
How can I make an inner div trigger a drag effect on an outer div using Jquery?

Hi, I want to use an inner div to drag around an outer div, for example: <div id="outerDiv" style="height:300px; width:200px;"> <div id="innerDiv" style="height:10px; width:200px;"></div> </div> If this is my code, assuming the proper JQuery plugins are attached to use draggable, etc... How can I make it so that when the user cl...

Jquery and javascript height different to div

I have a contianer div around all the content in the site that dynamically streches, have also got severall other divs that strech (all using the same method as 20 other sites I have). Not matter what method is use with jqueyr or javascript to get the height of the container, javascript and jquery seem to return a value bigger that heig...

Problem with HTML DIV style-padding

<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <div style="padding: 0px 45px 0px 45px"> <asp:FormView ID="fvAccounts" runat="server" DataKeyNames="AccountId" DataSourceID="edsAccounts" EnableModelValidation="True" Width="100%"> <EditItemTemplate> <%-- continuing --%> I want the FormView to be 45px (hippos :P) away from th...

Show a link with div php mysql jQuery

I have a link that says remove I have hidden the like by < div id="remove_$id" style="display:none">< /div> and then i want to be able to roll over a < tr id="$id" > and then remove comes up only for that id and when you roll off it the remove will be hidden I cant get the jquery code right for it to work Can some one help me please ...

How to refresh <DIV>

How to refresh the auto refresh div inside the div theres is php The following code dont work? var refresh = setInterval(function() { $("#recent_activity").html(); }, 1); ...

A Selection Problem About Jquery

In the code below, when I click lnkSecc, I want checkboxes under the first div coming after lnkSecc which id is Grup to be selected. How can I do it? <td>Sipariş</td><td> <a href="#" id="lnkSecc" onclick="javascript:SelectSubCheckboxes(this);" >Seç/Kaldır</a> </td><td> <div id="Grup"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" rules="all"...

For a left navigation panel with Ajax, should I use HTML frames or a DIV?

I was going to have a left navigation panel which uses an ajax request to change the contents of the center panel of the HTML. Should I use HTML frames or simply a "sidebar" DIV? Does it matter? ...

correct way to align a nested div?

Hi .. Can anyone tell me the best way to position a nested div over the current div.. basically got 2 divs ... outer and inner.. the inner needs to be 20 pixels in and 20 pixels down form the current.. I have <div> <div> </div> </div> I tried setting the inner div to relative and top 20px and left 20px and it seemed...

How to make infinite movement of a div?

I am trying to make a webpage that uses a moving div that slowly moves to the left. There is also another div that moves on top of it to the right that gives a 3D effect (but that's beside the point). What I am trying to do right now has made a 7000px wide div that slowly moves to the left (animating the "right" property of CSS with jQu...

Push vertically resizable Div to bottom of wrapper. How?

First of all, hello all. This problem is driving me to insanity so I hope for a simple solution Here is an image of what I wanted originally. But I didnt want to use hacks to get Box 1 and (Box 2+Box 3) to expand with each other. So I will just use a background color on the wrapper instead so its not noticeable that they have differe...

Having Trouble with Repeating Images

Working on a site that is just HTML and CSS. I am quite new with this. I have a header, body and footer that I would like to repeat to fill up the page. Think envato.com. Here is some sample code I have so far. CSS: .blkside { z-index:99; background-image: url(/images/blkside.jpg); background-repeat: repeat-x; top:0px; right:85px; pos...

HTML Div height problem

I have two div element in my page aligned vertically. content of one div is fixed, but the content of other div varies so its height. i want to make both the div of same height. how can i do that?? ...

The second floating div in chrome clears down before first div.

Two divs are next to eachother, both floating left within a wrapper. In IE and firefox they appear correctly, but in Chrome, the 2nd floating div clears down below Div A. When I remove "float:left" in the css, it goes to the correct position in Chrome, but clears down in IE and firefox (as it should). I dont know why it is appearing this...

CSS: How to render div as 100% of parent not child

Hey all, I am trying to create a scollable panel within a table cell. What I would like is for the div to be as wide as the table cell and then render scrollbars for the content. When I try the following the div sets its width to 100% of the contained span tag not the cell <table cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center" border="0"...

Div Alignment FireFox, IE7, IE6

I am having problems aligning a couple divs in IE6, IE7, IE8 and Firfox 3. They all don't render correct what IE8 and Firefox like the rest don't. Is it possible to do this via floats and clears.. they dont need to have any spacing between them, I just drew it this way.... Also, the div's should be fixed widths. ...

HTML: split a parent div "fluidly"

I'm wondering how to make two child divs share a parent div. I want the left column to contain text from a database (one word). This could be 1-10 letters long. Since I want the left columns width to fit the word perfectly, I don't give it a set width. Then, I was trying to have the right column fill the remaining space. Is there an e...

How to get Floating DIVs inside fixed-width DIV to continue horizontally?

I have a container DIV with a fixed height and width (275x1000px). In this DIV I want to put multiple floating DIVs each with a width of 300px, and have a horizontal (x-axis) scrollbar appear to allow the user to scroll left and right to view everything. This is my CSS so far: div#container { height: 275px; width: 1000px; ...

Scrolling divs "left and right" and "up and down" using jQuery

Hi guys, I'm working on www.alwaystwisted.com. The page has 4 divs that scroll via the main links down or up depending on what div you're on. I need this to work within the div, but left or right depending on what div you're on. I can't work it out and it's frying my brain. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function()...

position a div to the right of a centered div?

I have a which is in the center of my page, but now i need to add a div which will be to the right of the center box, i am sure you can do this with CSS but can't think of a solution. So for example div#container{margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 396px;display:block;margin-top: 110px;} the div i need would be the same as tha...

How to position many DIVs in CSS

I have gone through a long tutorial on W3Schooles to learn CSS; I learnt some basics but still miss my primary aim: Positioning DIVs This is what I'm trying to do *---------*---------* * * * * * * *---------*---------* My goal is simple and trivial for some, but I'm having headaches doing this the righ...