
Programming Books

I am wanting to purchase some books to get me started in game development. I was hoping that I could find some books that were actually used at game programming colleges but cant seem to find a place to find them. If anyone attends a game programming college and can provide me with the books required to take the courses that would be gre...

How to stay tuned with the latest technology of web, desktop and mobile development?

There are so much new things going on in the era of Internet and I wonder how you guys are staying updated in this area. Do you have good links, yearly conferences, blogs, twitter profiles, irc channels, mailing lists etc to share? I want to stay tuned too! ...

What are the things necessary to become good technical architect

Hi, I was just curious to know about how to become a good technical architect Or what are the things makes a Developer good architect. Please share your insights and articles. ...

Scrum Taskboard - can the tasks change?

Hi, The company I work for is currently looking to move from traditional waterfall into Scrum for development. We are in the process of slowly adopting what practices we can without fully making the move (we still have much to learn before we can fully move on over!). One of the things we want to implement now, before making the full s...

Plugin Development

I am gonna develop a plugin for winamp specially for lyrics. So i have downloaded the winamp SDK and jd3lib for id3 extraction for songs. But i am little bit confused of how to get the lyrics for that particular song which would i select for as i don't want to use any database for the lyrics storage rather than i prefer to use some free ...

Programming on the iPhone on windows/linux?

I really, really want to program this application I have onto my iPhone/iPod Touch but I don't have a Mac. I have heard of DragonFireSDK but don't have enough money for the program(does anyone have a beta/trial version of the program?). Please Help. I have ubuntu linux & windows 7 installed. ...

How can i set the name of IE Extension (BHO In IE)

How Can i Set the Name of the BHO appear in IE Extension (e.g Manage Addons).. The Name that Appear in the Internet Explorer Addons list is the Namespace of my program when i attach it with regasm.exe. how can i set the name of that.?... Thanks. ...

ASP.NET Applications - Development with thunder fast speed

. Dear All, We are working on ASP.NET applications development (in different domains). Management is expecting the applications development with thunder fast speed. They are not much bothered about the code quality. So in this case, could any paid/free software/plug-ins/modules can help us? If so, could you please pr...

How to do database unit testing?

I have heard that when developing application which uses a database you should do database unit testing. What are the best practices in database unit testing? What are the primary concerns when doing db unit testing and how to do it "right"? ...

iPhone view won't rotate

Hi, This is a continuation from a previous question that I asked: I am now using the following method to switch between views: UIWindow *window = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; [window setRootViewController:[self gameViewController]]; [[[self gameViewContr...

static pages that dont break?

Hi I want to do a fixed size page, but don't want the page to break or reflow at all if the user resizes the window. Is this a javascript function? sample: ...

How to become a master of software development

How to become a master of software development? ...

What version of Android should I develop for ?

How should I make the choice ? What are the parameters I should take into account ? ...

Android Development: Using Image From Assets In A WebView's HTML

Hello, In my app I'm making a basic HTML help document. I wanted my app's logo in the HTML img tag itself, but I don't know how I'd reference to the logo which will be stored in assets. Is this possible, if so how? Thanks for the help! ...

How do I convert Rd files to pdf for a package that I am creating in R?

Hello, I am writing a package in R and I would appreciate some example bash code to process the Rd files to latex and then to pdf. It is in the directory ~/mypkg/dev/. I have generated the file structure and Rd templates. from ~/mypkg/dev/man, I have tried R CMD Rdconv -o mypkg-package.tex --type=latex mypkg-package.Rd mypkg-pack...

Can you help me fix the exception/error message handling in my control architecture script?

Can you help me fix the exception/error message handling in my control architecture script? First, let me post the actual script... Note: some of the code's indentation is a bit off, but I am uncertain how to fix it. I apologize. class FrontController extends ActionController { //Declaring variable(s) private static $instance; pro...

How do I read args passed to the constructor and args passed by `use Module` in Perl?

Currently I am making a new module and I was wondering how could I implement in my module 2 things. We often see the use like: use My::Module qw(something); for example: use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); So the first question is, how do i retrieve this, i mean wether the user has specified anything and what he specified ? Second...

How do I start contributing to GNOME?

Hello. How do I start contributing to GNOME? I can program in C++ and Python, but have never touched C. I am not familiar with GTK even. To be honest, I have no idea how GNOME works. All I have is a deep desire to somehow contribute to it. Where do you recommend do I start? Any tutorial, mailing list or anything. I am ready to do th...

iPhone dev mail, contacts, calendar settings

Hi, I need to access a "Sort Order" and "Display Order" preferences under Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendar. Is there any example how to do that? Thank you /Alex ...

Android - Learning Java

Hello out there.. I want to find some resources about java programming for android. I have a little knowledge on java programming so the guide have to begin from novice. In other words i need a tutorial/ebook to learn java programming that i can use latter for android development. Can you suggest me something that you have read or you...