
What is your most referred to piece of documentation?

For me it's got to be the Microsoft SQL Server Cast and Convert reference. I must love that page, I seem to visit it several times a day. ...

What should a good Technical Product Roadmap look like?

I've been asked to work on a technical product road map for a suite of products. Can anyone provide recommendation as to what this should include and how I should present it? I'd probably need to cover some lines that will disappear and convergence between other products. I'd also like to find a good way of presenting this in a diagram...

How to create a simple document assembly application for Word documents?

Hi, I need to create a simple document assembly application to create Word files. We work with multiple templates, some derivated from others. So, instead of having tons of templates I would like to create something that uses a standard template and allowes me to change the header, footer and different other sections in the document bas...

Getting Started with Firebug

Can anyone recommend a "Getting Started" document for Firebug? ...

What should be the sequence of diagrams creation in UML?

As we know UML contains 13 types of diagrams (structural and behavioral) before starting a software developement, we are in requirement and design phase so which diagram should be create and when? .. What should be the sequence of diagrams creation in UML in requirement and design phase? In fact if there is no rigid sequence then first...

Web Based Documentation Generator / Editor

Hello all. I'm looking for a good documentation generator that supports various programming languages, but PHP is a must. The thing is, I'm looking for it to do a very specific thing, which is essentially build the standard automatic documentation such as function definitions, class structures, etc, but then allow me to edit them as I ...

What's a good solution for collecting business rule documentation?

I'm running into a situation, common I'm sure, where my business rule documentation is spread across emails, documentation (now out of date) and IMs. This stinks. I can think of 2 alternatives: Sharepoint (hate it, the search feature is terrible) or a wiki. Some things that I'd like to see in the ideal solution: Easily updateable:...

What are the best practice for writing detailed design documents?

Please suggest material regarding the best practices for writing design documents. ...

Explaining persistent data structures in simple terms

I'm working on a library for Python that implements some persistent data structures (mainly as a learning exercise). However, I'm beginning to learn that explaining persistent data structures to people unfamiliar with them can be difficult. Can someone help me think of an easy (or at least the least complicated) way to describe persist...

In RUP: What RUP roles are responsilbe for creating the Software Architecture Document?

Based on the different views documented in SAD which RUP roles should should be responsible for creating the SAD? I thought from the beginning that the SAD was only for a technical audience but from what i can see in RUP it is more than that so it seems like it is not only the Software Architect that should be involved. ...

CakePHP REST API documentation

Hi! I've created a public restful application and I would like to generate API documentation for users. For REST i think I have to provide URLs and parameters. What is the best way to prepare it? Thanks! ...

Primer on writing documentation with Sphinx?

I followed a tutorial that showed only how to build it, I have it up and running on my web host but I'm a bit confused on how I should be creating and writing documentation. So far I've made a small little edit to the index.rst file and made a new reference to a page, then it obviously complains that it's an "undefined label: foobarz "....

Can anyone tell me a good JOGL APPLET webpage or ebook?

I've been looking for a good documentation about JOGL in an applet. I can't find a good one... ...

Is this use case is correct and proper according to uml?

Is This use case is correct/proper according to UML? if not please give some input to improve it.. The ways we can look on it as the boundary value "Use Cases" can be described something as "Release Phase 1"? Writer Module/Reader Module should be proper Ator? ...

PHP how to use the @Category tag in DocBlocks

Hi, can someone explain or give some examples how to use the @Category Tag the right way ? PHPDocumentator is not parsing the Tag. How does an correct File-DocBlock and Class-DocBlock looks like ? ...

Hiding privates from Javascript Intellisense

Is it possible to hide certain functions/fields from displaying in javascript intellisense drop down list in Visual Studio 2008? Either by javascript documentaion XML of by naming privates in a certain way? I've seen <private /> in jquery vsdoc file that implies exactly this behaviour, but doesn't meet my expectations { __hiddenFie...

tooltip documentation in visual studio 2008 - not enough info

is it possible for the tooltip documentation in VS2008 (C#) to display not just some of the doc, but all of it? E.g. /// <summary> /// Method description /// </summary> /// <param name="param1">Parameter no 1</param> /// <param name="param2">Parameter no 2</param> When I hover the mouse over method call, it displays just the "Method d...

Cannot see C# xml doc strings in my referenced assemblies

I write xml doc strings for all of my classes, e.g.: /// <summary> /// Executes things /// </summary> public class ThingExecutor { } But I've just realised that the xml documentation string is only visible when that assembly is loaded into my current solution. If I reference that assembly from another project then the those xml string...

What sort of info would go into good deployment documentation?

I have these constant battles with my colleagues regarding composition of deployment documentation. Everyone agrees that the documentation is necessary. Not everyone can find common ground on what level of detail should go into this especially differentiating between large releases, bug-fixes and enhancements. What have you found wor...

tools to generate VB flowchart

Tell me some good tools to generate flowcharts/graphical represntation for Visual Basic code? ...