
Design Condiderations for Application Development

Hello, This is theory question but any advice is more than welcome.. When designing OO applications according to many books you should have a class for every table of the database with the fields as class variables.. But when you want to get data for multiple tables and store it in an collection of objects you find out that you need a...

WCF Service design question and a Grid on the client side

I'm thinking about how to design my service, especially the part which will provide data for an gridview on the clien side. The GridView needs this data: -A list of objects -Count of all records The question is: Should I create one method for getting these data which will return an object which would includes the count and the list....

How do you handle these common problems WITHOUT using an ORM and using straight JDBC (or equivalent)?

Wnen using just JDBC, I typically have to think about the following problems. I don't think too hard and just make something work, but I am wondering how people handle these without an ORM or other library. Eager vs Lazy Loading: Do you just have a single domain object and have the dependent children be null and make it the responsibil...

Basic question about OOP

I often have the same trouble when I have to design my class for a web application. The requirements are : - maintainable (no copy-paste for instance) - layers fully separated (the business layer doesn't have to know which method of the data layer is used) - high performance : don't load useless data. First I have a table with all my cu...

Strategy in storing ad-hoc numbers/constants?

I have a need to store a number of ad-hoc figures and constants for calculation. These numbers change periodically but they are different type of values. One might be a balance, a money amount, another might be an interest rate, and yet another might be a ratio of some kind. These numbers are then used in a calculation that involve oth...

WCF Multiple Service Contracts

Hello, I'm brand new to WCF and I was wondering how to architect my design. I want to expose methods for all my domain objects to be able to get and set their properties. I have them all split up into their own interfaces. i.e) public interface IGroupDAO { IEnumerable<Group> FindGroup(string criteria); Group GetGroup(int groupID...

How can I give my web designer my ASP.NET site for him to work on?

Hi all, I've written my ASP.NET app but the design looks poor, what is the best way for me to get a designer to work on the pages and css? I don't want to hand over my VS solution as my web designer wouldn't know where to start, can I hand over the .aspx pages and css files and expect him to manage with them? Any advice welcome. Thank...

Aligning a character to the top of adjacent letters

I wish to align a character in HTML to the tops of the characters next to it. The css vertical-align attribute seems to be what I want, but I'm having some trouble. Using vertical-align: text-top doesn't seem to do what I want, but I thought it should from reading the spec. Currently, I'm using vertical-align: 10% which is a reasonabl...

How do I position a div to upper left of page?

Hey all.. I am struggling with a CSS issue. I have a simple front page that consists of 4 divs. 3 of which are visible. The other is an overlay. <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div id="header">Header</div> <div id="overlay" visible="false"></div> <div id="container">Container</div> <div id="menu"> <input type="text" /> <inp...

Design question in WPF .NET.

Event Management An event is an entity which can be triggered when specified condition is met. User creates an event giving following inputs: Event Name Event Type ( event can be categorized ) Based on event type there is a condition which user has to specify. This condition is a criterion for raising the event. Event has Notification...

How to design a "web spider" with state in Haskell?

I am learning Haskell after years of OOP. I am writing a dumb web spider with few functions and state. I am not sure how to do it right in FP world. In OOP world this spider could be designed like this (by usage): Browser b = new Browser() b.goto(“”) String firstLink = b.getLinks()[0] b.goto(firstLink) print(b....

JQuery Taconite C# helper

I'm writing a helper class to wrap the functionality of JQuery Taconite plugin. The plugin enables you to process multiple DOM updates in a single Ajax call. The class simply enables you to construct the appropriate xml structure that is sent back to the client. I'm trying to wrap this functionality in a fluent interface. The basic exam...

Descriptive label names in a desktop application

I have an application that displays a dialog when the user needs to enter information. The reason for this, is to keep the main form readonly, and only when you need to add/edit data will a dialog appear. The problem I'm wrestling with is what to display for the label names in the dialog. The application is a WPF desktop app and traditi...

Using a "hyperlink" effect in Winforms applications

What do people think about using pretend hyperlinks, in Winforms apps? Example: In my example you would click "into" the Organisation record card for Acme Corp Inc or "into" the details of the next appointment. If we ignore, for the moment, how the user edits the Organisation or adds/removes an appointment, is it a sensible UI in W...

How to design and model a web appication after graphical design?

Hi, I need to develop a complex web application, I have already designed (GUI) all the web pages, and the DB. Now I would like to design the code behind and the actual (decide using a common base class for different pages, using a control or not, etc....). How do you do that? which models do you use (like inheritance diagram, etc...

How would you design a twitter like message system, how to design the messaging system?

If you were to create an application like twitter, how would you go about designing the messaging system? Specifically look for ideas on the basic data model, and how you would write the method that takes the user's tweet and then sends it out to all its followers? example: Tweets ( tweetID, userID, message, datesend) User (userID, .....

Parsing mathematical functions of custom types

I'm about to start developing a sub-component of an application to evaluate math functions with operands of C++ objects. This will be accessed via a user interface to provide drag and drop, feedback of appropriate types followed by an execute button. I'm quite interested in using flex and bison for this having looked at equation parsing...

Book for a Windows Application

Hello everybody. I want to create an small GUI Windows application that looks like all the other usual appz. I am searching for a book that describes the whole procedure. Let's say an address book application that can be have a small database, minimized in the task bar, doing things in the background and so on. I don't care for the l...

What should be my backend?

I am thinking of a side-project to create a web-based notes manager. So the primary data is going to be a few lines of characters and i need a persistent backend for this. I am puzzled if there are any light-weight approach other than databases? Thanks in advance.. ...

Should I put global application details in a static class?

I'm currently maintaining a legacy C++ application which has put all the global application details in a static class, some of the variables stored are: application name registry path version number company name etc.. What is the recommended method for storing and accessing system application details? ...