
Technical documentation with deeply nested enumerated lists

I'm stuck in a software documentation culture I can't change, and software documentation is expected to have deeply nested sections that look like this: Some section This paragraph has some text. Some other section This paragraph has more text. Higher-level section Blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I'd li...

Convert doc/docx to semantic HTML

I would like to convert doc/docx documents to semantic HTML. Some wishes/requirements: Semantic HTML such that headers in the document are <h1>, <h2> etc., tables are <table> and so forth. Should preferably be possible to handle headings, lists, tables and images. Graphs and math formulas is a nice extra. • Doesn't have to be conver...

Integrating Images in a Docbook Manual in conjunction with phpDocumentor

Hi, is there a possibility to include images into a docbook manual compiled by phpDocumentor? I tried both: <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="payment_flowchart.png" format="png"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject> and: <figure><title>foo</title> <graphic fileref="payment_flowchart.png"/> </figure> Then again the i...

Docbook formatting email addresses

Hi all, I am trying to get some documentation up and running; however, my email address is not coming up as linkable: <email><ulink url="mailto:[email protected]"/></email> Becomes: <mailto:[email protected]> I don't want the mailto: to appear. If I put content in the ulink, it shows the mailto and the content whereas...

Is there a way to avoid IE7 quirks mode while rendering XML + CSS?

I've got some DocBook documentation styled with a CSS xml-stylesheet declaration. It looks great in Firefox, but IE7 doesn't seem to understand the CSS child selectors (e.g. section > title { ... }). I think this is because IE is running in quirks mode to render this XML, and older versions of IE didn't support that CSS syntax at all. ...

Is there a nice XSL stylesheet for client-side DocBook rendering?

I want the DocBook documents in my SVN repository to look nice if someone looks at them in a web browser. I've started to write a CSS stylesheet, but I think that it will have significant limitations -- particularly ones regarding hyperlinks. There is a large body of DocBook XSL stylesheets at the DocBook site , but they don't seem to ...

Adding Header and footer to a docbook

Hello, I have a multi chapter docbook documentation. It is converted to HTMLHelp with xslproc the XSL\xsl\htmlhelp\htmlhelp.xsl file. I need to add a footer and header to the generated HTML pages. I am a newbie about docbook (using it in a simple fashion so far) and XSL. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Paul ...

Overriding match="*" template from DocBook XSL

DocBook XSL includes a template that matches all element <xsl:template match="*"> <xsl:message> .... </xsl:message> </xsl:template> I need to override it with another template because my source XML tree contains more that just the DoocBook XML. If I specify such a template in the file it overrides all templates in DocBook XSL. It s...

Docbook, Images, ANT

Hello! :-) I'm trying to convert a DocBook XML - File via XSLT to HTML. The XML - File contains an image and this is were i get the following error. build-html: [xslt] Transforming into C:\dev\DocBook\DocBookmitXML\output [xslt] Processing C:\dev\DocBook\DocBookmitXML\src\BurndownChart.jpg to C:\dev\DocBook\DocBookmitXML\outp...

How do I disable the titlepage when generating a pdf via docbook and fop?

Not that it is all that entirely practicle, I have a particular customer that is wanting to turn off the title pages in their pdfs that are getting generated. I looked and looked through the docbook fop parameters and documentation and couldn't find a way to disable the titlepage. I found ways to customize however. ...

DocBook XSL - ok to edit the original stylesheets?

I would like to make certain lines of a DocBook table of contents bold based on whether the particular <section> has a certain attribute defined. This is easy by adding an <xsl:if test="..."> statement to the DocBook XSL (fo/autotoc.xsl lines 187-230 -- this is for output to PDF using XMLMind). I'm wondering, though, if it's bad practi...

XSLT: pass value from one for-each match to the next

I'm using the following to match all <section>s with a revision attribute set. <section>can appear at many different levels of the document tree, always contained within <chapter>s. <xsl:for-each select="//section[@revision]"> <!-- Do one thing if this is the first section matched in this chapter --> <!-- Do somethi...

Logo in left corner of PDF, dblatex

I am writing docbook XML and would like a header, footer in every page of the produced PDF document. I have a simple foo.xml, and I have used \cfoot[]{} in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/dblatex/dbk_headfoot.sty to use a footer text that works. I would like to put a logo on the left corner of every page on the pdf that dblatex generates. ...

docbook maxwidth on images? (xml:fo)

is there a way to specify the maximum width of images in a docbook xsl-transform? we have a problem with screen shots being to big to fit on a page, and thus would like to set a max width on images in the output. specifying the width of the image in the Docbook XML files seems bad form (the Docbook file should be about content not pres...

preproccesing in XSLT

is it at all possible to 'pre-proccess' in XSLT? with preprocessing i mean updating the (in memory representation) of the source tree. is this possible, or do i need to do multiple transforms for it. use case: we have Docbook reference manuals for out clients but for certain clients these need different 'skins' (different images etc)....

External documentation for PHP, no DocBook

I need a documentation system for a PHP project and I wanted it to be able to integrate external documentation (use cases, project scope etc.) with the documentation generated from code comments. It seems that phpDocumentor has exactly the right feature set, but external documentation must be written in DocBook which is too complex for o...

wiki/docbook/latex documentation template system

Hi. I'm searching for a documentation template system or rather will be creating one. It should support the following features: Create output in PDF and HTML Support for large & complicated (LaTeX) formulas References between documents Bibliographies Templates will be filled by a Python script I've tried LaTeX with various TeX-to-HTM...

Free-form metadata in Docbook

Hi, I'm looking to store some metadata in Docbook (V5) XML files. Specifically, links to various resources related to the article in question. I've found the <info> and related elements, but they do not quite fit my purpose. Is there any way to store free-form metadata in a Docbook file? I really just want key/value pairs stored at the...

Enabling line-wrap in a docbook programlisting and adding a line wrap symbol

We have some programmer's manual where the example source code lines do not fit to an A4 page when converted to PDF. Since manually line-breaking the code is too much and manual work, I am thinking about enabling line-wrapping for long lines. However to indicate the line wrap a line wrap symbol (e.g. a mini enter symbol )shall be put as...

Is there a XSL-FO renderer which supports <fo:table table-layout="auto"> ?

I'm using Pandoc to convert Markdown to Docbook, doing stuff to it then rendering the Docbook to XSL-FO using Apache FOP. Unfortunately, Pandoc makes tables with table-layout="auto" and FOP only supports table-layout="fixed". Is there a XSL-FO renderer which does support table-layout="auto"? ...