
String manipulation in Python docstrings

I've been trying to do the following: #[...] def __history_dependent_simulate(self, node, iterations=1, *args, **kwargs): """ For history-dependent simulations only: """ + self.simulate.__doc___ What I tried to accomplish here is to have the same documentation for this p...

Are there any conventions for writing POD comments for Perl?

I was able to find a page from Safari Books Online that provides a template, but having never written POD comments, I'm not sure how good it is or if it is missing anything that might be considered convention to include. What are the conventions to follow when writing POD comments for Perl scripts? Is there anything like Sun's Javadoc C...

Download Java API Documentation?

How can I get Java API Documentation for studying offline? ...

Possible to view method/function docs in NetBeans for PHP?

I am wondering if its possible to have Netbeans display PHP Documentation for functions/methods/classes when you hover the mouse over a piece of code. I know it shows up documentation as a part of code completion but I don't want to have to start typing out the name of a function which is already included within the source just to read s...

OBEL resources and documentation?

I'm diving into some OBEL coding and only have one manual from the vendor. I was hoping to find more documentation, or websites out there with more information. OBEL is short for Object Embedded Language, and is a scripting language modeled off of Smalltalk. My information seems to show that it was created by Metso Automation in the 9...

Getting the global coordinate of a Node in JavaFX

How can I get the actual position of a node in the scene. The absolute position, regardless of any containers/transforms. For example, I want to translate a certain node a so that it would temporarily overlap another node b. So I wish to set his translateX property to b.globalX-a.globalX. The documentation says: Defines the X coord...

What is the complete list of Simile Exhibit column formats?

In Simile Exhibit is an attribute called ex:columnFormats. After googling for a while, the best list of valid values I can find is from Simile's wiki... ex:columnFormats list of format expressions comma separated list of format expressions, e.g., "list, image, date { mode: short }" ...So, list, image, and date are valid. I've discov...

Python Documentation Refers You To Docs for "the C function wait." Where is that?

There's multiple places in the Python documentation where it refers you to the C function "wait." For instance: "The exit status for the command can be interpreted according to the rules for the C function wait," in the commands and subprocess modules. Where can I find this documentation? Apparently my Google-fu is not strong enough, or...

How to interpret status code in Python commands.getstatusoutput()

In a related question, I asked where to find the documentation for the C function "wait." This was an attempt to figure out return codes for the commands.getstatusoutput() module. Stackoverflow came through, but the documentation didn't help. Here's what puzzles me: #!/usr/bin/python import commands goodcommand = 'ls /' badcommand = 'ls...

why iterator.remove() has been described as optional operation?

i went through the documentation( of Iterator.remove() there remove() was described as void remove() Removes from the underlying collection the last element returned by the iterator (optional operation). This method can be called only once per call to next. The b...

Can I programmatically export class diagrams from Visual Studio 2008?

I can export a class diagram as an image from Visual Studio by right-clicking on the surface and choosing "Export Diagram as Image..." Is there a way to do this through command line? I'd like to be able to generate all of my class diagrams as images so I can include it in the .chm I am building w/ Sandcastle. ...

A Better Boost reference?

The thing that really turns me off about Boost is their documentation. What I need is a good reference, and instead of explaining what a good reference is to me I would give example: Yes I love it. It is also this: On the other hand what I find about boost is some...

Documentation Resource for Office VBA developers

Where do I find helpful documentation for VBA programming? something like SitePoint for HTML development. MSDN simply lists down and describes the operation and properties/methods of classes instead of explaining what they are used for, or when to use them. Books are also welcome. ...

Doxygen page generation from parts of other pages

Hi, I have one file (say file1.doxy) with doxygen comments: /** * Comment block 1 */ ... /** * Comment block 2 */ ... /** * Comment block 3 */ And I want to create the file file2.doxy of which output is the same as: /** * Comment block 1 * * Comment block 3 */ Actually I want to refer to file file1.doxy from file file...

Documentation with Doxia + Ant

I would like to use Doxia to generate some documentation but invoke it with Ant (and no, Maven is not an option). I was looking for some pointers but nothing popped up after a few Google search. Did anyone already used Doxia in an Ant environment and how did it turned out? ...

Box2d Documentation - Outdated, any better api refs?

Hi guys, I am working with cocos2d + box2d and as I look through the 'Hello World' tutorial and attempt others I am finding many constructs which do not seem to be documented in the latest api ref. Would anybody be able to shed some light on what's going on? or point me in the right direction to someone who has covered the new construc...

Documenting an XML-RPC service

Hi, I'm writing an XML-RPC service that will be consumed by third parties and was wondering what the best way of documenting it would be. As far as I can see, XML-RPC doesn't have any equivalent to SOAP's WSDL to provide a description of the service, so presumably it's something I will have to document by hand? So far I've come accros...

Mono Documentation for NotImplementedException and MonoTodo

I'm new to Mono and plan to port my application over, if possible. I've run MoMA and there are some places it has identified that I'm calling that could throw a NotImplementedException or are tagged MonoTodo. Is there anywhere I can get more information on these specific instances it's flagging down? For instance, I'm calling the Recei...

How can I add the SDK 2.2.1 documentation to Xcode 3.2?

I just upgraded to snow leopard and updated Xcode to the 3.2. I have the iPhone 3.1 library documentation, but I don't see anything for 2.2.1 anywhere. In the previous Xcode there was the possibility of subscribing to different documentation, but I don't see it anymore. Is it possible to install it? ...

Where to find documentation to python's library's inner workings

Couldn't think of a better wording for the title. See for instance the answer to The answer to that question uses an attribute of the Queue class called all_tasks_done (accidentally wrote join_with_timeout here in the original post). However, in http:...