
View of Terms. How to get term synonym in Fields or via Custom field (php code)?

Drupal 6, Views 2. For example, term has alias “vocabulary/term1” (only one level, no nesting). How to obtain “term1” field for every item in View, displaying items of type Term. ...

Drupal Calendar Navigation with Taxonomy argument?

I want to use the default calendar views, but add a Taxonomy argument coming in from the URL. I haven't been able to get it to do a whole lot. I can accomplish this easily with a regular view, but I need the calendar navigation style to browse events tagged with the term from the URL. Any thoughts? ...

Limit frontblock to display articles/stories only in Drupal

I am new to drupal, so sorry for this noob question, but I was wondering how to display articles only in the central column. Currently there are also blog entries, etc and I would like to get rid of them. I have a Views plugin installed but I am not sure how to do this. ...

Drupal Views api, add simple argument handler

Background: I have a complex search form that stores the query and it's hash in a cache. Once the cache is set, I redirect to something like /searchresults/e6c86fadc7e4b7a2d068932efc9cc358 where that big long string on the end is the md5 hash of my query. I need to make a new argument for views to know what the hash is good for. The rea...

displaying text in case of Low Voting

Is there any module in drupal which provides low rating feedback. eg If someone wants to vote a content as <= 2 (out of 5). Before he does so, there will be a pop up window displaying text "Are you sure you want to rate so low?" etc. If there is no such module then is there any easy way of doing it through coding or otherwise? EG: ...

PHP code in Drupal 6

A very standard example of the problem that I am facing is that of a custom content say blog type. Now there is a view namely "My Blog Posts". In that view i take the argument as User:uid. Now, for the link part i simply write the code below: global $user; and send $user->uid as the argument to User:Uid. This give me link for "My Blog P...

Get a List of Available Drupal Views

I'd like to set up a configuration page for my Drupal module that contains a dropdown where the user selects one of the available views. Is there an easy way to obtain a list of all available views on the system? All I need is an array of all the views' names. ...

Drupal views: Splitting fields by content type

Hi there! I have a few views in my Drupal site that are getting extremely out of hand... The views show nodes from different content types in the same listing, and are formatted differently depending on the content type... This has so far required a lot of custom PHP-fields, rewriting output, and a bit of black magic. Totally unmaintana...

3 images for drupal

as a small assignment, i am trying to build something like hotornot.com, but instead of 1 image with a rating function, i am trying to place 3 images in line, and underneath each image is a ratings (5 star module), and a voting option.. the goal is sort of choosing between the 3 images, and many users can vote on it.. any ideas? thanks...

Views, Arguments and Blocks

Hi there, I currently having trouble to get my head around how Drupal's views work with arguments when displaying a view as a block. I have a few simple pages (eg studios/bremen) and a few users that match those pages (eg username: bremen). Users can post news which need to be teasered on the studios/* page. Do I have to use an Argume...

Duplicate nodes in drupal-views - but not in preview

Hi folks, i have a view that only lists those nodes that have a certain workflow-status (published). In the preview everything works as expected. But when viewing the site, i get duplicate nodes. Anyone an idea how to solve this problem or where it originates? Greatings ...

Showing a single node and all associated comments in Drupal 6 Views 2.

I am trying to create a view on Drupal 6 (views 2) that simply displays the latest node of a specific type and all of the associated comments from that node. I am sure that there is a simple method to do this that I just don't know. Algorithmically, I would solve it by ascertaining the latest node of the type and then recursing through...

Theming a field in Drupal-6

I have a custom content (using cck) namely thewittyshit and it has a field namely field_thewittyshit . I want to theme field_thewittyshit field for all the views. I wrote the following code and saved it in a new file namely views-view-field--default--field-thewittyshit-value.tpl.php . But still no change is reflected in any of my views o...

dragging the content instead of the image in "drag to share"

I have enabled the drag to share module and it is successfully working the way it is designed to be. But, instead of image, I plan to drag the content and share it. Is their any way to do that? I have one way: Drag to share uses the html tags (like img) to get the input of the object to be drag(ed). Can we use put tags by default in all...

Taxonomy based navigation and URL namespace in Drupal

I am trying to upgrade an old-school PHP site (http://cordair.com/) to work with Drupal running Ubercart. One of the key things is making sure URLs that people have bookmarked stay the same. My taxonomy looks something like this Catalog + Artists + Pablo Picaso + Lenardo DaVinci + Medium + Sculpture + Painting + ...

Drupal: Display only specific NodeReferrer field in Views

I have a content type appointment with a date field that references nodes of the content type person using the Nodereference module. In the content type person I added a Nodereferrer field that shows the reverse of this references (Person -> appointments). I now want to create a view of person nodes that shows the last appointment date...

Drupal 6 Views 2 using Node Path as an argument

Hi, Please consider helping a Drupal noob who is in danger of tearing out what hair I have remaining. I have a view that I want to add an argument to so that it only displays the details of the specified product. Since I'm using URL aliasing the argument is in the form of shop/product1, shop/product2 etc. However, when I go to add an a...

Django apps equivalent to Drupal's CCK and Views modules?

Are there any Django apps equivalent to Drupal's Views and CCK modules? I find Django much more flexible and logically organized than Drupal. But I think Drupal's Views and CCK modules are killer apps. They let the webmaster very rapidly to build new data models and queries through GUI without touching the code. These modules are very u...

Filter a view by user-created tags in Drupal?

I'd like to add a block to the user profile that shows them content listings in their groups based on tags that they have in their profile. (ie: someone puts a bike up for sale, the user has listed "bike" on their wishlist, it should show up to get their attention) Since these tags vary user-to-user, I'm not sure exactly how to set up...

Custom query in drupal views - now can't sort.

The view with the custom query is being displayed in the right sidebar titled "Most Downloaded" here: http://tf2huds.com. The view with the query generated by views is right below it. To put in the custom query I'm using this code in the views.module file: <?php function views_views_pre_execute(&$view) { if($view->name=="hud_downloa...