
Designing Membership access rights for an application

What would be the best practices to design a membership based system. Say you have 3 different kinds of membership (Free, Pro, Unlimited) Each of these memberships allow different levels of access within the system. eg:This list is variable and can change overtime as new features are added to the system. Free: Can store 2 Photos,Has ...

Where to define an enum shared by interface and implementation?

I have a project with two namespaces, Interfaces, and Services. Each service implements its corresponding interface. Now I need method declarations to include an enum declared for one service. Which namespace do I put the enum in? If I put it in Services, I need to reference Services in Interfaces, which is just ugly. It would be qu...

Bugfixes for IE6, IE7 - how frequently it should happen?

Hi, The question is quite theoretical. Let's say you're implementing a normal (or small or complex) theme for a website and IE is an important requirement. The question is: how frequent you would do the design fixes for IE (or any other browser that makes you headache)? Just a short of my thoughts to raise the debate: If you're doing i...

design question: posting picture via email to our site

I have a site which allows people to post pictures. I would like to allow people to send an email with an attachment to a specific email address to post the picture to our site and have it associated with the account of the sender. Any ideas on a secure way to do this without asking the user to add a special key to their email - as thi...

what makes website looks more professional or authentic ?

Hi, I am creating a social networking ( yet another ) website targeting specific non-technical audience. How do I make it look/feel more professional ? How do you prepare a website so it feel authentic ? I am looking answer in terms of usability, font selection, colors, navigation, level of ajax, form design, link position, how to...

Designing a complex workflow diagram

We've got a surprisingly complex workflow that needs to be monitored by a quasi-technical employees with an in-house webapp. There's about 30 steps, some of which are manual (editing), some are semi-automated stop points (like "the files have been received" or customer approval of certain templates), and some are completely automated (f...

Use and parse a text file in C# to initialize a component based game model

I have a text file that should initialize my objects, which are built around a component based model, it is my first time trying to use a data driven approach and i'm not sure if i am heading in the right direction here. The file i have currently in mind looks like this EliteGoblin.txt @Goblin.txt [general] hp += 20 strength = 12 de...

Why is programming with objects not considered procedural?

Even though OOP uses objects and data encapsulation, the code still writes out like a procedure. So what makes OOP loose the procedural label? Is it just because it is considered "high-level"? Thank You. ...

OK, so I'm not a beginner anymore. What comes next?

In a certain sense, I'm still very much a beginner, but I don't need to read C++ Primer or Learn C++ in 21 Days, or at least, I only take a peek every now and then for reference's sake. So what is my problem? Basically, I started to write a small game to help my process of learning. Along the way, I've learned most of anything that you ...

Help with proper design for generic Socket Server

Hi Everyone, I've created a generic 'SocketServer' class in java which takes the following arguments: String address, int port, Class socketProtocol, String encryptionType, int backlogSize Basically, I want other developers to be able to instance this class in their projects and set some simple options for encryption, backlog, address,...

Question on Rails Helper classes & modules

So this is a newbie rails design question. Lets say I want some of my common functionality to be sitting in a set of helper classes (either as class methods or instance methods). And I want to use these helper objects inside controller (not view) or even may be a model. can I do that? how? Does it have to be a module or class or can be ...

File transfer with odd requirements : fault tolerant but non-duplicating.

I need to come up with a solution for complicated file transfer. I can do this, but I want to know if anybody knows of an open source solution that already does 90% of what I want to do. The requirements are very odd. Don't try to understand them, they are a hellish mixture of politics, territory, and bureaucracy. I control two serve...

Entity Framework in Layered Architectures

Hello, Recently I've read article "The Entity Framework In Layered Architecture" and there is written we can send EF-entities to client through WCF. But in many threads on Stackoverflow people tell that POCO(DTO)-objects should be used when we use WCF. And I have some questions. Why did Microsoft add DataContract attribute to EF-enti...

In C#/VB, how do YOU determine whether a method is declared normally or as an extension method?

Extension methods are useful for types that you don't own and can't/don't want to derive from and extend (e.g. reference types and interfaces). Obviously, interfaces should be kept as short and to-the-point as possible, so extension methods for interfaces are particularly useful (e.g. LINQ). For classes, especially classes that you own...

How should I structure a website to minimise editing over multiple pages?

I am designing a small website using HTML + JSP. This is my first time using JSP, though previously I have used PHP to make pages. One thing i found was that when i was making separate pages, i was copy + pasting the layout code of the site into each page, and then adding the content. This seems extremely inneficient, and I was wonderin...

Best C++ programming practices in professional game development environments?

I'm well educated in the C++ programming language regarding syntax, STL, etc. I haven't done any true projects with it yet other than some college courses. My goal is to start writing progams but attempt to keep it to industry best practices. One of my main goals is to work in the game industry. A door is opening which lead me to ask the...

Design Help - Object modifies and saves another Object

Hello All, I am having some troubles thinking through a design issue and thought that the community may be able to help point me in the right direction. I am modeling an employee management system for my company and have come to a design question that has me stumped. Here is the scenario: I have an Employee class that employee class ...

A query on how to design a bit of class based code for a text adventure game.

I've been learning C# over the summer and now feel like making a small project out of what I've done so far. I've decided on a sort of text based adventure game. The basic structure of the game will involve having a number of sectors(or rooms). Upon entry into a room, a description will be outputted and a number of actions and such you ...

API of a module in python. In

Hi I have written a python module wich consists of several .py files which contain classes and so on. I want to expose it to client using "Facade" pattern. So I don't want clients learn all internal classes but they only need methods exposed by this API interface. Question is: where do I put this api ? Have I to define a file in...

Confusion about super keyword; Decorator Pattern implemented in Java.

Hi, the above explanation is very nice. However, I am slightly confused by the implementation of Decorator Pattern (DeP) as given in The design for above linked code is given at I am confused...