
Where do you get your PHP documentation from?

Most IDEs come with complete documentation that can be installed locally, but I have a particular problem with PHP, as even the Netbeans PHP IDE links to online docs. How do you manage yours? Is there a hidden downloadable docs for PHP somewhere? ...

How do you ensure code is reused correctly?

Frequently when we introduce a new feature into an application we may produce artifacts, such as useful methods or classes that could be reused in other areas of our applications. These artifacts are not necessarily documented as functional requirements as they are usually a side-effect of our implementation choices. Since we often devel...

What would be the best documentation format taking into concern ...

... taking into concern that it must be: - revisable - small project but some numerical data will be changing from version to version, and documentation must be version dependable, and some kind of revision control is preferable (diff) - must be printable - since, well, in the end it will be printed along with some other documents (other...

Lua's bytecode specification

Can anyone tell me where to find Lua's bytecode specification? I've been searching for 15 minutes, and I can't find anything. ...

CMM Practices or Project Management Templates

Our company is a startup and we would like to implement all standard CMM or Project management templates, wherever possible, in our project. Where could I get these standard templates? ...

java documentation from source ?

i know that we can create documentation from java source files. but how to do it?. thanks in advance. ...

What are the major topics a good high-level architecture document should include?

What are the major topics a good high-level architecture document should include? ...

Wiki software for software project documentation / knowlegde base

I am looking for a wiki software that would help organize all the informations developers need to do their job correctly and quickly. I have looked at several options (MediaWiki, DokuWiki, Foswiki, MoinMoin), but they all seem very similar. Which do you think would be the best for my requirements, which are the following: Suitable for ...

custom pages using asdoc

Does anyone know if you can write your own pages that asdoc will recognize and use? For instance, I'd like to write some "Getting Started","Support" and "FAQ" kind of pages that will help understanding what my actionscript classes are about. ...

How to document a website ?

I have released a website. How to document it ? Is there any tools available in VS2008? How it can be achieved ? Please help? ...

Contents of website documentation

I have already developed a website and deployed it.Now i need to document it . Please provide an example for the documentation. Also provide, contents needs to added in the document? Thanks in advance! ...

[Java] Eclipse documentation

I write application in Java(SWT) and I want to add documentation like in Eclipse application. How to do it? Is it exist tools for this? Documentation window in Eclipse: ...

Customize XML comments in Visual Studio 2008

In VS2008 just before a method if you add “///” it automatically adds the summary block… Do you know if it is possible to modify the default to this? /// <summary> /// Author : Failboy /// </summary> I would like it to have my in by default – without having to add it every time ...

SharePoint Developer Documentation

I will be needing to write some pretty comprehensive documentation for an upcoming project and was wondering if anyone has seen any samples of good documentation for SharePoint solutions. E.g. What should go into the documentation for: a custom site definition a feature a custom web part a custom workflow etc etc etc Any samples out...

Perl documentation (POD) browsers?

I'm looking for is a good on-screen POD reading experience. For years, I've used perldoc or man running in an xterm to read Perl documentation on screen, and a small custom program built around Pod::LaTeX to print it. The printed version is good: the script does a nice job. However, on-screen reading is painful: You can search, but go...

Awesome C# Code to learn design patterns and best practices from?

Anyone know any open source c#/ projects that are well documented, use design patterns appropriately and contain the best practices? I want to read high quality code, learn from it and apply it to my job. Thanks. ...

Mono Cecil documentation and tutorials?

Hi, I am new to Mono Cecil! Any comprehensive documentations and tutorials on Mono Cecil? I have seen these articles and video below, so don't give me these links again:

What do you consider good API documentation?

I have always liked the documentation on Java APIs, generally speaking, but I know some people consider them lacking. So I'm wondering, what do you consider a good example of API documentation? Please, include a link or an actual example in any answer. I want to have references that I (and others, of course) can use to improve our own d...

Xcode Documentation Set for C++ Standard Library

I've recently began using C++ with XCode and I'm starting to miss the integrated documentation that is available for Objective-C. I know that there is a way to generate documentation sets using Doxygen, but a readily available bundle would certainly be preferable... Is there an easy way to get XCode to search at least the standard C++ ...

What's the best way to read python documentation for all installed packages?

I use a lot for reading python documentation. I also use ipython help function, but I would prefer a GUI app that I could run on my machine that would show documentation for all installed packages. Do you know if anything like this exists? Do you have any suggestions? ...