
API Documentation Manager/Aggregator

Hi, I've been using vim and c++/php for university and personal projects. Lately, while programming, I've been finding myself browsing (the internet) a lot through the generated APIs of the libraries/frameworks/languages I use. I consider this a waste of time, because, as I don't like too many tabs open in my browser, I tend to close ...

JSTL taglib URI is obsolete?

I've been checking out Spring MVC tutorial and copied this small JSP code from there: <%@ page session="false"%> <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %> <html> <head><title>Training, Inc.</title></head> <body> <h2><c:out value="${message}" /></h2> </body> </html> There is a string set for ...

What is a good/free tool to auto generate documentation for VS 2008 Express?

Hi guys, I'm new to the wonderful world of .net development, and I'm currently using c# 3.0 and I'm wondering is there any good/free/open source tool to auto generate documentation for the project that I work on based on the /// summary comments like or whatever the in thing it is for vs2008. As I recall back in .net 1.1 we used to use t...

Where can I find good Immediacy CMS technical documentation?

I'm currently getting to grips with the Immediacy CMS platform and I'm finding that techincal material / documentation for it is pretty poor. I've looked through the documentation on the immediacy site but there only seems to be simple plugin configuration documents rather than a decent API / technical introduction. Ideally I'd prefer t...

Visual Studio (2008) doesn't generate documentation xml

I have a C# dll project in Visual Studio 2008. In the project property pages, on the Build tab, the checkbox 'XML Documentation File' is checked. The path is 'bin\Debug\Fusion.BusinessObjects.XML' However, when building the solution, no xml files is created. I have referenced this dll in a number of other projects, and one had a copy o...

How can I improve my technical writing?

Writing documentation is part of programming, and writing well is part of what makes the documentation useful. So, what are some hints or guidelines for good writing in the technical realm? What are some resources (on-line or on dead trees) which might help me to improve my documentation? ...

Do you know a way to generate Microsoft Word documents using Sphinx?

Sphinx supports a few output formats: HTML separated files (with html or dirhtml) Latex which is useful for creating .pdf or .ps text Instead I would like to obtain a Microsoft Word file. With other doc generator I managed generating the single html output and then converting it to the Microsoft Word format using the Word applicatio...

How do you document your application?

I never know how to document a system in a way that other developers will find it easy to use and/or maintain it. Documentating the source code is good and required for that, but I don't think it is enough to give a good overview of the application itself. Java seems to keep most of its documentation in the source code, which describes ...

MS Word is evil! Is there a good alternative?

As a developer I really don't like writing documentation but when I have to I'd like to make the process as painless as possible. The problem with Word is that it constantly gets in my way. I worry more about the layout than about the actual content ... that's why I'd like to get rid of Word. Ideally I'd like to write my content and th...

Architectural design documentation strategies

I am trying to document a software project up to the current stage. The readership would involve myself (in a future time), other developers (currently and in the short-term future), as well as end users. Therefore, the documentation has descriptions of design requirements, architecture/design (data structures, architecture, user interfa...

Finding Reusable code

How do you find code that was intended to be reused if you do not know it exists? In a large code base with many library functions how do you know if the code you intend to write has already been written? ...

Proper way to document or diagram custom event models in the DOM

Imagine you have a bunch of components and subcomponents in your web application. You want to keep track of how all the custom events you added behave. Are there established ways to diagram or document these behaviors? Here are some things the documentation should show: The actual nesting of relevant DOM elements of the various compon...

Which HTML tags are supported in Swing components?

Many Swing components support embedded HTML, but I cannot find any official documentation on that subject. (Everything on Sun's pages about HTML seems to be targeted at JEditorPane) So: Which HTML tags are supported in Swing components? EDIT: Although I said that I'm missing "official documentation", I'd also like any "unofficial" doc...

iPhone API for power, configuration parameters

I'm just getting started with some iPhone apps, and I'm not finding the API documentation particularly easy to find my way through. I'm currently looking for APIs to do things like turn the 3G network on and off turn Bluetooth on and off set brightness and so on. Could some kind soul p[oint me to the right documents, or even better...

How can I change from docbook to restructuredText?

I have a 30-ish page manual in docbook. However, working with docbook is so painful that I don't really update it. I want to switch to restructedText instead. I can't find any direct translator (the best I could find is ezComponents, but it fails on the docbook sgml). Maybe there is an indirect route through RTF or some other format, bu...

Software usage documentation tools for Web applications

Hi, We would like to prepare the software usage documentation for a web application. This mainly contains the screen shots ( along with relevant documentation ) in most of the pages. Also we would like to have a top menu links using which we can jump to the corresponding pages. Please suggest the tools which can be useful to fulfill th...

Steps recorder tool to make tutorials

This weekend I installed Windows 7 (brilliant!) and there I found this genious tool called Problem Steps Recorder. Apparently a tool that came with the beta bug reporting tool thingy. I am currently trying to document some application usages for other developers. (In this exact case, how to get Showplan XML Statistics in SQL Profiler an...

Are there any scientific papers or offical documentation about C# compiler 3.0 ?

I am writing paper on extending default c# 3.0 compiler with some functions from ML.But I am having very hard time with finding any official literature from Microsoft. Thanks for any help. ...

Are there any good Maven ant tasks documentation/tutorials?

I would like to try using maven from ant (for exaple to build my Java SE apps that needs all dependencies stored in ./lib/*, or just because doing anything short of dependency management in maven is too damn hard ;)). But the documentation is nonexistent, and google also didn't give me a clue on how to use them. So any good docs/tutori...

Can ASDoc in Flex create documentation for packages/namespaces?

As the title says - is it possible to document my ActionScript packages / namespaces using the ASDoc comments and the included asdoc command line tool? ...