Hi all,
I have a base class A . Two derived classes B , C.
Now I have a global class witch contains a many-to-many relation to object A.
Class D:
aObjects : ManyToMany("A")
how could know the real object the filter query return in object D.
I mean : d.objects.get(id=5)
now d has n objects of class A, but they are a mix of A,B or ...
I added some permissions to a user via the admin interface.
From some reason all the perm functions fail, e.g
>>> user.get_all_permissions()
But accessing the table directly, works:
>>> user.user_permissions.all()
(list of permissions as expected)
What can cause the "get_all_permissions" (and all the perm functions ...
I'm trying to use pydiction to autocomplete Python/Django statements in VIM Editor.
When I try to add django modules to complete-dic using this:
python pydiction.py /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django
python pydiction.py /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/__init__.py
I receive this error:
Couldn't import: (...). Import by fi...
Registration usually takes 3 arguments.
But when i try to add a 4th value, it returns this error:
create_user() got an unexpected keyword argument 'hobby'
Any idea how to solve this?
Here's the form i'm using:
def save(self):
new_user = User.objects.create_user(
For small portions of text we use django standart {% trans %} tag
What to do with big texts such as FAQ, terms and other static pages
Hi all,
I have a strange problem, in my settings file everything is enabled that needs to be enabled for user.is_authenticated use in a template.
I have the following template tag code:
from django import template
from progmatic.cms.models import navigation, navigation_item
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
from djang...
I'm trying to output a list of images that belong to each record in my app as below:
pri_photo = vehicle.images.all()[:1]
sec_photos = vehicle.images.all()[1:]
This first part is OK. The part I'm having issues with is when I try
The above two lines of code give me a 'Query...
I have developed a website in Django, and now it must go into production. This i want to do with mod_wsgi and apache2. Unfortunately i get the error 'Couldn't find package libapache2-mod-wsgi' when running the next command:
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi
I am using apache2 on ubuntu server kermic(9.10).
I will enter...
I am having trouble in getting my site to recognise custom template tags. I have the following dir structure:
_ _init _ .py
_init _ _.py
Then I have added this to the INSTALLED_APPS:
I would like my Django application to decide whether to accept or reject an upload based on request headers and/or session data. If the upload is to be rejected, I would like the app to reset the connection rather than waste time receiving and storing the potentially large file that is going to be rejected anyway.
Django middleware look...
I want to subclass models.TextField so I can return the text to the template with occurences of \r\n replaced with <br />. I don't want the <br />'s stored in the database, however. What method is called to retrieve the field's data when invoked from the template?
I tried this, but it doesn't seem to work:
class HTMLTextField(models.Te...
How do I get the size and name of a FileField in a template?
My model is setup like this:
class PDFUpload(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, editable=False)
desc = models.CharField(max_length=255)
file = models.FileField(upload_to=upload_pdf)
My template is setup like this:
{% for download in downloads %}
I have a model looking like this.
class ProjectMembership(models.Model):
member = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='project_membership_member_set')
Edit: In a template I want now to access the last_name of the User model. I thought it should work like the following line, but it does not.
{{ project_membership.member.last...
I've got an instance of a model FooBar - how do I get the naturalised type Foo Bar for display to the user, making sure to use the class's verbose_name if one is set in the Meta options. e.g.:
class FooBar(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length = 100)
class Meta:
verbose_name = 'Spaghetti Monster'
How do I get 'Sp...
I'm on Windows XP with the latest install of Python 2.6 (and the development server has been working up until last night). I have the path and Python path stuff all set up, and my dev server has worked forever. I recently replaced my django-trunk with a new pull from the Django trunk. I thought maybe there was an import error or somethin...
I used openid, and when after successfully authenticating, it returned:
You are signed in as http://zjm1126.myopenid.com/
Sign in with OpenID | Sign in with OpenID using simple registration | Sign in with OpenID, testing ?next= param | Sign out
I want to know the meaning of:
Sign in with OpenID using simple registration
Sign in with...
The following field is meant to format money as a two places decimal (quantized). You can see that it returns a <decimal>.quantize(TWOPLACES) version of the stored decimal. When I view this in the Django admin however, it doesn't do that. If I put in 50 to a field that is using CurrencyField() and view it in the admin, I get 50 vs 50.00....
So there have been lots of articles like this one recently, extolling the virtues of Django Static Generator when used in combination with a light front-end Web server. It makes a whole lot of sense to me.
However, I get nothing like the results that other people are reporting -- thousands of requests per second -- and I don't know why ...
When I run:
$ python manage.py syncdb
I get the following output:
Creating table auth_permission
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "manage.py", line 11, in <module>
File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 362, in execute_manager
When I try to run
manage.py test
a database password prompt shows.
Previously, tests would run without me having to enter the db password manaually.
I just updated my database to postgres 8.4. I assume it's some setting I'm forgetting.
How can I configure it to run tests without asking for the password?
Additional Info:
I create...