
Tag, comment, rating, etc. database design

I want to implement modules such as comment, rating, tag, etc. to my entities. What I thought was: comments_table -> comment_id, comment_text entity1 -> entitity1_id, entity1_text entity2 -> entitity2_id, entity2_text entity1_comments -> entity1_id, comment_id entity2_comments -> entity2_id, comment_id .... Is this approach correc...

Develop a network layer protocol in C

I wish to develop a custom network layer protocol. I suppose it can be done using C. Can any one suggest how to begin with. Any references or sample code would be of great help. ...

Dealing with the "double margin" problem between GUI elements

While creating GUIs I've come across the "double margin" problem several times, where two elements have the same margin defined and end up being spaced twice as far apart as I intended. One solution I use is to define the margin on only some sides of the element (for example, only on the top if I expect elements to be stacked vertically...

Alternative design pattern to Observer for .Net

I was initially going to implement an observer pattern in C# 3.0 to solve my problem although it wouldn't be implement exactly in the same way. My problem is that I have a web application with users who can post messages. Notifications do not go directly to other users but to a distributed cache where a statistics objects are updated an...

Is there a Firefox addon or a method for viewing an image behind my web design?

i have a design that was done in illustrator and i exported it out as an image. i want to be able to have the image as a background and faded out. so while i do the html and css i can position everything exactly as the image has stated. i tried setting the image as a background and trying it like that but the background interferes with ...

How to design my solution

Hello, I am writing a web application which will include several parts - interactive calendar, todo list, managing finances,... How should I design my solution? I thought something like this: each part has 3 projects (main project, DAL, BLL). So in my case I would have 9 projects in my solution: List item Calendar CalendarDAL Calen...

Database naming of columns with PII and sensitive information

I am working with database tables that contains PII and sensitive information. Some of the data is PII and company sensitive information. The design document may not always be available to the developer especially when the data is being exposed by a view outside of the database (Oracle database link) to another program. Is there good n...

Where to find UI examples

Programmers usually don't pay much attention to user interfaces and focus more on functionalities but users first judge the product by its appearance so it is necessary to make nice user interface for web, desktop and mobile apps. Personally I don't like to spend much time for user interface design and sometimes try to look for some exa...

Web interface for an existing WinForms/SQL Server application, data access

Hi, I'd like to get some suggestions about the following scenario. I have a WinForms application which connects to a SQL Sever 2005 (Express) database hosted in a server located in the same LAN than the clients. Now I need to provide a web interface for intranet/internet usage. I think that the Intranet part won't be a problem because ...

Architecture Design for DataInterface - remove switch on type

I am developing a project that calculates various factors for a configuration of components. The configuration is set/changed by the user at runtime. I have a Component base class and all configuration items are derived from it. The information for each component is retrieved from data storage as and when it is required. So that the sto...

Backoffice and Frontoffice to separate projects

I'm building a project using mvc framework. I'm at a point where i need to decide if I should separate frontend and backoffice to two mvc applications This is to make my solution tidy and well structured. But at the same time I don't want to increase maintenance on the long run. Can you please share with me your experience on the lon...

When not to use pop ups?

I remember reading an article about when to use and when not to use pop ups (javascript alerts, pop up windows, etc.) in web development, but I can't find it anywhere. I thought the general rule was something along the lines of "if it's annoying to the user, don't use it." What's the common consensus on this? ...

Application Design Guidelines references / books

This book is an excellent reference for framework design guidelines; how much of it should one use when designing / implementing a system? Or should just relying on FxCop/SyleCop be enough? Any references to books, blogs, etc are appreciated. ...

Is this an invalid linq-to-sql detached design?

Consider the following: I have a high level component that deals with detached Linq to Sql entities. We'll call them Foo and Prop, where a single Foo may be associated with many Prop, but every Prop is always associated with exactly one Foo. So: +------+ 1 0..n +------+ | Foo |-----------| Prop | +------+ +------+ Ver...

Does this belong in the database or in the code?

I have a database that contains a table of deposits (security deposits, pet deposits, etc) and in certain cases these deposits need to be reduced, i.e. someone purchases supplemental insurance. Should I have a table called say, alter_deposits, that will contain the conditions for reduction as well as the amount or is this something that ...

Enterprise web site design help

I am a back-end developer new new to web design. What are some good, online resources for getting started with web site design? Most of the available online site templates have been unsatisfying. Any help on where to get started would be appreciated. Related Learning Design for UI and Website Design ...

Requirements and technical design as a single effort?

I've been working on a large, multi-year project as a web architect. So far, my responsibility has been to take requirements documentation provided by the customer's analyst and translate them into technical design documentation. The 'powers that be' suggest that I take over the requirements documentation and combine them with my effor...

Good blogs/articles/ books on building highly scalable systems?

Any good blogs/articles/ books on designing highly scalable systems? Good source code for studying would help a lot too. ...

how to split the view to modules in m-v-vm

i want to split my views project into sereveral modules. i wanna have a main project that willl have ref to all modules and this main project will generate the view from the modules. my question is how can i bind all the styles from the application to the other modules? will it automatically recognize them? and how will the view model...

Book on Java axioms

In this interview, Dan Pritchett mentions a book on Java Axioms, but he can't remember the name. Anybody know which one he's talking about? ...