
Extending the User model with custom fields in Django

What's the best way to extend the User model (bundled with Django's authentication app) with custom fields? I would also possibly like to use the email as the username (for authentication purposes). I've already seen a few ways to do it, but can't decide on which one is the best. ...

Project design / FS layout for large django projects

What is the best way to layout a large django project? The tutuorials provide simple instructions for setting up apps, models, and views, but there is less information about how apps and projects should be broken down, how much sharing is allowable/necessary between apps in a typical project (obviously that is largely dependent on the p...

Can the HTTP version or headers affect the visual appearance of a web page?

I know, I would have thought the answer was obviously "no" as well, but I am experiencing a strange situation where when I view my site from our staging server it appears slightly larger than when I view it from my local dev server. I have used Charles to confirm that all of the content -- the HTML, the images, the CSS, the javascript, ...

Django Calendar Widget?

Does anyone know of any existing packages or libraries that can be used to build a calendar in a django app? ...

Django: Print url of view without hardcoding the url

Can i print out a url (/admin/manage/products/add) of a certain view in a template? Here is the rule i want to create a link for (r'^manage/products/add/$', create_object, {'model': Product, 'post_save_redirect': ''}), I would like to have /manage/products/add in a template without hardcoding it. How can i do this? Edit: I am not us...

Pros/Cons of Django vs Pylons

I'm begining a new webapp in Python. I've narrowed my choices down to Django and Pylons. What are the pros/cons of each? ...

Django Sessions

I'm looking at sessions in Django, and by default they are stored in the database. What are the benefits of filesystem and cache sessions and when should I use them? ...

What is the quickest way to a very simple blog?

I am about to start a new project and would like to document its development in a very simple blog. My requirements are: self-hosted on my Gentoo-based LAMP stack (that seems to rule out blogger) Integration in a django based website (as in, etc rather than and a totally...

What's the best Django search app?

I'm building a Django project that needs search functionality, and until there's a, I have to choose a search app. So, which is the best? By "best" I mean... easy to install / set up has a Django- or at least Python-friendly API can perform reasonably complex searches Here are some apps I've heard of, please sug...

Is there a good, free WYSIWYG editor for creating HTML using a Django template?

I'm interested to get a free, WYSIWYG HTML editor that is compatible with Django template. Any ideas? ...

Does Django have HTML helpers?

Does Django have any template tags to generate common HTML markup? For example, I know that I can get a url using {% url %} But that only gives me the URL and not the HTML code to create the link. Does Django have anything similar to Rails' link_to helper? I found django-helpers but since this is a common thing I thou...

The best Django webcasts/videos

I'm currently learning Django though reading the Django Book, but I'm a huge fan of webcasts/screencasts/videos and haven't found any good ones so far. Are there any and which ones would you recommend? ...

When to create a new app (with startapp) in Django?

I've googled around for this, but I still have trouble relating to what Django defines as "apps". Should I create a new app for each piece of functionality in a site, even though it uses models from the main project? Do you guys have good rule of thumb of when to split off a new app, and when to keep functionality together with the "...

Serving dynamically generated ZIP archives in Django

How to serve users a dynamically generated ZIP archive in Django? I'm making a site, where users can choose any combination of available books and download them as ZIP archive. I'm worried that generating such archives for each request would slow my server down to a crawl. I have also heard that Django doesn't currently have a good solu...

Plone-like search box in Django?

Plone has a beautiful search box with a "Google suggest" like functionality for its site. It even indexes uploaded documents like PDFs. Does anyone know of a module that can provide this kind of functionality in a Django site? ...

Multijoin queries in Django

What's the best and/or fastest method of doing multijoin queries in Django using the ORM and QuerySet API? ...

How to create a triple-join table with Django

Using Django's built in models, how would one create a triple-join between three models. For example: Users, Roles, and Events are the models. Users have many Roles, and Roles many Users. (ManyToMany) Events have many Users, and Users many Events. (ManyToMany) But for any given Event, any User may have only one Role. How can this b...

How to use form values from an unbound form

I have a web report that uses a Django form (new forms) for fields that control the query used to generate the report (start date, end date, ...). The issue I'm having is that the page should work using the form's initial values (unbound), but I can't access the cleaned_data field unless I call is_valid(). But is_valid() always fails on ...

Django -vs- Grails -vs- ???

I'm wondering if there's such a thing as Django-like ease of web app development combined with good deployment, debugging and other tools? Django is a very productive framework for building content-heavy sites; the best I've tried and a breath of fresh air compared to some of the Java monstrosities out there. However it's written in Py...

Managing large user databases for single-signon.

How would you implement a system with the following objectives: Manage authentication, authorization for hundreds of thousands of existing users currently tightly integrated with a 3rd party vendor's application (We want to bust these users out into something we manage and make our apps work against it, plus our 3rd party vendors work ...