*.

I'm designing a public API in C++ and believe I'd like to retain C++ property-function style conventions that look like int& Value(), and const int& Value() const as opposed to get/set prefixes which return/assign by value because I feel the usage patterns are more concise and equally readable, while blending into existing C++ code very ...

Reward for editing a wiki page

I want to award points whenever someone edits a wiki page. Not all changes are equal, however. Creating the first revision of a document from a blank page is surely more valuable than inserting a missed comma. What are the mechanism that I can use to determine when a change between two document revisions is significant? Would a percent...

How should I design my rating system?

I'm building a website where users may register and create shopping guides. I want to award them points for creating shopping guides, adding stores and adding brands. It will also be possible for other users to rate the shopping guide. I'm considering to award the owner of the shopping guide more points, if the guide is rated high. But...

responsibility based modeling versus class reasons to change

In this text I read Be alert for a component that is just a glorified responsibility. A component is supposed to capture an abstraction that has a purpose in the system. It may happen that what appears at one moment as a meaningful component is really just a single responsibility left on its own. That responsibility c...

Tool for Webpage UI design

Which is the best recommended tool for webpage UI design including Javascript/jQuery? ...

A question about program design.

Hello! I'm developing a Windows Mobile WinForm application that uses Sql Server CE 3.1 with .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP2 and C#. I have a form that has a SqlCeConnection object, opened during all of it's execution time: I open the connection at startup and close it on event closing. I also have a class to read the Sql Server CE data...

Beginner: Do I have to use templates when implementing my own designs using CMS such as Joomla??

Brand new to CMS: With Joomla or other CMS, If I want to use my own design, do I have to make it a template first using proprietary code of some sort = ie using some Joomla templating language - or is using my own design with Joomla simple and independent? I am not sure the role "templates" play with Joomla and other CMS. I gather they...