
Is this a good architecture / design concept for handling/manipulating file uploads?

Hi folks, I'm looking at adding multi-file uploading to our ASP.NET MVC web application. I am going to use the 3rd Party Multi-File uploader Aurigma to handle the actual uploading. Once each file is 100% received by the web server, it needs to be checked for the following is it an image or video. if it's an image, does it need to be...

Handling many sources of interrupts

Consider that there are 100 plus ways of interrupts occuring from various sensors. There are chances that all can occur at the same time too. How can the software be designed to handle it efficiently ? ...

How should I design a method that allows for optional operations?

For example, suppose I this: class Gundam00 extends Gundam implements MobileSuit { ... public void fight(final List<MobileSuit> mobiruSuitso, final List<Gundam> theOtherDudes, final List<Person> casualities) { .... } } Suppose theOtherDudes and casualities parameters are optional. How can I make this method as cle...

What are some examples of projects have the easiest to use and best looking API documentation?

We're working on a project that requires us to have really easy to use documentation. There is a multitude of posts on Stack Overflow that talk about what makes good documentation, but few about the way it's actually displayed and usability issues. What projects have good examples of typography and design in their documentation? What is...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of CSS variables?

I'm faced with a business requirement that I believe may be solved by implementing CSS variables. Basically, while the front-end developers on this project are in charge of CSS implementation, the designer wants to be able to introduce different "themes" for the site. By swapping one theme for another, a range of changes (such as font-...

Sharing content between business objects and DTOs

All, My typical approach for a medium sized WCF service would be something like: Define the interface using WCF data contracts and service operations. The data contracts would be POCO DTOs with no CRUD or domain logic. Model the domain using fully featured business objects. Provide some mechanism to go from DTO to BO and vice versa (...

Is there a Visio template for Entity Framework data models?

Is there a template in Visio for creating Entity Framework data models? I am specifically lookig for shapes that contain the Entity name, and sections for 'Scalar Properties' and 'Navigation Properties'. Please forgive me if my terminology is incorrect, I am relatively new to Entity Framework. Alternatively, is there another program t...

Why should an API return 'void' ?

When writing an API or reusable object, is there any technical reason why all method calls that return 'void' shouldn't just return 'this' (*this in C++)? For example, using the string class, we can do this kind of thing: string input= ...; string.Join(input.TrimStart().TrimEnd().Split("|"), "-"); but we can't do this: string.Join(i...

Designing a WPF user control with DependencyProperties and a backing object

I have an object in my business layer (let's call it Car for example's sake), and I have created a UserControl (CarIcon). The user control has a property that is a Car object and when the Car object is set it calls a method that configures the various properties of the user control. Now I am rewriting it to use dependency properties so...

C++ program design question

Hello! In couple of recent projects that I took part in I was almost addicted to the following coding pattern: (I'm not sure if there is a proper name for this, but anyway...) Let's say some object is in some determined state and we wan't to change this state from outside. These changes could mean any behaviour, could invoke any algori...

XNA - Creating a lot of particles at the same time

Hello there, time for another XNA question. This time it is purely from a technical design standpoint though. My situation is this: I've created a particle-engine based on GPU-calculations, far from complete but it works. My GPU easily handles 10k particles without breaking a sweat and I wouldn't be surprised if I could add a bunch more...

Design Qn RE: System-wide timer (C#). What timer in what layer?

Hi all, Thanks for taking time to read this question. I am designing a 3-tier solution written in c# that needs to carry out processing every minute. The processing should be initiated at the same time from different unconnected parts of the program. What's the best way to implement a system-wide timer? Should it be in the business ...

Ideas for alternative context menu layouts

I'm trying to, find / come up with, a cool alternative to the old trusty rectangle-list-o-buttons context menu. I have seen some suggesting laying the item out circles in a circle, and they call it a pie-menu. And as you click a circle, it expands to have items around it etc. (

Table design for user's information aswell as login credentials ?

Hi, Initially I would like to ask you to forget about hashing passwords or w/e related to passwords, this question is not related to securing passwords, etc and I do know/understand how this should be done. What is the best approach to store the data in question, considering performance on read/write - to build one or more tables? Sin...

Database Design: Separate Live and Test databases for PHP Website

My organization is rewriting our database-driven website from scratch including a brand new database schema. In the current setup both live and test websites use the exact same database. We would like the next version to have a separate database for both live and test versions of the website. Updating the live version of the database ...

does one need any 'programming aptitude' to become a web-designer ?

It's well-known among teachers that some people can program and some can't. They just don't have mindset for that. In a nut-shell, I want to ask if the same is true about web-design. I have a friend who is a good designer in general and can produce reasonably good-looking sites with WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver. But, since we're star...

What are the open source software that i can use to develop interior design software?

I need to develop an interior designing software :) Much like a virtual room designing software. There will be pre-designed 3D objects and they can dragged on to the room. You can change the room size etc... Much like a conventional home designing software :) After the room is designed i should be able to to make the user walk through...

Separating Logic/Style in PHP properly

Hi Mates, I'm just wondering what is the best way to separate logic components from the layout in a PHP web project? The content is stored in MySQL, the logic is PHP and the templates are HTML/CSS of course. My question is, how to solve this issue best (without using a CMS). greetz, poeschlorn ...

Review of simple gallery method

I wanted to get a code review of my methods for creating a simple list/gallery display in ASP.NET. I am looking for specific ideas on how I might approach this same task differently. My goals are simplicity, rapid development, and ease-of-use. The task: Create a simple image list view (gallery) for a folder in ASP.NET web forms. How I ...

Design problem : Project management

I designing a project management tool, where you can track current status and such. Let's say a typical project flows like: Create Project > Deliver Specs > Approve Specs > Start Development > End Development > Delivered (another flow from Deliver Specs could be > Reject Specs > Rework Specs > Re-deliver Specs) There are many steps in ...