
How to produce documentation for vars only with JSDoc ?

I have javascript file which contains a lot of global vars that are commented, but JSDoc keeps telling there is "Nothing to document, exiting". Here is a sample: /** * Name of the clients list * @type String * @final */ var CLIENTS_LIST_NAME = "Client"; Is there a way to generate documentation for such a .js file? ...

Can Sandcastle be configured to produce SEO friendly pages and links?

By default I see that Sandcastle is generating HTML pages and links named with GUIDs. Can somehow this be changed to generate user/SEO friendly names for the pages? Ie. instead of f987d4ff-cabc-10af-86cd-620978605d86.htm I want it create 'namespace.class.method.htm', similar to how the .Net MSDN documentation is generated. ...

Documenting C++/CLI library code for use from c# - best tools and practices?

I'm working on a project where a c++/cli library is being used primarily from a c# application. Is there any way to make the code comments in c++/cli visible to c# intellisence within visual studio? Assuming there isn't, what would be the best way to document the c++/cli code to enable its easier use from c# (and within c++/cli of cour...

What are the best practices for technical reports

How do you, as a programmer, think that a technical report on a software should be done, in a manner that can optimize the task of another programmer take it and start feeling confortable with the code as fast as can. ...

What is the most useful way to document assessment of technological choices for a business problem?

I would like to know if there are any templates for doing this in a clear and concise way to give the gist of the application and its inner workings and how it meets the business needs. I do not want to write a mythological story so looking for any new ways of doing this. ...

GNU C++ error messages

Is there a comprehensive list of error/warning messages for the g++ compiler available online? I'm looking for something similar to the MSDN documentation which describes what each message means and possibly has some sample code which demonstrates the conditions which would cause such an error. I've looked at the GCC online documentati...

How do you write a technical book?

I want to write a technical book. What is a good way/software to write it? What is important to me, I want to be editing text, not fighting formating. So no word like systems. Automatic syntax highlighting. Templatable. A way for users to leave feedback on specific parts of the book. Like Djangobook Not a wiki. (I don't think a wiki i...

Documentation for Adobe Flash CS4?

Adobe Flash CS4 contains no documentation at all; it simply redirects to the online docs. Since I own the older Flash CS3 I was wondering if I could use the older HTML files with the newer IDE, by changing some XML file within the Flash CS4 directory on my C: drive? ...

Can I document Ruby code using Doxygen?

Question: Can I document Ruby code using Doxygen? Disclaimer: I know ruby already has a system for documentation built in and there are probably other ways to do it as well, but the specific constraint I am operating under is how to get Doxygen to do the job (assuming it is possible). Thanks in advance for any pointers. ...

Data Document Other than Data Dictionary for Project Stakeholders?

I'm searching for some sort of document template or guidelines to produce a document that describes data flow, high level data field definitions, data ownership (who produces the master data), etc. Not really a data dictionary but something intended for business users (non-techie) who are stakeholders in the project. Anyone know of any...

XML Comments for Abstract methods in Visual Studio 2008

hey guys Say you have an Abstract Class with Abstract methods, and you place XML Documentation Tags on those methods. When you inherit from that class, and implement those methods, intellisense does not "inherit" the XML Documentation...? Does anyone know if its possible to make the IDE inherit the documentation? if not, don't you th...

Where can I find the best online documentations for these languages?

I always have trouble finding the documentations for the following, by documentation I mean good complete ones. Say what you want about the PHP, but it's documentation is the best I've seen so far. So here's the list. Please let me know of the documentations that exists for these, if any. Update: Few more added, others might find it he...

How to use the Automation object model of Microsoft Office packages (Word, Excel, etc.) in "plain" COM/ActiveX

I finally found the object model documentation for Microsoft Office. However it talks about interop assemblies and stuff that sounds like .NET. I don't use .NET directly, and I don't really want to learn much about it. Is there a way to just use plain COM/ActiveX classes/interfaces to automate MS Word/Excel? ...

C++ XML comments to generate MSDN style CHM

I have several projects, some using managed code and some using only unmanaged. All have the XML comments have been added and the XML documentation is being generated correctly (the generated xml file and intermediate the xdc files). Surely there's something that can take these files (the output of xdcmake) and generate MSDN style chm h...

Where are the docs for creating Firefox addons?

I'm trying to build a Firefox addon, but I simply cannot find the documentation for the internal (Firefox/Gecko) classes that addons may access. Or is standard DOM manipulation all that's possible? Looking through some addons I see a lot of nonstandard Javascript objects created, so I'm sure there's more to extending Firefox than meets ...

Automated way of finding where in the codebase a function is used in PHP

I'm trying to find automated way of finding where in the code a function is used. Some form of autogenerated documentation where I have Class->method is used in this files: a.php , b.php etc. I am tryng to find something out there to prevent rolling my own. We currently have no automated documentation system so anything goes. ...

Sphinx templating

I am using sphinx. I want to template it. So after reading the docs, what I am trying is, in my, I put a line like, templates_path = ['_templates'] and I created a file _templates/page.html But this does not override the default template provided by sphinx. What more should I do, and where does this template need to go? ...

Sandcastle unified documentation generation for C# and Java projects

I have a set of related components that are basically provide the same functionality for various 'client' environments, like CLR and Java. Currently I'm generating my documentation using Sandcastle for the CLR components and I'm about to start the Java ones. I'd like to keep generating an unified documentation, with consistent look-and-f...

How can I chart/graph an inheritance based ACL?

Background: I have an application with a relatively complex Access Control List. It has resources that inherit tasks from other resources, as well as add their own, and so forth. To ease development and for documentation purposes, I'd like to be able to create charts/graphs of my ACL. Now, I'm not too familiar with UML, but it seems li...

Java Documentation Override Method does not InheritDoc

A method that overrides another method does not inherit documentation of the method it is overriding. Is there any way to explicitly tell it to inherit the documentation? /** * {@inheritDoc} * * This implementation uses a dynamic programming approach. */ @Override public int[] a(int b) { return null; } ...