
Online documentation tools?

What are some must-haves if I wanted to host my software's manual/docs online? Something that has an FAQ system, table of contents, that kind of thing. A free solution would be ideal, but I may be interested in a paid solution if it has the right features. Note: This is for the end user of the software. I'm not looking for something to ...

Where is the documentation for writing Magento Extensions?

I have looked and looked on their website, I have tried many google searches, but I can't find a link to documentation on how to write extensions for the Magneto ECommerce software. I want to write a simple payment gateway which I'm more than capable of doing if I could find basic documentation. Any ideas? ...

Does a template for a system architecture/design proposal exist?

I need to prepare a proposal for the technical specification in the development of a new project, what I've done before was to include the following: Platform The primary technology and secondary ones the system will be programmed OS Target The target in which the system will run Application Server in the case of a web application Appl...

Where is programmer's documentation for HP 7974 diagnostic codes?

I'm writing an emulation of the HP 7974 HPIB/GPIB tape drive. The documentation that I have shows that secondary address 31 (0x1F) is used for the self test functions, but I have not found any documentation that describes what those do. One of the legacy programs I run does some of those functions and I'd like to emulate the functions c...

Is there documentation available for Thinlet 0.75?

I've recently downloaded Thinlet 0.75 ( and was wondering if anyone knew of decent documentation for this framework? The tutorials/examples I have found online seem to refer to an older version of Thinlet as the code/xml is no longer applicable. The only semblance of documentation within the zip file...

How to get the structure of software if there is no document?

I am reading a project code, however there is nothing but some .cpp and .h source files. How can I get started and get the structure of the software? ...

How to maintain a design specification in a Scrum environment?

I really like the concept in the agile manifesto that the focus should be on working software rather then on comprehensive documentation. On the other hand a part of my job is also to manage the product and as such I need a up to date version design document at all times. Some might say that the current version of the working software IS...

Documentation Skills

I am a .net developer with more than 8 years of experience. But I suck when it comes to documentation. How do I improve my documentation skills as a .net developer. Any resources would definately help. Thanks ...

Good application (not code) documentation tools outputting HTML Help files?

I need to document an application -- not the underlying source code. (I use Doxygen for the internal source code documentation.) What are good documentation tools for producing HTML Help files? I know about the HTML Help Workshop, but I'm not very good at editing HTML files. I was hoping for something more integrated with a WYSIWYG...

boost::spirit 2.0 incomplete docs?

I've just completed the boost spirit 2.0 tutorial: Only to find out that the rest of the promised documentation is completely missing. Specifically, I was really hoping for a page that contains all the available parsers and their attributes. Does anybody know where I c...

Javascript XML Comment Documentation

I'm building a custom library of composite controls that include their own javascript files as web resources. I've got DocProject running to generate my XML documentation CHMs and it's working great. However, when I set my solution to "Release" configuration, the runtime is still not extracting the XML comments from the embedded javasc...

put example code in documentation by using sandcastle

i'm generating documentation files from the xml comments of my c# code, by using sandcastle help file builder. do you know how to include code examples into the help file, like msdn style? ...

jQuery UI Color Picker

I have heard that jQuery UI includes a Colo(u)r Picker but could find little documentation regarding it. Does it exist? Any decent documentation on how to implement it? I found this: But using: $("#colorpicker").colorpicker(); does not work, with Firebug telling me .colorpicker(); is not a met...

Client changes in a TDD/BDD process

I'm coming from a big design background, and just learning TDD/BDD so bear with me if this is a simple question. It seems that many client decisions aren't actually recorded anywhere - they're just documented in the code and tests. So my question is: what happens when the client changes some of these undocumented decisions? How do yo...

How to auto generate Rails REST API documentation for controllers?

How to automatically generate API documentation for Rails REST controller? Is there any example I can look into using RDoc to do this? ...

Doxygen unable to document for functions definition followed by some code in .cpp like

Doxygen unable to document for functions in .cpp like Hello All, I have a .cpp file and found that doxygen is unable to document function which contains the following format: //! //! \brief Test //! and perform operations on those points. //! void CTest::TestTri() EH_Start("CTest::TestTri") { } EH_Stop The EH_Start and EH_Stop a...

Open-source tools for reviewing documentation

Code review now has some good tools like ReviewBoard. However, when it comes to reviewing written work, like documentation, proposed guidelines and the like, the market of open source tools is rather empty. ReviewBoard itself is fine, but only if documentation is in revision control (as opposed to wiki) and only if your team agrees on r...

How do you use Visio in your shop and apply it to development projects?

I'm trying to justify a MS Visio license. Immediately I can think of a few ways that I would use it in my shop, and apply it to my development projects: ER Diagrams UML Diagrams Project Management (WBS's, org-charts, etc.) Documentation I know these things can be done in MS Word's drawing tools, but as far as I'm concerned, they loo...

Proper tags for objects in jsdoc

What is the proper way to document objects of this style in jsdoc: /** */ var strings = { /** */ stripHTML: function(html) { //does something }, /** */ validHTML: function(html) { //does something else } } Namely the proper parameter to define the object, and to recognize the sub...

Using doctest "result parser" within unit-tests in Python?

I recently faced a problem about combining unit tests and doctests in Python. I worked around this problem in other way, but I still have question about it. Python's doctest module parses docstrings in a module and run commands following ">>> " at the beginning of each line and compare the output of it and those in docstrings. I wonder...