
Drupal: Convert taxonomy term name to term id

Using 'taxonomy: term ID' as an argument in one of my Drupal views and I'm having trouble getting it to work correctly. On the views administration page it states, "if using term name, it is generally more efficient to convert it to a term ID and use Taxonomy: Term ID rather than Taxonomy: Term Name." How does one go about converting ...

problem with drupal view and php code

Hello, I have a view set up in drupal and I am using some jquery code within the view which hides some data based upon a text box value. Everything is working fine for me when I am logged in. When I log out and access the block anonymously, it doesn't work correctly. I am somewhat new to drupal, and don't know where to begin troubles...

iCal for authenticated users

I am using the calendar module with its iCal support for Drupal 6. I have made my event type which appears on the iCal feed. However, I want to make the event content type private, so only authenticated users can read it. By doing this they will not show on the iCal feed. Is there any way that I could get the iCal feed to still show thes...

How do you separate the template of a blog block in Drupal?

Hi, In Drupal, I created a block using views. This block contains the latest blog entries. I've placed this on a specific page to display it as an archive. Now, as for the blog itself (for example when one of them is clicked), A blog template for it depends on node-blog.tpl.php. My problem is, when I style node-blog.tpl.php, the block I...

Count rows in Drupal views plugin

I've written myself a Drupal Views row plugin and I want to count the rows so I can do something with the output every Nth row. I can do this in the plugin's preprocessor function but if it gets used more than once (in panels for example) I can't reset the counter to zero. Can someone point me in the right direction here? ...

Add image gallery to node in Drupal

I'm using Image module for Drupal 6 and the submodule of Image Gallery. Image gallery is identified by taxonomy term of certain vocabulary. What I need is to attach Image Gallery View supplied with Image Gallery to certain node. I am now trying to use Views Attach to do this. But how can I pass an argument of taxonomy term for gallery to...

Creating a new CCK field from an imagecache preset?

I have an image gallery for which I have configured an Imagecache preset. It's my first time using Imagecache so I am not sure if I am using it right. Right now, I see that I can only configure the CCK imagefield to show me the imagecache generated image in either the preview or the full node version of the field. I would prefer to hav...

Basic PHP question for Drupal Views theming

My PHP and programming knowledge is extremely basic, so this is probably a dumb question: I am theming a View in Drupal 6, and I want to add an id with a consecutive number to each item in the view (first item would have the id #item1, the second #item2, etc). I am customizing the style output (views-view-unformatted--MYVIEWNAME.tpl.ph...

Drupal: can't add the taxonomy field to Views ?

hi, I've prepared a View for my nodes and I've selected which fields to display. I just realized that there is not the taxonomy field from Content:Taxonomy There is only Taxonomy:Term category and warning: "The content might be duplicated, use appropriate filters". Should I use this item ? What kind of filters should I use ? thanks ...

Drupal Views Question: Displaying results in two columns?

I'm new to drupal and I have a question about views: I'm building an employee directory and need to display the results in two columns, such as: Record 1 Record 2 Record 3 Record 4 Record 5 Record 6 . . . How can I accomplish this? To take it one step further, I want each record formatted as: IMAGE NAME TITLE I have no ide...

How to embed a node on homepage in Drupal 6?

How can I embed a node on the front page in Drupal 6. The node basically has the image upload field along with title and description. I want it to some how appear on the homepage alongwith a "views" which shows the uploaded images at the bottom. What I want is to give the users an ability to create content which is right now available a...

Drupal 6 - Including a module form in a view

I'm making use of the Favorites module, in order to allow my users to favorite nodes they like. Currently, I know that there is a block available for listing out the favorites, along with the 'Add to favorites' button at the top of this list. What I'd like to do is generate the form which includes the button, and include it within ea...

Fundamental understanding of how Views and Pathauto work together

Hello all! I am having fundamental problems understanding when to use a pathauto rule, and when to use a views page path. I have several custom content types, and I am using blocks to display certain parts of nodes on certain paths. Then I use a views page to display the main node on a path. When I do this, I can't use pathauto, as it ...

conflict between views and pathauto

if i create a path alias to a node, say 'press' and i have a view page display on path 'press/archives', why does 'press/archive' leads my users to 'press'? see related http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2913736/fundamental-understanding-of-how-views-and-pathauto-work-together ...

Drupal view filter to show only one of a certain item

I'm fairly new to Drupal, and am using Node Import to take a TSV file and turn it into nodes. I'm hitting a problem, though, with automating updates to the nodes. Again, I'd like to take a Tab Separated Values text file, and load it into my site via Node Import (or whatever else anyone might suggest) and then only show updated Nodes. ...

Making views accessible through URL - Drupal

Hi folks, I have configured the standard "frontpage" view in order to display a list of nodes, just by displaying a field (the banner image). Unfortunately the URL /frontapge does not return the previewed template, but the same page that would get displayed before the views module was installed. Help would be much appreciated. ...

Displaying a list of objects with Views - Drupal

Hi folks, I'll briefly explain what I'm trying to do: I need to sort a set of content-types within a paginated page. Also I need to add filtering to the page, for example each content-type should have a set of tags and the filter needs to filter through these tags. This is a basic mockup of what this page consists of: I'm finding ...

Grouping content by category - Drupal

Hi folks, is there a good way of grouping content up by category. I wish I could have a CCK category field. ...

Drupal cck and views

I have added a new content type event. Now, i have to make a view in which it shows a set of fields if the dateOfEvent (one of the fields) is less than the present date and some other set of fields of the 'event' content if the dateOfEvent is more than the present date. how can I do that in the views.. thanks in advance for helping... ...

Drupal Views Relationship problem using nodes and profiles

Hello, I'm using nodes as profiles so I dont think standard Views relationships are working, can you advise if this is the case? I have users profile nodes with a CCK field called "field_sports" and a CCK field for a content type of events called "field_sport". I only want the view to display sports that match in these two fields. Se...