
Desktop application help framework

Consider the requirements for embedding help in a Java desktop application (or applet): Single source for content (such as AsciiDoc) to generate high quality PDF manuals1 Hooks for context-sensitive help Robust, simple, and well documented API (under an hour to learn) Small footprint (a sub-100K Java archive)2 Integrate as a docked MDI...

How do you document sample programs?

Let's say you have to [write from scratch, rewrite, refactor] a sample program illustrating how to do something quite specific with some middleware/SDK/library, or maybe just some programming technique, all of this for learning purposes. How do you document the sample programs? I'm asking that because I found that even with complete re...

Looking for Document Templates for a Developer Guide

I'm looking for a document template and some writing/style guides to structure the content of a Developer Guide for a subsystem I am about to hand off to a client. This goes beyond documenting the public API - I want to walk developers through an easy process of writing a client for my subsystem, teaching them the API and other things th...

How to write technical documentation of a web site/software for new developers?

I want to make a technical documentation of an existing web site for developers so that new developers can continue to work with it. In existing codes, little (or not at all) in-code comments or doc-strings are available (bad practice, I know). Yeah, I have seen some posts related to these. But those were not that detailed. Here are all ...

Integrating Images in a Docbook Manual in conjunction with phpDocumentor

Hi, is there a possibility to include images into a docbook manual compiled by phpDocumentor? I tried both: <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="payment_flowchart.png" format="png"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject> and: <figure><title>foo</title> <graphic fileref="payment_flowchart.png"/> </figure> Then again the i...

Documenting components effectively by Doxygen

How can you document components of your code such as the following effectively when the source codes of the components are in different locations? Example of my components in my first database project homepage - user_bar, check_login_status ask_question - form_ask_question login - form_login question_id - (form_login), form...

show *only* docstring in Sphinx documentation

Sphinx has a feature called automethod that extracts the documentation from a method's docstring and embeds that into the documentation. But it not only embeds the docstring, but also the method signature (name + arguments). How do I embed only the docstring (excluding the method signature)? ref:

How do you render the internal code documentation within a rails project

How do you make the documentation available after running rake doc:app available within your project. I know I can browse on the local machine but I want to allow other uses to browse the documentation within the application. I have created a documentation controller within which I have an index method as follows class DocumentationCo...

java source code to html with links from uses to definitions

A tool (preferably free or open source) that converts java source code to html with proper links from uses of identifiers to their definitions. ...

Xcode 3.2 offline documentation?

I've upgraded to Xcode 3.2 and I'm searching for the offline documentation / reference library that was always available for the previous versions of Xcode. When I go to menu Help -> Developer Documentation I get the reference library but when I search for any term like NSViewController the pop up keeps showing up (annoyingly) telling m...

Hired as a developer to maintain and update current code base, no docs!

This is my first job after graduating: I was hired with literally one day overlap from the last remaining developer's last day and my first day. I was given a very very quick rundown of basic functions and uses that apparently we as a company need lots of changes to for each client... Here's my problem: The code has no comments. The co...

Future work and developer documentation

In your opinion, should the documents listing what further needs to be done on the application development separate from the developer documentation describing design decisions and algorithms? It would be great to also explain the reason for the opinion on why it's clearer to do or not do so. Thanks in advance for the comments. ...

Is there a network diagram standard for illustrating web services?

I'm putting together a Solution Architecture document for an enhancement we're adding to our site and it occurs to me that I've never formally illustrated a web service call before. Is there a convention for how web service calls are illustrated on your garden-variety network diagram? Can anyone point me to examples or share something ...

How to deal with not knowing what exceptions can be raised by a library method in Ruby?

This is somewhat of a broad question, but it is one that I continue to come across when programming in Ruby. I am from a largely C and Java background, where when I use a library function or method, I look at the documentation and see what it returns on error (usually in C) or which exceptions it can throw (in Java). In Ruby, the situa...

Are there any standards for visually depicting XML file structures or schemas?

I have some XML files and schemas that I would like to document. Everything for this project is documented using NetBeans UML models, Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and Microsoft Visio drawings. I'm a fan of self-documentation, but this isn't my choice - external documentation must be produced. How can I depict t...

A text version of the MySQL manual

Always open in my editor is a tab with a text version of MySQL's manual (~100k lines in a readable layout), which is extremely helpful. The version I have is very old (when 5.0 was still in beta), and this valuable text-file does not exist in anymore. Is there a newer version, or some tool that can create it out of the vario...

Form Designer for Dummies...

A colleague of mine is doing the functional designs for the software we develop. His knowledge about Delphi, Visual Studio and other compilers is limited to having written a "Hello, World" application, which turned out to have dozens of bugs. So, technical knowledge? Not there... But not required for his function, since it's his job to c...

Adding relations to an Access Database.

I have an MS Access database with plenty of data. It's used by an application me and my team are developing. However, we've never added any foreign keys to this database because we could control relations from the code itself. Never had any problems with this, probably never will either. However, as development has developed further, I ...

PHP Comment format: auto generated or User created?

I've always seen these header comments in php, and often wondered if some software was used to set them up? I seem to recall JavaDoc or something? But I'm not sure if this is auto generated? Or is this just some type of documentation standard? The example below is from CodeIgniter: /** * CodeIgniter * * An open source application...

In xml doc, can I insert a reference to a method group? How?

In C#, I can attach documentation for properties, methods, events, and so on, directly in the code using XML Documentation Comments. I know how to insert a reference to a particular method: <see cref="MethodName(TypeForArg1, TypeForArg2..)"/> Is there a way to insert a reference to a method group? Where I've got multiple overloads...