
PNG vs. GIF vs. JPEG

I'm improving the images of my website and have met a dilemma. I know PNG & GIF are lossless while JPEG is lossy. But what is the main difference between PNG & GIF? Why should I use one and not the other? If I don't care about each and every pixel, should I always use JPEG since it's the lightest? ...

Organizing thousands of images on a server

Hi I'm developing a website which might grow up to a few thousand users, all of which would upload up to ten pictures on the server. I'm wondering what would be the best way of storing pictures. Lets assume that I have, 5000 users with 10 pictures each, which gives us 50 000 pics. (I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to store them in th...

MongoDB Alternative Design

Since it's really not possible to return a single embedded document (yet), what is a good database design alternative? Here is a situation. I have an object First. First has an array of Second objects. Second has an array of Third objects. db.myDb.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("..."), "Seconds" : [ { "Second ...

AMQP client message format

From what I understand of AMQP, "clients" of the message bus can use any format they wish i.e. the fabric is opaque to the client messages. Is it a common practice to include an overhead specifying the protocol format of the messages for a given "exchange"? e.g. have a "\n" terminated first line specifying the protocol MIME-type (XML, ...

A standard document structure for designing software

I am looking for something like this: But in more detail and also if something is an actual standard like ieee or iso? For my requirements, I use Volere template. Thanks, Zahid ...

Parse/regex one field after query using PHP or store segmented data in multiple fields?

Should I plan to parse/regex, for example, an entire url string retrieved from one field of a database table during a while loop of query results using PHP? Or should I store segments of the data (directory, filename, extension) in their own separate fields and concatenate the results during a while loop of query results? Assuming wo...

Save data in bulk.

I have a window having multiple tabs. Each tab having different grids. I want to save all changes on any tab on any grid in bulk. I mean I have one save button which will save all changes in any grid on any tab. I think DataTables will work fine here. Can you suggest me that it is good to use DataTables to ADD/Edit data and save data i...

How do you come up with a UI design layout of a complex application?

Am just wondering how do companies/individuals come up with nice UI design for there complex web applications, eg. Myspace, facebook, linkedin etc. When i say complex i mean, this apps handle many different pieces of information, yet the way they present it to the user is pretty simple and friendly. The only approach i use is to look at...

Whats the best name for a wrapper that provides thread safe adding, removing, iterating over a collection to various objects?

This is a bit of weird scenario. I had a class that was quickly becoming a God class. It was doing WAY too much. Suddenly I had violated SRP. The class was responsible for X and Y and Z, oh and A, and B, don't forget C. So I decided to refactor it. The reason it got this big is because the class does a lot of work with a collection which...

Brain fail in understanding design patterns for designing a Real Time application

I've set myself the task of implementing a real time MIDI application. Like all the other software I've written to date, I began by coding. I implemented a tiny GUI (GTK2) application that can control the transport state of the Jack Audio Connection Kit and its clients. I have never written a real-time application before, and have only ...

Are there any downsides to the singleton pattern?

Possible Duplicates: What is so bad about Singletons Problems with Singleton Pattern Are there any downsides to the singleton pattern? I heard this was an interview question and i am coming up short on what was meant. imho, it's about the usage and nothing in the pattern itself is problematic ...

Client Server Design Question: Maintaining State On Both

Thanks for taking the time to review my question! Let’s assume that there is a web service (restful, SOAP, XML/JSON, what ever you want) and it was a service regarding puppies. A puppy, for the purposes of this question, can have two member variables. The first one is a unique ID of the puppy. The other data member is “number of fleas...

Options for JAXB 2.1 Bindings Customization

I am working on generating Java objects from an XSD file using JAXB 2.1. The XSD file has several elements in it representing business model entities, with common names like Account, etc. The system which is using the generated files to unmarshal the XML has several conflicting class names in its domain model. Though we can use differ...

Consistent appearance for Windows Forms applications

Is there a way to apply consistent visual appearance for multiple Windows Forms applications? So that the same color scheme is used, etc? Or you have to do it manually? (I apologize for this question, but I have googled it without any real answer - a couple of pointers in the right direction or a few links would be enough. I have also s...

Is a DFD a useful tool for looking at a hardware system

Ok I haven't used DFDs (Data Flow Diagrams) since highschool (only 3 years ago though) a DFD is a tool for mapping the flow of data when designeing an information system. It shows how data moves around a system. I'm working on a project and I thought (today, months after the project had stared) that maybe DFD's would be useful. when we ...

good book on Object-oriented analysis and modeling ?

There are some mentioned in here but not directly so Questions should be ok? ...

PHP Foreach Loop Efficiency

Hi All, I am using a foreach loop within PHP similar to this: foreach ($class->getAttributes() as $attribute) { // Work } Concerning efficiency, is it better to have a $attributes = $class->getAttributes(); statement outside the foreach loop and iterate over the $attributes variable? Or is the $class->getAttributes() statement only g...

Using CSS for a multiple-column form

any suggestions on the best way to do a form like that? I'm using tables + input with width: 100%, I know it's probably not the best way (also, for some reason the input width: 100% gets bigger than [td] or [div] (the red border on this image is from a [div][input ...][/div]) thanks ...

Generic business layer design with repository pattern with c# (how)

I am using a repository design with web applications (repository (data layer) exposing model (objects) to the business layer which is then consumed to the data layer (ui). Objects or lists of objects are passed between the layers with this type of implementation. I am finding my business layer is a becoming a series of manager type cla...

Help me with a solution for what could be solutioned by virtual static fields... in FPC

Hi I'm doing an event manager in Freepascal Each event is an object type TEvent (=object), each kind of event must derive from this class. Events are differentiated by an integer identificator, assigned dynamically. The problem is that i want to retrieve the event id of an instance, and i can't do it well. All instances of a class(obj...