
How do you keep your documentation updated ?

We all know the importance of documentation right? I'm working with a fairly big team of developers, and we keep all the documentation together in a wiki. So far so good. The other day I had a look and everything was totally outdated. After some inquiries i found out that it was basically because of: Documentation writing allergy. Oh...

What tools are available for documenting JavaScript?

Hi, I have some JavaScript to document and am not sure which tool is best to use - ideally I would like to publish the docs online but also have an offline browsable version. I know there are more tools about than jsdoc nowadays - any experiences of different doc tools for JavaScript would be useful. If it has a maven plugin that would...

How to write documentation when programming

Do you have such a habit that when you are coding, you write the documentation as well, and make sure that they are in sync. How can achieve that? What do you write down? The function logical? The concept? Or other best-practices? Thanks in advance! ...

Substitutions inside links in reST / Sphinx

I am using Sphinx to document a webservice that will be deployed in different servers. The documentation is full of URL examples for the user to click and they should just work. My problem is that the host, port and deployment root will vary and the documentation will have to be re-generated for every deployment. I tried defining substi...

Is there a standard way to do a docblock for jQuery plugins?

I am wondering if these is any standard for providing a docblock for jQuery plugins. And is it best to show how to pass in the config JSON object and should I explain the defaults? e.g. superPlugin v1.1 @author Me Myself @options something Can anyone provide any links? Thanks UPDATE I've ended up just modifying th...

Using JSDoc with namespaces and a variant form of function definition

I've been trying to use JsDoc for documenting my javascript but I keep coming across this hurdle. It keeps saying "nothing to document, exiting" Here is the peice of code I'm trying to document: /** * Container for all editing methods * @namespace */ var FREdit = { /** * Toggle value for editing * @type Number */...

Where can I find a good example of C# /// xml documentation comments in use?

Hi, I'm looking for some good examples of .NET XML-style source code comments and all the various tags available in use. Where can I find some good examples? ...

Difference between conceptual help and API help in .NET?

I want to write some good docs for my .NET project - it's a class library. Should I generate conceptual help aswell as API help - what are the differences and what kind of informatio should I put in the conceptual help? ...

C/C++ documentation tool

What are the C/C++ documentation tools that you have used? Which one would you recommend? I have used doxygen with graphviz but it seems to have a problem with large code bases especially when generating collaboration diagrams. I found DoxyS on the web but have not used it. Going by the documention on its homepage it looks like its wor...

Doxygen C# XML comments: multiply enum's with same name and different scope got merged?

I have very strange problem with Doxygen: I used it to create documentation from XML tags of my C# code as suggested in some other StackOverflow question. Basically heres the situation: //file: Foo1 public class Foo1 { public enum Bar { Bar1, Bar2 } } //file: Foo2 public class Foo2 { public enum Bar {...

What does % do to strings in Python?

I have failed to find documentation for the operator % as it is used on strings in Python. Does someone know where that documentation is? ...

how to create phpdoc Tutorial / Extended pages to supplement commented code

I'm trying everything I can to get phpdocumentor to allow me to use the DocBook tutorial format to supplement the documentation it creates: I am using Eclipse I've installed phpDocumentor via PEAR on an OSX machine I can run and auto generate code from my php classes It won't format Tutorials - I can't find a solution I've tried movi...

Advice about J2ME for Blackberry available IDEs and documentation.

I'm developing standard J2ME apps in NETbeans, but is there any specific IDE and emulator for Blackberry development? Any specific documentation about J2ME for Blackberry? Thanks a lot in advance ...

Programming how to show your employees your idea

Before you start working on a software project how do you show your employees your prototype. Most people either draw it on paper or write it on a whiteboard. How would you show it to your employees who live far away? Do they just take a picture of it or fax the paper to them? or do people just use a website not to draw there prototypes...

git-svn based documentation workflow for mere mortals

At my place of work we are currently looking for a documentation system for writing manuals and other customer and internal documentation. Its features should be: Small templating possibilities, since sometimes a customer name must be inserted somewhere, but the text stays the same. Reusability of text parts, since some parts might be ...

What is it called when several conditional code blocks are inside each other?

I cant for the life of me remember what the word is. It's when you ???? several if/else/for/while/usings inside each other. bool isTrue = true, isFalse = true, HasForgottenWord = true; if( isTrue ) { if( isFalse ) { if( HasForgottenWord ) { Console.WriteLine("Ask on StackOverflow....

How do I put code examples in .NET XML comments?

What tags can I use for putting code examples in .NET /// XML comments? Is this the best place to put them? ...

Using Doxygen with C, do you comment the function prototype or the definition? Or both?

I'm using Doxygen with some embedded C source. Given a .c/.h file pair, do you put Doxygen comments on the function prototype (.h file) or the function definition (.c file), or do you duplicate them in both places? I'm having a problem in which Doxygen is warning about missing comments when I document in one place but not the other; is ...

Are there any conventions for flowcharting that distinguish a switch from a if-else chain?

I had to do a overview for a customer meeting, and they requested flow charts. It had never occurred to me that there was no switch symbol in any of the flow charting I've seen. I know functionally they are similar, but documentation should represent the code you've written or are planning too. Maybe I'm just being picky, but it seem...

Where to find the source code for a PC MBR Bootloader?

Preferably well comment and with some associated docmentation and a Makefile. Just for clearity, that's the less than 512 bytes (512 bytes - partition table) of machine code that gets loaded by the Bios and is responsible for chaining to the secondary bootloader in your boot partition. Edit: Both David's and bdonlan's answers look prom...