
How to document a method that overrides another method?

I always wondered how to document a method that overrides a message from a base class. Normally I add a java doc to each public method and to some private, protected methods. But autogenerating a documentation block for an override method in eclipse produces something like this: /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.JComponent...

network design documentation template

I want to write a report about a network I lately designed and I want to know about a general format or template that these kind of reports uses, and mainn topics that must be included in the network design reports. ...

Does sphinx run on Jython?

I'm still looking for a usable documentation tool chain. Working in the Java environment but also a Python user, I wondered if Sphinx would run on Jython 2.5? ...

Should example xml in an xsd documentation annotation be escaped?

Lets say I have an xsd schema and I have several <annotation/> elements with <documentation/> elements in them. If I wanted to place example xml in the <documentation/> elements, should I escape the example xml? e.g.: <annotation> <documentation>Example Xml: &lt;element&gt;some text&lt;/element&gt;</documentation> </annotation> o...

C# documentation from source?

Hello, I'm looking for a decent code documentation generator for C# that can create an html-format documentation straight from source. I don't want to use Sandcastle, because it's too tedious to use and I don't use VS for my work, though Sandcastle's output is exactly what I need. I also need the functionality of Doxygen - just save a...

Where can I find good Introductory Adobe Flash CS3 tutorials and documentation for a beginner?

I'm writing my first interactive animation in Flash CS3 and I'm having trouble locating some good references to teach me how to do it. Any ideas? ...

How to construct and deliver documentation for IT tools on Windows?

How should I construct and deliver documentation for an IT tool on Windows? There's an additional constraint that I don't want to spend money on help authoring tools. Here on SO, we talk about algorithms and optimizations, APIs and performance. But one of the deliverables from my dev efforts is documentation. What's the best way to b...

Python C extension: method signatures for documentation?

Hello SO :) I am writing C extensions, and I'd like to specify for my users the signature of my methods. Let's throw in some code :) static PyObject* foo(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { /* blabla [...] */ } PyDoc_STRVAR( foo_doc, "Great example function\n" "Arguments: (timeout, flags=None)\n" "Doc blahblah doc ...

Best use of Google code wiki for project documentation

I've recently moved my project from sourceforge to Google code. I'm intrigued by the Google code wiki that is integrated with svn, but I'm not sure of the best way to use it to provide project documentation. For my project, documentation could appear in three places: (1) on the wiki, (2) in the desktop application I'm developing (using...

Efficiency of c++ built ins.

I am fairly new to C++, having much more C experience. I am writing a program that will use the string class, and began to wonder about the efficiency of the "length()" method. I realized though that I didn't have a good answer to this question, and so was wondering if the answer to this and similar questions exist somewhere. While I a...

Where can I get a list of all build properties in Visual Studio?

For example, I can use $(TargetDir). Is there a list somewhere of all the available properties? I'd like to peruse them. ...

Just adding some documentation triggers recompilation: Is there a solution?

Sometimes, when I look through my header files I'd like to add something little to the (doxygen) documentation. That might be a quick note about the use of some function parameter, or just fixing a little typo. But then I think: Oh no, that'll trigger a recompile on the next make call! And for certain basic headers the whole project wou...

Any good guides to give to developers for documentation?

I've got to prepare a documentation guide for developers of a software project. We use a variety of languages (PHP and Java). I'm looking for some sort of language agnostic, high level, "this is what (or why) you should document" guide. Some heuristics and rules of thumbs that I can give to people to read in the hope that they will produ...

Where to find documentation about multitouch API for Windows 7?

Where can I get the documentation about multitouch API for Windows 7? ...

What would be the best way to document this PHP code ?

Hello Can you tell me what does the function do and how would you document the following function using Comments: function tosql($value, $value_type, $is_delimiters = true, $use_null = true) { if (is_array($value) || strlen($value)) { switch ($value_type) { case NUMBER: case FLOAT: return preg_repl...

Python documentation generator

Hi, I'm looking for a documentation generator for python. I'm familiar with javadoc, and I tried Doxygen, but it seems quite unfit and counter-intuitive for python. Any ideas? Udi EDIT Apart from the excellent answers below, you can also consult wikipedia's exhaustive Comparison of documentation generators. ...

Best tools / formats for documenting XML API?

We are developing XML over HTTP service and we need a way to document the XML interface. Our supported XMLs generally are subsets of some industry standard XML API, which unfortunately lacks any good documentation. It has XSDs though with some annotations, so we use this go generate the initial documentation and then remove the unsuppo...

Download Xcode documentation sets manually

For reasons unknown to me, Xcode fails to download the documentation sets from the server. Is there a way to download these documentation sets manually from a URL and then have Xcode's Core Reference Library unpack them? EDIT: Found what I was looking for:

Is there a way of finding what .NET classes implements a certain interface?

For example if I wanted to see what my .NET options were for something implementing IList or IDictionary. Is there a way to find that for example in the MSDN documentation? ...

Is there a way to directly link requirements to code units? Is it a stupid idea to even try?

Say we've got requirements for all the functionality we want to build. Each requirement is listed in a Word doc with an associated ID. For instance, Requirement 123 is "each refund, if processed the same business day as the last payment, should be processed as a cancellation and will incur no refund processing fee". What I'd like is for...