
Frameworks/templates for web developer

Hi, I'm C/C++, Java developer and now in order to put some variety into my work, I decided to start playing with web development - i'm using django. However, I'm hopeless with graphics and advanced css. I would like to build and ship some apps with elegant and simple design. Are there any frameworks/templates which let me build somethin...

CSS liquid layouts with fixed padding/margins

I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to incorporate pixel width paddings or margins to a fluid column design, without the need for extra html markup. To further illustrate, consider a simple html/css layout like this one: <style> .cont{width:500px;height:200px;border:1px solid black;} .col{float:left;} #foo{background-c...

How do I insert data at the top of a CSV file?

How can I go back to the very beginning of a csv file and add rows? (I'm printing to a CSV file from C using fprintf(). At the end of printing thousands of rows (5 columns) of data, I would like to go back to the top of the file and insert some dynamic header data (based on how things went printing everything). ) Thank You. ...

Service Interface Design - Exception or Object Hierarchy?

I'm currently writing an app that posts some data to a HTML form and parses the resulting HTML response page. Depending on the input my user sends the HTML response can either contain valid payload data or request that the user validate an error in the data they entered. I'm slightly confused as to how to implement the interface for ...

NavigationViewControllers in ipad applications

Are NavigationViewControllers as relevant in ipad applications as in iphone apps, or are they less relevant as the window has place for multiple elements and not strictly a stack? ...

DDD: Address as an aggregate root?

I’m struggling designing this system where an address is the most central piece of information. Now in this case, an address is not just a few lines of strings. We’re storing municipalities (code, name), district (post code, name), streets (code, name), house number on a street in a specific district belonging to a municipal. It's a very...

iPhone Quartz2D render expanding circle

I'm curious as to the 'proper' method for achieving the following functionality using Quarts2D: I want to have a view, and to be able to add a circle at any coordinate. As soon as I add the circle it should expand at a predefined rate; I'd also like to repeat this process and have a number if these expanding circles. Think Missile Comm...

"Test Driven Development" Refactoring Design Complexity

Hi all, I am currently studying test driven development. I am inquiring about an improvement in design if we refactor after the development of every couple of units as opposed to dedicated refactoring sessions that are more spaced apart in time. I am aware that the technical debt will be larger. But I am wondering what other impacts. ...

Table design question

Hi, I am having a problem choosing the variable types for database table. Can someone please give me some general guidelines as to how to choose the types? The following are some of the questions I have -- What should an userid be? An INT seems small as the design should take large number of users into account. So if not INT what el...

What is the best way to work with a user interface/user experience designer on an iPhone app?

I have a friend who is a graphic designer & user experience designer who will be collaborating with me to develop an iPhone app. He does not have previous iPhone experience. What is the best way to work with him on developing the user interface, i.e. custom colors for UITableViews, UIButtons, etc? We've looked into Photoshop mock ups,...

Database design standards

I'm looking for a document/text/book about the database design standards, until now I've found this but it is a custom set of rules about design, I need something like an IEEE standard or such. Thanks in advance. ...

C++ inheritance question

Hello! I have the following problem in application architecture and am willing to solve it (sorry for a lot of text). I am building a game engine prototype and I have base abstract class AbstractRenderer (I will use C++ syntax, but still the problem is general). Assume there are some derived implementations of this renderer, let's say...

How do I insert data into a pre-allocated CSV?

Text file (or CSV) is: Data:,,,,,\n (but with 100 ","s) In C or C++ I would like to open the file and then fill in values between the ",". i.e.- Data:,1,2,3,4,\n I'm guessing that I need some sort of search to find the next comma, insert data, find the next comma insert, etc. I was looking at memchr() for a buffer and...

Searching all execution paths of a codebase to see where "Int.TryParse" is called

I have a system which reads strings from the parameters of a GET request, then parses and sends the data along through a very large and complex codebase, which I can't reasonably wrap my head around. These parameters were originally generated from integers at the client, so at it would have been valid to parse these string parameters int...

Design Question About Converting POCOs From One Layer Into POCOs In Another Layer

I have a layer of business-level objects and a layer of contract-level objects in a WCF service application. The business layer objects I'm referring to are just entity or POCO objects that I'm using to hold data. The contract-level objects I'm referring to are the objects that make up the WSDL my clients see (also POCOs). When I return...

Business objects built up directly from a database query

...What is it called? More elaborate: For my application I created a nice business model to work with as in-memory objects. It's storage and view agnostic. Now, for the storage layer, there's a database: I'll construct SQL queries (the fewer the better) that selects/joins etc. all data I need from the relevant tables. A kind of "middle ...

Design choices for high performance file serving

I'm developing an application under linux that will need to support around 250 connections and be transmitting large files over TCP sockets in the 100MB+ size range. The aim is to tune for throughput rather than latency. I want to keep saturated 2x1Gbit ethernet connectons at all times. These will be channel bonded. It's expected tha...

ASP.NET Chart Control Formatting

I need help trying to style the chart control. I have a doughnut chart that I need to style: The background of the doughnut to be transparent so the underlying gradient shows through. I'd like to move the legend to the bottom below the chart ... that way I can make a tall/thin chart This is what it currently looks like. And I...

Design to reduce code redundancy - Java/WebServices

Hi All, Scenario: I'm working on a web services project. It supports SOAP and REST. The SOAP request and response are handled by XmlObjects. The REST architectures uses plain POJO's for request and Response. I have a common controller to handle the request from SOAP and REST. This controller understands a common object (Request Object)....

abstract factory design pattern c#

Hi I am new to design pattern and apologize if this question is creating any confusion although i am trying to describe the issue in best possible way.I have implemented sample abstract factory pattern in winforms. Front end contains two check boxes to create the objects. Note: If both the check box are checked, both the objects are crea...