
How to deal with currently unavailable options? Locking vs. Hiding vs. Error messages

What is the best way to deal with input elements that are currently not available, or locked to a default value, e.g. a "state" field that is only relevant to some countries, a button for functionality that the current user is not authorized to use, or a dropdown menu entry that is only relevant when the user has selected something? The...

Document-level forking and version controlled wikis (theoretical/design)

This is a problem I've come across for a couple different projects I'm working on. Since the projects are still under stealth development, and the problem itself is of potentially broader interest and agnostic to them, I'm going to anonymize it - but FWIW, I work primarily with Ruby/Rails and MySQL. Scenario I want to have a system f...

How to learn designing applications in Java

Hi I have been programming in Java for the past 2 years and now i want to get into Designing applications. So far i am only into coding ie; i am given design document/class diagram etc and asked to code. Now i want to learn how to design, i mean i want to lean when should a class be interface not a concrete class, coming up with design g...

API Design Question

I have an API defined as follows bool IsValid() Now, I want to modify the API so that if the return value is false, then I need additional information why the validation failed. I'm looking for an elegant want to solve the problem... Here are the options I have Option 1: bool IsValid(ref string errorMessage) errorMessage is updated ...

WPF / MVVM - Where do the ViewModels go?

I am kind of new to the whole MVVM pattern, and am trying to wrap my head around it. What I am currently trying to figure out is: in a well structured solution where do the ViewModels live? Currently my design looks something like this (sort of): Application (The view) DomainSpecificCode (ClassLibrary) Gateways (ClassLibrary) If ...

New to start with Design Patterns

Possible Duplicates: which resources would you recommend for learning object oriented programming (C#)? Learning/Implementing Design Patterns (For Newbies) Hello everyone, I was working in Information Technology for few years. I was planning to learn designing / design patterns and wes really confused where to start and how t...

What are your templating strategies?

I try to develop my own little framework. For this, I'd like to read up some templating techniques. I know that templating is a really complex topic, but knowing some strategies could help find the right one. Please, if you mention one, don't just write "smarty" for example. Write a little about the concept behind it. Let me start with...

Translator Pattern

In a previous job, my manager suggested use of a Translator pattern for converting data from a DataTable to objects. Basically, the Translator class had only static (i.e. class) methods so it was an aggregation of function calls. My initial approach was to implement constructors for each object that could take a DataTable row as an argum...

Designing an AJAX driven Quicksilver-style search with multiple search plugins for a website

I'm trying to build a Quicksilver style search system for the internal web app that we develop at work. There are plenty of examples of really cool front ends for this using JQuery or MooTools or whatever. None of these examples really talk about the back-end. As far as I can tell, these examples assuming the back-end is searching a sing...

Minimizing the pain in implementing printable reports

How do you minimize the pain in your development process when it comes to reporting? For web frameworks, there is a pretty straightforward way to both produce content as well as graphically design it; content is represented semantically through HTML, and the design is separately specified through CSS. And browsers are fairly consistent...

Query in Design implementation

I'm developing a site wherein i have top 5 sites which i visit frequently. What i do is I've the screenshot of these websites as images and whenever I visit the site the latest screenshot of the website comes and replaces the old image. I have written a program(in C#) which gets the screenshot of the website and displays the mage on my ...

Prototype based language

I am really a big fan of javascript. It is really a great prototype based OOP language. Now I want to learn some other prototype based language. Really really interested in some design guideline i.e How can I manage the code without classes etc. Which language should I choose ? Some resource in design patterns for prototype based languag...

property inheritance

Public class ClassB : ClassA { } public class GeneralClass { public ClassA test { get{} set{} } } public class specificClass :GeneralClass { public ClassB test { get{} set{} } } As you can see the property test is inherited in specificClass from generalClass but here I want to change the type ...

Using a non-thread-safe component with a multithread component (Design)

Design problem : Using a non-thread-safe component (Collection, API, ...) in/with a multithread component ... Example : component1 : A multithread socket server who send messages ... to a message handler component2 : A non-thread-safe message handler who process messages ... from a server My solution : Adding a thread-safe componen...

Saving E-Mails into a Silverlight Application

We have an Silverlight applications for tracking Sales Leads. In this application files can be attached to the Sales Leads using the File Open dialog and a file upload module. This works great. In a perfect world, the client wants to be able to drag and drop e-mails onto the lead in the silverlight application. I know that this is a ...

Alternative to Expression Blend

Hey guys, Is there a free alternative to Expression Blend? I am not able to purchase Expression Blend and am looking for a stand-alone XAML designer that I can use to help me when designing WPF controls. I found apps like Kaxaml but I am looking for something that has drag-drop support so that I can build the control right in the desi...

Cannot Convert Derived Class to Base Class

I am working on a transportation problem and cannot leap this hurdle. I am unable to convert the derived class StopsVisited to its base class Stops. The base class Stops is a collection of Stop. The derived class StopsVisited is a collection of StopVisited. The element StopVisited derives from Stop (definitions not shown). I have a n...

Suggestions for change tolerance

Background:I will be working on tools that will be dependent on a rapidly changing API and rapidly changing data model over which I will have zero control. Data model and API changes are common, the issue here is that my code must continue to work with current and all past versions (ie 100% backwords compatibility) because all will cont...

What is the difference between design and architecture?

What is the difference between design and architecture? ...

client-server design

i want to develop a pretty basic client-server program. one software reads xml (or any data) and send it to the server who in turn will manipulate it a little bit and eventually will write it to the disk. the thing is that if i have many xml files on disk (on my client side), i want to open multiple connection to the server , and not d...