I have a ManyToManyField that I want to present in a form, as a CheckboxSelectMultiple widget. Why don't any of these methods work? (See Attempt #1, #2 and #3 below.) According to everything I've read in the docs and on SO, at least one of them should work. But I still have a stubborn SelectMultiple widget that refuses to budge.
from d...
What is the preferred place to keep upload directory for a django project? I am pretty sure I shouldn't keep it inside the project for production, because then I have to always remember to move it between projects, if I upload a new version of my project. Where should I keep it then? (I am talking about a linux machine).
Hi All,
I am working on a Django application on Google app engine (using app engine patch). In my project I have to customize the way the delete functionality works in the admin panel. I have defined my own functions for all the models that I have created and its working fine.
Now the issue is to customize the delete functionality for...
I am having problems running through a tutorial and it seems the problems stem from this:
(r'^l/login/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.login'),
It seems I have done all correct, but the forms dont show.
If I hit Login. I get back to the same page without forms.
Did I miss something?
Here the code:
from django.conf.urls.def...
I have an abstract base class for defining common attributes shared by different user profiles.
class Profile(models.Model):
def has_permissions(self, project):
class Meta:
abstract = True
class Standard(Profile):
class Premium(Profile):
Now I would like to check the permission of a certa...
I am trying to implement a simple paginator example.
Is there any tutorial, example that runs through one SIMPLE example from start to finish.
I am aware of this one:
But this assumes you already have urls, models and settings.
In Django's templates system, if I have a block that I want to make optional using an if statement, how do I do it?
I was trying this:
{% if val %}{% block title %}Archive {{ foo }}{% endblock %}{% endif %}
But that doesn't work. Is there a way to do that, so that for a given value (in this case Null) the block isn't issued and the ...
I would like to have a "pagination" where I would have one image per page. My current code is pasted below.
Unfortunatley now I get ALL images on EVERY pagination. Which is already a step in the right direction but not quite what I want.
How can I just have one image per page e.g Images 1 of my os.listdir and below that a link to the ne...
I am building a Django application that is a pretty basic blog, so far it has been wonderful. I got comments, tags etc up. But one thing is bugging me: I cant get the sidebar i want to work. I use the django.views.generic.date_based generic view and this is my urls.py for the blog:
urlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generi...
How to lock django commands so it will not run twise in the same time?
I have a field that has a max_length set. When I save a model instance, and the field's value is greater than max_length, Django enforces that max_length at the database level. (See Django docs on models: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/fields/#django.db.models.CharField.max_length)
However, since I am using Postgres, I ...
I've got
class Supplier(Model) :
class Customer(Model) :
class Dock(Model) :
class SupplierDockAccess(Model) :
supplier = ForeignKey(Supplier)
dock = ForeignKey(Dock)
class SupplierCustomerAccess(Model):
supplier = ForeignKey(Supplier)
customer = ForeignKey(Customer)
I have an instance of C...
I have a image from
files = request.FILES['new_photo'].read()
and i want to know it's size and possibly resize it.
How i can do it?
before. i read() file and gave this string and some info? to SQL function. And she save it on ftp.
how i can get data same as the data returned from read() method?
i try to use ...
I have an issue where I need to pass in query parameters for a GET request, but Django is not resolving the URL correctly to the view.
My urls.py looks like this:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
urlpatterns = patterns('',
Seems like it should be simple enough but it's driving me up the wall. I've looked at the python date formatting strings and it still doesn't make too much sense.
Here's what I'm trying to do: <Full day>, <Day of month><Ordinal> <Month>
Where <Ordinal> is st, nd, rd, th, etc depending on the day.
Hi guys!
I found this solution for serving favicon.ico with django.
(r'^favicon\.ico$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url': settings.MEDIA_URL+'images/favicon.ico'}),
I do not understand why it only works for the development server.
Going to /favicon.ico works on dev, doesn't with debug=False
It should redirect to /med...
In my Django application, I have certain permissions which users need in order to access certain views (using django.contrib.auth). This works fine, using the @permission_required decorator on my view functions.
However, some of my URLs resolve to views which I did not write, such as the built-in django.contrib.auth.views.password_chan...
I have a Django application being served of (say) example.com. It contains a number of sub-applications (say) strength, speed and skill. The URL scheme is something like http://example.com/strength, http://example.com/speed and http://example.com/skill. This is how I run my dev server (using runserver) and there are no problems whatsoeve...
I recently start to use virtualenvwrapper and created
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
mkvirtualenv example.com
Virtualenvwarpper automatical create a virtualenv named example.com under ~/.virtualenv
so this is the central container for all virtualenvs.
After than I installed django and some other packages via pip
and my site is at
Is there way to make custom signal when ManyToMany relations created?