
Full-bleed background videos?

I'm wondering if anyone has thought about or come across any realistic methods for providing a full bleed background VIDEO to a site, without resulting in the site being dead slow. Ideally I don't want to have to use Flash. And By full bleed I mean from edge to edge of the screen, like a desktop wallpaper. ...

Deployment: GWT vs. Silverlight

I'm in the early planning phase for a project and determining whether to use Silverlight or the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). There are obviously a lot of things to consider, but this question is specifically concerning deployment. This application is intended for intranets; i.e. it is not a hosted website and is intended to be deployed at...

Which C# data structure to use for my problem

I was just wondering what do you guys think would be the best c# data structure for problem like this. So I will have an array of keys, and for each key array of arrays. Sounds complicated does it :) Anyway the simplest solution that comes to my mind, note that I never did any formal c# training. It was more I am C++ programmer and the...

Object Model Authorization - OO Design Question

Background Each Project has one Account it is associated with. Each User can have permission to access zero to many Accounts. This in turn means that each User can only access a sub-set of Projects based on the User's Account permissions. The User object is loaded up when the user signs in to the application, and Account permissions are...

When to use private members - when to pass as function/method parameter

I often found myself when writing a new class that inside a class I pass a parameter inside of many private methods. On the other side I also create sometime private members and just use them in one method. So my question is "After which rules do you create a private member and when you don't and pass the variable from private method to...

trying to understand ebay's schema

I want to build a site similar to ebay (a mini version of it, using a LAMP stack as the basic setup I guess or maybe you guys will suggest something else) and I'm wondering how they built their system. The part I don't understand the most is how they manage their categories. They have one search code and probably one code for posting ite...

Why are empty catch blocks a bad idea?

Hi, I've just seen a question on try-catch, which people (including Jon Skeet) say empty catch blocks are a really bad idea? Why this? Is there no situation where an empty catch is not a wrong design decision? I mean, for instance, sometimes you want to get some additional info from somewhere (webservice, database) and you really don't ...

Any good methods to evaluate a design before any code is implemented?

Are there any heuristic methods out there used to figure out if there are flaws in a design? Or is it pretty much a subjective skill that comes with experience? Often I see engineers go for the first design that comes to their head and then adjust according to the results, this gets the job done, but it's time consuming. I'd like to know...

Coming from web development, how do I approach desktop app usability/design?

When developing a desktop application that has several groups of equally important data and operations, how do you tackle the user interface design? Most of the web-based apps I've developed have a simple home page with links to each service the app offers. Most of those pages contain lists of items in a database which you can drill dow...

Design advice for a personal project - "Files Renamer"?

hello, i've just started learning winapis and c++ programming .. i was thinking about starting a personal project (to enhance my coding, and to help me understand the winapis better).. and i've decided to program a "cmd" files renamer, that basically takes : 1)a path 2)a keyword 3)the desiered formate 4)versioned or not (or numbere...

How can I make my code survive? (anti software rot)

Hi, looking back at my programming career. I have made a lot of things. But unfortunately, a lot of it doesn't work anymore. Getting the code to recompile, turns out to be tricky as well: Libraries are outdated (don't work anymore, updated to newer versions which are incompatible with versions 5 versions back) OS incompatibilites ha...

CSS: Fixed background images taller than the browser viewport

I've got a large photo (940x1210) as the background image for a #page div which wraps around all the content on a site. Since the photo is a headshot, it looks pretty silly tiled, so I've set it not to repeat, and positioned it at 0,0. When the content enclosed by #page is taller than 1210px and the background image is set to scroll, t...

Blocking IO vs non-blocking IO; looking for good articles

Once upon a time I bumped into Introduction to Indy article and can't stop thinking about blocking vs non-blocking IO ever since then. Looking for some good articles describing what are pros and cons of blocking IO and non-blocking IO and how to design your application in each case to get natural, easy to understand and easy to maintain...

What's the effective technology to use for a slick UI in an ASP.NET application?

We are planning to extend an existing ASP.NET application (a real huge one) to have a slicker UI. One of the requiremnents is to have a way to execute server side code without a postback (As an example, say a user clicks on a link or hovers on a link, a popup comes up which executes server side code or makes calls to the database) We pl...

What is a good tool to create a Website Architecture?

We use Balsamiq Mockup to create our website wireframes. After we have that approved we switch to visio to create site architecture. Is there any other tools to record architecture and be able to post functionality later in the process. I was looking into the following SO question, but we are looking for a tool that will allow us to s...

How can I create a fluent interface for defining Dialog Boxes?

I am looking for examples and experience of using fluent interface to define simple Dialog Boxes (and other UI elements). (I may need to add support for custom Dialog Boxes to an in-house programming language and I think a fluent interface may be the best way of doing it) The UI system will be build on Winforms OR WPF if that effects ...

Best way to notify observers in MVC?

Say you have 5 or 6 variables in the model which a certain View is interested in, do you write different functions for each, such as int a; int b; int c; void setA( newA ) { a = newA; notifyAObservers(); } void setB( newB ) { b = newB; notifyBObservers(); } void setC( newC ) { b = newC; notifyCObservers(); } Or do...

Sifr Horizontal Menu with LI

Hello, I am designing a very simple horizontal menu with sIFR and CSS list. The thing about it is that it assigns a certain width to it that makes texts of different widths´ spacing look weird on screen. I´ve seen a default width and height of a certain amount, but what I need is to make it so that the flash is exactly the size of the ...

Since IPv6 Is Going To Replace IPv4,Should I Develop My New Application To Support It?

I develop applications using many languages, and a few platforms. From what I am reading IPv6 is going to be mainstream within then next 5-10 years, and that some ISP's even offer direct connection to the IPv6 internet. On my private network - all the machines have dual stacks and communicate with each other using ipv6 when possible. My...

Sharing data between event handlers?

I'm in a situation where I'd like to send a an object out to multiple even handlers, but have certain ones use data produced by other handlers. This sounds pretty unclear - reading it myself I don't think I'd get what I was talking about - so I'll give an example. Let's say I've got the following: interface ChangeListener { public a...