
Looking for a resource which provides django templates

Hello all, I'm pretty handy with django and python but I'm terrible at the "visual" aspect of the web-design. Even after quite a bit of google-ing I haven't been able to find any sort of resource that has download-able templates complete with css, images, etc. that could be used to set up a basic website easily. I'm looking for example...

Creators of C#?

Who are the creators of C#? Of course it is Microsoft but are there any major players that can be mentioned as architects, thinkers etc. behind the scenes? (Besides Gosling and Stroustrup that is...) ...

When I make a Multiselect Form Input Field, should I create a View Controller for this, or is a View just fine?

I'm struggling since a few hours with this design question. In Cocoa for example, a complicated Date Picker is just a View. But it HAS a lot of complicated logic and algorithms to enable picking dates. In this case, I want to create a form element component for multi-selection of objects (i.e. when defining a relationship Users 1:n Pho...

Generaly in database design what is better one table with two references or one table?

Let's say i have people who search for jobs, and i have a list of jobs. So i have two tables: people and jobs. Now i have a list of skills of the person, and i have a list of skills for the job requirement. What is better to have ONE skills table like this: CREATE TABLE skills_reference ( id INT, reference_id INT, -- can reference peop...

What criteria should I take into consideration when allowing users to enter rich text on my website?

I've worked with several different types of "user-generated content" sites: wikis, a message board, blogs... These systems can differ greatly: a blog post editor allows more control over presentation than that for comments on the blog post, a wiki topic editor encourages wiki links over raw URLs, etc. However, one key design decision i...

Getting a business layer to communicate with presentation.

Hey, So I'm working on a small TicTacToe application over the holidays to improve some of my skills. I have a two layered approach right now where there is a project for the presnetation and a project for the business end of the game. My question is what is the best way for the State.cs class to tell the WinUI that we have had nine tu...

Curve endged of div tags using Html and css

Is it possible to bring curve edges to divs using html and css only...without using images. ...

Need file signatures for different database types.

I've been assigned the task of creating an import utility as part of our application, and as part of the requirements, we need to be able to import from as many different file types as possible. For the most part, this is fine, the initial loading of data comes from a component that then passes it up so we can put everything in it's pro...

What's considered to be better design here?

I hope this isn't too subjective. I can't decide between these two design opportunities. I have a Front Controller pattern. When the user surfs to a specific URL, my framework loads a specified View Controller for this URL. The View Controller then calculates some things and loads a View Template, to show the results. Now imagine you ...

Is good code design sometimes a professional vanity ?

I had this discussion with a manager in my company. I tried to explain to him the difference between simply writing code that solves a problem and doing actual engineering work where a modification is thought over in the context of a bigger picture. Now this manager has a BA in CS under his belt, so I was very surprised to encounter such...

Why many popular opensource PHP apps are plain script

This is part observation, part question. First the observation: While everyone talks of modular programming, OOP, procedural done right, aspect oriented, design patterns, etc., several popular opensource PHP apps are plain script files with the structure being controlled by includes and requires. This looked stupid to me till I faced a ...

"Program to an interface". What does it mean?

Hi, I keep coming across this term "Program to an interface" What exactly does it mean? A real life design scenario would be highly appreciated. Thanks ...

Is there any application that shows live changes while you design your Website? (not WYSIWYG)

I think an application like that would make web design faster, providing faster visual feedback. But I don't see many applications like this. Are there big drawbacks for this kind of programs? So basically I would like to know if there is an application that provides live changes like Firebug and coding tools like Notepad++. ...

Design issues - observer,factory, composition and more

Hey, So i need to design something like that : I have a spreadsheet which can contain numerous sheets (maybe of different kinds). each sheet has let's say 1A-9Z cells. in each cell i can have one the above : String, Number, Formula - which means the cell gets an operation like +,-,/,* etc... and cells numbers, and in the cell i have ...

What part of an estimate can reasonably be expected to be done for free?

I have been asked to competitively bid on a software project without getting paid. While the request for quote does include detailed user requirements and an architectural survey there is no architectural or software design included. Each company bidding is expected to propose their own design. Is it reasonable to be expected to discl...

How to handle deletion of many JPA entities which has foreign key relationships

Problem: Entities (say Users) are showed in a paginated fashion in the UI. The UI also shows a checkbox against each entity, so that it is possible for the admin to multi-select users and delete them. It is quite natural that this entity is associated with many other entities via a foreign key relationship (say Purchase Orders created by...

Difference between Template Method (separation) and Strategy pattern?

Hi all. My teacher is a really good one and I tend to understand his points, but this one just goes over my head. He explains Template Method in two variants; - Unification: the standard variant, that is composed of an abstract class with some abstract methods defining the variant parts of the otherwise fixed algorithm. - Separation: his...

Automating Products (with details) Addition

Assume a simple order processing system. A Category is selected, which lists range of products, and when a product is selected, it allows for details about that product to be entered. The details differ for each product. The admin user wants enable adding new products to this system, without the programmer getting involved. The cha...

Loose-coupling patterns for embedded systems programming

Where can I find some good, proven guidelines or examples on writing extensible, modular, loosely-coupled code in C (if possible)? Background of our problem is that we are maintaining large plain C, legacy code project for a low-cost microcontroller with limited computing and memory resources. Due to the fact that the system must be ex...

Who should establish the relationship? The Entity or the Data Mapper?

There are four classes: StudentBase, CourseBase and StudentDataMapper, CourseDataMapper An Student object can have a relationship with an Course object. One Student can have many courses. One course can be visited by many students. In the ER diagram, a Student entity has an attribute called "courses", but a course does not know anyth...