
Empty method in an abstract class

I have just installed PMD to analyze my Java project. Really nice tool, highly recommended. Anyways, I got a few errors saying: "An empty method in an abstract class should be abstract instead" I checked out PMD documentation and the explanation says: as developer may rely on this empty implementation rather than code the app...

Where do you store long/complete queries used in code?

Here's my situation. I've noticed that code gets harder to maintain when you keep embedding queries in every function that will use them. Some queries tend to grow very fast and tend to lose readability after concatenating every line. Another issue that comes with all of the concatenation is when you must test a specific query and paste ...

Styling UITableViewCells with gradient backgrounds

Hi folks, I've been looking for ways to improve the overall attractiveness of my iPhone applications. A majority of the functionality happens in UITableView. I think I can start by adding subtle gradients to UITableViewCells, as that seems to improve the feel of the app by an order of magnitude. Selecting the appropriate fonts/sizes hel...

Why would I want to use RIA Services Shared Code?

In .NET RIA Services you can write code on the server with a suffix of .shared.cs or .shared.vb and it will be available for you on the client. My question is why would I want this? Assuming that I use a DomainModel with proper business objects and a ViewModel wouldn't all the code I would need reside in those classes? This looks like ...

Dummy Item in ComboBox

I've reached the time for a design decision on how to indicate 'none selected' in a data bound ComboBox. I wish to apply this to all future occurrences where a ComboBox needs this. One cannot set SelectedIndex to -1 on data bound combos, nor can one set SelectedValue to null. Commonly suggested solutions are to add a dummy row to the ...

Tracing Designs - Screen to Database Traceability

This is vaguely related to: Should I design the application or model (database) first? Design from the database first through to UI or t’other way round? But my question is more about modeling and artifacts and less about the right way to do design. I'm trying to figure out what sort of design artifact would best enunciate the link ...

Why ActiveMQ, as opposed to a simple Queue/Mutex?

Tomorrow I am presenting my rationale for choosing an in-process message queue implementation, and I'm unable to articulate my reasoning. My co-designers are proposing that we implement a simple asynchronous queue using just a basic list of jobs and a mutex to control access, where I'm suggesting ActiveMQ in embedded mode. I've persona...

Asking for Programmer Input?

When designing a system for programming use, and you want to query a large group, is there a better option than just asking Stack Overflow or any other large programming community? ...

What is the right solution for a high-availability authorization service?

I work for a software shop, which has an in house predictive dialer product, and we need to implement a solution to obey to the DO-NOT-CALL lists. Basically, I have a database with the customers/prospective customers that I need to call, and another database with the phone numbers I can't call. As the system is a predictive dialer, bas...

Horizontal Rule: Good or Bad design decision

I have a custom control I built that contains a list of items to be selected. I was concerned that these items would run together seeing as how there can be many different types of actions in this list. Create Edit View So I made the ability to separate these into groups by using a horizontal rule. Someone I work with thinks that h...

Database - Data Versioning

I've read a few questions on SO (such as this one) in regards to versioning your data within a database. I liked some of the suggestions that were mentioned. I have for the longest time wanted (needed) to revision many of my tables but never got around to it. Being a programmer with only simple database work under my belt I was wonder...

Architecture for a machine database

This might be more of a question but a) it doesn't exist yet and b) I need more rep for when it does :~) My employer has a few hundred servers (all *NIX) spread across several locations. As I suspect is common we don't really know how many servers we have: more than once I've been surprised to find a server that's been u...

Assigning new object values from another object

I have an ObjectA whose property values will always be assigned to another object's (ObjectB) properites. What I have been doing is to have a service class instantiate the receiveing ObjectB and then assign the values to the new object from ObjectA. Should I instead be sending the entire objectA directly to Object B in a setter parameter...

Best Relational DataBase Representation Of Time Bound Hierarchies

What in everyone's opinion is the best representation for a time-bound hierarchy in SQL? What I mean by this is: - On any given date you have a normal tree hierarchy - This hierarchy can change from day to date - Each child still only has one parent on any given date Day 1... Business | |-Joe | |-Happy | |-Sneezy | |-Doc(*) ...

Software developer with poor design skills -- where to turn?

I am software developer who is inept at UI / Website design. Could someone recommend me an online company that can help me build a usable web interface (CSS / images and layout) and then I will build the rest? I know there a plenty of books that would help but I would rather someone with a great deal of experience in this field to help m...

How to make this Matrix class easier to use in the debugger

I've written a C++ matrix template class. It's parameterized by its dimensions and by its datatype: template<int NRows, int NCols, typename T> struct Mat { typedef Mat<NRows, NCols, T> MyType; typedef T value_type; typedef const T *const_iterator; typedef T *iterator; enum { NumRows = NRows }; enum { NumCols = ...

Class design: public constuctor or private with static factory and a COM object.

Hi all, I am having a little bit a class design issue. I will outline the three patterns I am considering. Example 1: Class MyObject { public MyObject(IWrapper wrapper,string name) {//set properties.} public Void Declare() { //Some COM stuff with IWrapper } } Use: MyObject testobj = new MyObject(fake...

Implementing Audit Trail- Spring AOP vs.Hibernate Interceptor vs DB Trigger

I found couple of discussion threads on this- but nothing which brought a comparison of all three mechanism under one thread. So here is my question... I need to audit DB changes- insert\updates\deletes to business objects. I can think of three ways to do this 1) DB Triggers 2) Hibernate interceptors 3) Spring AOP (This question i...

Retrieve Saved Settings from DB in Constructor or Method?

I recently inherited a project that includes and assessment portion, where you are asked a series of T/F questions and the responses are saved to a database. The requirements have now changed and I need to retrieve those answers later in the process. In other places in this project the classes have a call to a data access object (DAO) ...

Where can I learn about proper C# project architecture design?

I'm a homegrown programmer and have been coding most of my recent applications in C#. These applications are usually small tools that help me with my day to day tasks. I do tend to use good design patterns, but since my projects are usually on a very small scale, I just dump everything into one Visual Studio project (GUI, domain code, et...