
A question about Drupal Node and Views

I have created an "Add Question" content-type node which lets users ask questions. The questions have a title, image attachment option, and the content. I am showing the questions which have image as a block by filtering it as "Content: Photofield - list True" in Views. This way, only the questions which have images attached to the ques...

drupal views module error

hey guys.. i installed drupal views module and am getting this error Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './sites/all/modules/views/includes/admin.inc' (include_path='.:/usr/lib64/php:/usr/lib/php') how can i solve this problem? thanks ...

OR in view's argument -- How to rewrite views query?

I need an OR clause in the arguments section of a view. So if a user passes 123, I'd like to return rows WHERE Field1 = 123 OR Field2 = 123. I'm fairly certain this can't be done in the views interface (but please correct me if I'm wrong). So I'm trying to rewrite the query. Where's the best place to do this? I'm in hook_views_pre_e...

Having a content type with a CCK file field, how to set up a view to only show nodes of that content type which do not have a file uploaded?

I have explained my problem here http://screenr.com/6rA I posted this earlier in text but no one could get the idea about my problem so I made the video. It's only 4 minutes long. I'd appreciate if anyone can help. It's the last hurdle for me to finish this university project. EDIT: Someone has done something similar to what I need a...

Count number of results in a View

I need to count how many people belong in pre-defined groups (this is easy to do in SQL using the SELECT COUNT statement). My Views query runs fine and displays the actual data in my table, but I simply need to know how many results it found. However there doesn't seem to be a COUNT option in views. I am guessing I am going to have to u...

Drupal views slideshow returning only one result

Views slideshow for Dupal is amazing … there are no other words for it. I have used it on a few projects with little to no issues at all. However, the current project that I am working on isn't going as smoothly. When the 'View style' is set to unformatted the preview returns the right amount of nodes but when slideshow is selected the ...

Drupal Views pulling Data Fields

I'm a little new to drupal but have been using things like devel module and theme developer to speed up the learning process. My question, is it possible to theme an entire views BLOCK from a single views tpl.php page OR even a preprocess? When I'm grabbing the $view object I can see results $node->result, it has all of the results, bu...

Making block visible when view-based OG homepage showing

I have a view (with only a default display) that is displayed perfectly as the home page for all organic groups. When a specific group is selected and that view is then displayed, I want a block to appear - but I can't seem to find either the URL or PHP-returning-true to use to turn its visibility on. I've even tried the Context module w...

How do I set up filters in a Drupal view that apply across two different content types?

I have two different content types being loaded into a view. News, and reviews. Each of the content types has a drop-down box to select what category they fall into. ie. a review could be for a dvd, music, etc. and news could be music, cinema, etc. I want to the view to display some categories of news, and some categories of reviews,...

How can I handle parameterized queries in Drupal?

We have a client who is currently using Lotus Notes/Domino as their content management system and web server. For many reasons, we are recommending they sunset their Notes/Domino implementation and transition onto a more modern platform--such as Drupal. The client has several web applications which would be a natural fit for Drupal. How...

Taxonomy terms are not translated in an exposed filters block

Hi, in my view's exposed filters block the taxonomy terms are showed only in the original language version (in English). Vocabulary is set to Localize terms. The terms are translated via Translation Table. All the other content (Views, nodes, translated strings etc.) is showed correctly (in German). I'd expect them to appear in cur...

Imagecache for non image CCKs?

I'm creating a view with images, videos, audio and documents (books) and I like to shown a picture of each of them in a carousel. Everything works nicely with images and videos as far as we added a image-thumbnail (image filefield) to their CCK but we like to show a default image for audio and documents without changing the original CCK...

Drupal, Views.. how to display views list + complete node, interactively ?

hi, I'm using Views in Drupal to show node teasers. I would like now to show the complete node on the left side of my page, nearby the Views, and update it when the user click on a different teaser (better using AJAX). what's the best method to implement it. I was considering to use a lightbox, but it a bit complex (a lot of complicati...

Drupal Views Bonus Pack export issue

Hi, In trying to solve the problem of getting data from Drupal into XML, I found the Views Bonus Pack module, which with a little figuring out works great. Except... When setting the Style property in the Basic settings of Feed view to XML file no items show up unless I am authenticated. If I log in, I see all the entries. If I log ...

Unpredictable CCK field name in returned View data

I'm using views_get_view_result to directly access the data in a view. I've stumbled upon this odd behavior where cck fields are prefixed with the first field name as a query optimization. Explained here. What's bizarre though is that fields are named differently depending on whether I retrieve that data as Anonymous or as Admin. I'm...

Drupal Views Relationship ADD not LIMIT

I'm trying to set up a relationship system between node, using flags and cck node reference (using views selection). I need to create a view that does not LIMIT by relation, it adds to it. Example: When you add a Node-B, you can reference a Node-A that you have created - OR - flagged (using flags module) When I use views to get the fl...

Drupal Views: find the term created by a NAT association

I use NAT (Node Auto Term) to associate a content type with a vocabulary. Then I'm using that generated and sync'd vocabulary to create relationships with other content types. Within the Views UI, is there a method for finding that generated Term for any given Node? I've tried the "NAT: Nid" relationship, but that doesn't seem to return ...

What is the trick to have 2 separate user registration formin Drupal using different templates ?

I have a default user registration form that cannot change. However my boss wants a second registration form that is laid out differently than the first. I am new to Drupal so some explanation would be great. Thank you in advance ...

How do i create a view that can filter unique titles from a checkbox?

I'm currently creating a view in Drupal that contains a number of fields. What I want to do is to create an exposed filter that is able to filter duplicate titles. The filter would be a checkbox. This is an example of the list NAME TIME RACE DISTANCE John Doe 2.07.54 Boston Marathon 42km Ja...

Adding Refresh Tag to View

I need a view to refresh automatically every 20 seconds, and have added the following code to the view header via the views GUI - with no success. The code (or portions of it) are simply displayed on the view and no updating is performed. I've tried omitting both and just the ending ?php statement. If someone can tell me the proper code ...