
Software Documentation sub-blocks from an abstract

I have an abstract that includes the following (please feel free to change the formatting : 1. purpose 2. simulation models used 3. libraries, SDKs, and APIs used 4. major components of application in terms of the windowing blocks, and types of user controls and settings offered in the application for simulation operation 5. ...

Download Drupal Documentation?

I would like to download documentation of the Drupal hooks, and whatever else would be useful. I've been saving a few pages piecemeal to my hard drive, but it would take too long to download the entire this way. Is there someplace where I can get it all at once? ...

Adding syntax colorized source code into a MS Word document.

I need this for writting a design document. EDIT: Language is C++ and ruby/php/python ...

How can I have link text with a URL in Pod's L<>?

The L<name> formatting code allows you to set the display text for the link if you're linking to other POD, as in L<Display Text|link_dest>, but this isn't allowed for L<scheme:...> links, such as L<; How do I specify a display text for such links? Alternatively, how do I manually write such a li...

What to ask for in web services documentation?

A 3rd party is developing a web services library, which my team will be consuming. What should I ask for in terms of web service documentation? Here's my list so far: WSDL URL Sample Request (XML) Sample Response (XML) Response Schema Definition Anything else? What documentation should be provided for web services that return JSON...

Mentioning the word "exception" in an user manual

I'm trying to dumb down how I mention "whenever the application resets due to an exception-handled runtime error", especially the exception-handled part. What would be a much easier term to understand than "exception-handled runtime error"? Thanks in advance. ...

Where can I systematically study how to write Mac OS X device drivers?

I'm looking for an exhaustive, university-level book or guide to study in order to gain the ability of writing Mac OS X device drivers. I'm totally ignorant on this OS, but I'm already skilled on Linux. Is there any Mac OS X counterpart for book "Linux Device Drivers"? The best guide should introduce OS internals too, makes clear kern...

XML Comments not showing on Vb.Net

I am using something similar to this and it will not display the Summary or Remarks when I am attempting to use the Intellisense for this function? ''' <summary> ''' Summary ''' </summary> ''' <param name="param">The Parameter.</param> ''' <remarks> Remarks </remarks> any ideas? ...

Documentation structure for web application

Hey all, Does anyone know of a decent standard way to structure documentation for a web application using php doc? I can't really find any examples. Thanks. ...

Accessing Apple SDK Documentation

I'm trying to write a command line script to access Apple SDK docsets (like perldoc for perl or ri for ruby). Apple has a tool called docsetutil which will let you search a docset, but it is very limited (for example, you can't do a partial search). Is there a more powerful way to access the docs without having to manually parse the HTML...

How to write good help pages for rich web based application screens?

I'm working on writing help pages for a web based application. What tools, resources, and/or best practices are there to write help pages that are geared towards individual pages of a rich web application with a lot of functionality? The help system will have a button on each screen that help is available for, when the user clicks on t...

LuaInterface Docs?

I downloaded LuaInterface recently, but it doesn't come with a single bit of documentation. Am I just supposed to use the Lua API's docs or something? ...

Developer documentation for software application

I have finished the user manual as suggested in the accepted answer here. However, for the developer documentation of my application, other than briefly mentioning the topics on the following: purpose of why this application needs to be made in the first place libraries, SDKs, and APIs used major components of application in terms of t...

Choosing a cryptography library

Duplicate of this and this. I'm looking for a free C or C++ cryptography library that can be embedded in a closed-source applicationand supports RSA public-key cyphering. I've found OpenSSL and Crypto++ but neither have a good documentation for a beginner. Anyone knows a good, free, C or C++ cryptography library with a decent docu...

documentation for STL

I have spent the last several years fighting tooth and nail to avoid working with C++ so I'm probably one of a very small number of people who likes systems programming and template meta programming but has absolutely no experience when it comes to the STL and very little C++ template experience. Does anyone know of a good document for...

How can i use RAW Sockets in Ruby ???

i'm trying to create a raw sockets using ruby .... the problem is there isn't any thing called raw socket there ,and on the other hand the socket class itself is not fully documented .... do any body have some code samples for that kind of sockets in ruby ?? or maybe some kind of a documentation for that ??? By the way i already know ve...

documented Architecture/design for open source projects

In order to learn about the architecture/design from the open source project I was looking for such documents in each opensource project I explored. For e.g. Google chrome gives following documentation which is really helpful for the developer. http://dev.c...

JScript Documentation

Note: NOT Javascript. :-) Hello, I just had a random thought, and have decided to learn more Jscript. I know the basics, I'm proficient in HTML, XML and C++ BUT, there doesn't seem to be much docs on Jscript. The official MS Documentation for JScript contains a WHOPPING ONE WHOLE PAGE about web-page development in Jscript! And that pa...

C# Documentation - User Defined Tags

Hi all! I want to document my source (C# sources), indeed I use XML documentation tags defined. How I can define by specific tags? For example I use a lot Design by Contract assertions. I'd like to have documentation sections for preconditions, postconditions, invariants... It should be desiderable to write documentation like: /// <pr...

WPF Toolkit DataGrid and Virtualization Extensions -- Where's the docs?

I've done a pretty decent amount of looking on the inter-webs, searching for ways to improve the poor performance of my WPF DataGrid control. I came across this little gem from this article, but I can't seem to find anything about it in the documentation. Can someone point me to where in the docs I might find how to manipulate how Virt...