
Building an Aircraft using Agile?

Developers can learn a lot from other industries. As a thought exercise, is it possible to build a passenger aircraft using agile techniques? Forgetting cost for now; how feasible is it to use iterative and incremental development for both the hardware (fuselage, wings, etc) as well as software, and still come out with a working and saf...

UI Pattern

I have a repeating User interface pattern in my application. An example is collection of 5 years address data. I need to collect data for 5 years and then move on. Can anyone point me to any good UI design sites to achieve this sort of functionality.At the moment I have a Form view at the top and the details view at the bottom which is c...

Is this bad design?

I have a control and it provides a selection mechanism. However, the items that it selects are not appropriate for general consumption and instead, must be projected into a different type parameterised by date. In addition to this, there are some controls that want to encapsulate the same information and, more importantly, want to retai...

Is this design for data validation on a class a good idea?

Hello! I've got this class, let's call it Refund (because that's what it's called). I want to validate some things about this Refund and the Customer it's attached to, and I want to make these validations re-orderable, because the first one that trips will be stored as the reject reason on the Refund, and also some of them are likely to...

Preferred way to build gui components tree

What is the preferred way to build application gui components tree? Instantiate all components and build an entire tree, controlling it with show/hide/disable/enable operations on user events. Dynamically creating gui with create/add/remove components based on user events. I'm especially interested with this design problem in JavaFX....

Software Design Implementation - Issue/Module/Bug/Feature Tracking Solution

The company is growing and we're starting to implement more and more complex software designs. I feel a need for some tracking software... I just don't know if it exists. I currently maintain a Google Doc Folder (shared by our 3 developers) with a well-organized doc for each module. A doc is also created per major upgrade to a module o...

Drupal MySql database design question

I was just looking at the MySql database created by drupal after I installed it. All the tables are in MyISAM. With a complex software like drupal, wouldn't it make more sense to use foreign keys and hence InnoDB tables to enforce referential integrity? Without foreign keys all the constraint checking will happen at the PHP end. ...

Positioning elements in 2D space with OpenGL ES

In my spare time I like to play around with game development on the iPhone with OpenGL ES. I'm throwing together a small 2D side-scroller demo for fun, and I'm relatively new to OpenGL, and I wanted to get some more experienced developers' input on this. So here is my question: does it make sense to specify the vertices of each 2D eleme...

Application Strangler Pattern Experiences & Thoughts

Just recently I came over an idea called the Application Strangler Pattern. As I understand it it is a solution to the problem with large legacy systems. The idea is to create a new application around the old application. The cost and risk of this will be much less than a complete rewrite of the system. Slowly, over time, the new applica...

PHP solution for creating a list of static value objects

I have a configurable report. For each field that can be included on the report, there's a key (stored in report preferences), a label, potentially an access level, and a SQL descriptor -- something like foo as my_foo. In a Java app, I would create a class called ReportField with each of the properties listed above. I'd use a private c...

DataContracts with behavior.

How bad is it? I have read countless articles and never created abstract DataContracts with behavior before, but it seems that doing so will solve an issue I am having that will prevent me from creating factories everywhere to determine a subclass implementation. My question is, will I be punished if I decide to add behavior to my data c...

IDataErrorInfo and the property validation of an object

Since I am trying to learn WPF I see more and more the use of the interface IDataErrorInfo to bind the error to the interface. My problem is that I usually put the validation of the data in the setter of the property and not in a method like IDataErrorInfo.this[string columnName]... Here is a blog I have found that have make me confuse. ...

How does Web Design differ for SAAS over traditional websites?

Looking for guidance on how UI design differs for multitenant applications. Pointers to whitepapers and blog entries greatly appreciated. ...

What software exists for creating visual sitemaps?

What software is there for creating visual sitemaps? I know of Visio, but that's not that intuitive to use, and Omnigraffle, but that's mac only. Is there any other software that is specifically for creating sitemaps? ...

How Can I Know when a User Reads an Important Email Notice?

Our company frequently issues important notices via e-mail as do many other companies do I'm sure. Our management team has turned to us to see if there is any way of knowing when a user reads this important information. I realize forcing a read receipt via e-mail is not reliable at all, so we are trying to explore other options availab...

Bar graphs on a website

I'm by no means a web designer, so I'd like as detailed help as you're willing to give. I'd like to make a website that that tracks some data I enter using a bar graph from 0-100%. I'd enter the maximum number the graph could go to and then some data point would be updated occasionally, which the completion bar graph would reflect. How...

Facebook update like feature.

I want to implement a Facebook updates(user action and notifications) on my web application as well. I am using LAMP. Should I make a db table where I store duplicate data or should I make calls to different tables to show user his updates. Is there a better way to do this. For Example: When someone comments on user's profile then that...

Bad idea to have the same object, have a different side effect after method call.

Hi all, I'm having a bit of a gesign issue(again). Say I have this Buttonpad object: now this object is a wrapper object over one in a com object. At the moment it has a method on it called CreateInto(IComObject). Now to make a new button pad in the Com Object. You do: ButtonPad pad = new ButtonPad(); pad.Title = "Hello"; ...

book that goes over loosely coupled oop designs like IOC etc.

Hi, Are there any books focused on the current trends of design? like IOC, lously coupled architectures etc.? I'm not sure if these are pure design patters per say... (C# preferred but not really a big deal) ...

Database design: Store data from paper forms in database

Database design question for y'all. I have a form (like, the paper kind) that has several entry points for data. This form has changed, and is expected to change over years. It is being turned into a computer app, so that we can, among other things, quit wasting paper. (And minor things, like have all the data in one central store that c...