
Databases and DVCS

Hi Guys, I've recently asked a question about how suitable a DVCS is for the corporate environment, and that has sparked another question for me. One of the plus sides to a DVCS seems to be that you can easily branch and try out new things. My problem starts when I begin to think about database changes. I've always found it tricky to ...

Git remove directory

I've got a repository on GitHub (http://github.com/hrickards/PHP-Crypto) for a little project me and a couple of others are working on. My development environment is Aptana Studio, and I use the EGit plugin as Aptana is basically Eclipse underneath. Today the designer sent the HTML and CSS for the website with the images in a folder name...

What's wrong with running a live site from a DVCS clone?

I see insinuations here and there that it's bad to run a live deployment directly off a DVCS clone, and better to export a clean tree or tarball and deploy that. It seems to me that running directly from a DVCS clone has several advantages: No need to transport the entire codebase on every deployment. Trivial to update code to any desi...

bzr init-repo and multiple projects

I'm having difficulties understanding bzr init-repo. I have 3 projects that I want to have in their own isolated repository, in subversion I would use svnadmin create three times to create them. Like this: svnadmin create MyProject svnadmin create MyHomepage svnadmin create MyDocuments The above would give 3 isolated subversion repos...

bzr checkout vs. bzr get

I wonder what the difference is between bzr checkout ./MyProject MyProject.dev # later followed by a cd MyProject.dev bzr pull ../MyProject and bzr get ./MyProject MyProject.dev # later followed by cd MyProject.dev bzr pull As far I can tell the only difference is: bzr get sets the pull location. bzr checkout doesn't set the pull...

I'm working on a project, and I want to see how it ran in its last revision. How do I do it without losing my changes?

Specifically, I'm using bzr, but tips for any VCS are welcome. ...

How can I delete unversioned files in Bazaar?

How can I remove all unversioned files from a Bazaar workspace? I'm looking to do the equivalent of hg purge --all or git clean -fd. ...

In bazaar, how do I change the default target of "bzr push"?

bzr push defaults to the first target you pushed to. If I now want to push to a different location, but don't want to manually enter it every time, how do I change the default? ...

Git Submodules: Is it possible to have more than one URL for each?

I was wondering if it is possible to have more than one URL for each git submodule. It would be interested to have more than one source of it if one of them is down or someone is behind a proxy that blocks one of them. Have you ever had this problem? How would you solve it? ...

Will adding an open source license to my project apply to the entire project revision history?

Assume I own some open source project with no license information. Furthermore, assume nobody has contributed publicly yet and so I own the project's source code and copyright. Say the source code is already hosted online. If I decide to give it an open source license by uploading the associated COPYING document to the repository and a...

Emacs VCS interface commits only one file

When I commit changes with Emacs' built-in VCS interface (I use it with Bazaar) it commits only one file - that's open in current buffer. So when I press C-c v v, enter message and C-c C-c, it does something like bzr commit -m "my message" file/open/in.buffer instead of bzr commit -m "my message" How to commit all changes with Emac...

Synchronizing DVCS repositories across multiple machines

What's the best way to keep a DVCS repository synchronized across multiple machines? I'm a solo developer interested in being able to easily move between my work desktop, home desktop and a (Mac) laptop. At the moment I use Dropbox to keep files in sync, but I'd like to be able to use some source control specific features. Is there an...

Ponderings of a Subversion User: What is a "branch" in Mercurial terms?

I'm a Subversion user, and I think I've got my head mostly around it all now. So of course now we're thinking of switching to Mercurial, and I need to start again. In our single repository, we have the typical branches, tags, trunk layout. When I want to create a feature branch I: Use the repo browser to copy trunk to branches/Featu...

How does Mercurial stack up against GIT and SVN?

With Phil Haack and others recently tweeting about CodePlex's move to support Mercurial as a DVCS, I thought it might be worth a look. As someone who currently uses SVN for personal projects and TFS at The Office, how does Mercurial compare in terms of usability, features and what are some of the better Mercurial hosting services availa...

git: Simple solution for pushing between working copies

What I want to do: On my (ssh remotely accessible) university machine I work on a project which I have put under git source control (git init, then git commit -a after every change, all works fine). Now I want to want to work on that project on my private machine at home. Should be easy, since git is a distributed vcs, right? I read the...

A pretty and feature rich git GUI for Linux

I was checking out for a rich GUI for Git on Linux. Of late I have started using it a lot and find that even though command-line is very useful, I would still want a GUI at my disposal since I am not still very much aware with the advanced features. I came across this question on SO before, but I still have to ask this question again, a...

IDEs and DVCSs that support remote working directories?

Our web development shop is divided into two groups, at the moment: LAMP developers and Windows developers. The LAMP folk are currently using Bazaar for version control, and doing development on a remote development server. Both the shared repositories and the individual checkouts are on said server, so checkouts usually look something...

Would an additional "push -f"/backup-only Mercurial repo work?

We've set up our own Mercurial workflow which works great for us. However I'm wondering about something: is it possible to create some "junk" repository that would basically be a place where every user could always "push -f" their changesets and where we'd never do anything besides "push -f"? That is: the goal of that repository would ...

Is it possible to apply a commit to all branches in git?

I have a feeling I am asking something that can't be done in git, but I might as well ask. Is there any way that I can make one change and commit it to all branches? For instance, suppose I want to make a change to my AUTHORS file or LICENSE file. I know I can commit the change to one branch and then cherry-pick it to each branch indi...

Subversion commit review software?

Is there any existing software which can help enforce code review process like below: Dev user commit their changeset with proper comments, but the changeset does not goes into subversion repository directly, it will be pending in a "review software". Reviewer can see all pending changesets in the "review software", review the changese...