
how can we edit, update,add, delete the table rows dynamically in userinterface using prototypeJS with Ajax

Hi, If i press the any column of the table the entire row will show as editable row format (Ex. if i use ||||..etc. when i click on any column all column should be editable row.) save and cancel options. while we click on save or cancel option work as properly. How can i add, delete, update, edit the rows dynamically using PrototypeJS wi...

Insert fixed elements in editable iframe

Hi, I have an editable iframe and I want to insert two DIVs at the [b]top [/b]and [b]bottom [/b]part(as header/footer) of iframe body respectively. Now, the question is : how to insert a div [b]at the top of iframe body[/b] and fix it there? (Will insertFirst() work?) Also, how to fix the footer div always [b]at the bottom of the ifram...

Set initial text when editing a QTableView cell

I've subclassed QAbstractTableModel and overrode the flags() method so that some of the table cells are editable. The problem is that when I start editing, the existing cell value is erased. I would like to initially have the existing cell value selected. How can I do this? ...

Can I create template-based library objects in Dreamweaver CS5?

At work we need two 'streams' of template. The first are general layout templates, like the ones already available in the MX through CS5 packages (except we'd have our own customised ones). The second are more granular objects, some of which are functional. In both cases, I don't want Jimmy to be able to wreak havoc inside anything othe...

Flex 3 - Issues with textArea "editable" property

Hello Community! I'm having issues with the property "editable" of textArea control. I have a component: OrderView.mxml and it's associated data class OrderViewData.as. Orderview.mxml is inside a viewStack to enable navigation from a component to another. In this particular case, OrderView.mxml is called by another component: SearchR...

jQuery - Why editable-select list plugin doesn't work with latest jQuery?

Why editable-select list plugin<select><option>value</option>doesn't work with latest jQuery? editable-select code: /** * Copyright (c) 2009 Anders Ekdahl (http://coffeescripter.com/) * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licen...

Changing the value of an NSImageView when it is edited via the control

Hello, I have an NSImageView which is set to editable. I would like to be able to revert to a default image when the user deletes the image. I've tried changing the value that the NSImageView is bound to in the setter, but the getter is not called afterwards, so the NSImageView is blank, despite the bound value being set to another imag...

CKEDITOR Define Editable Area

I'm using CKEDITOR to update the body content of various pages on a website. While I have applied the existing stylesheets via config.contentsCss, I need to wrap the editable area in some HTML like: <div id="contentWrapper"> <div id="content"> [EDITABLE CONTENT] </div> </div> Additionally, I need for only [EDITABLE CONTENT...

Postgres Editable Union View

I have a table which stores 'links' between 2 people. In order prevent further complications down the road on an application I am building, I want to create an editable view, that shows the link records and an inverse copy of the link records. Meaning if Joe is linked to Sally, then the view should show Joe linked to Sally and Sally li...

set text cursor in editable datagrid with adobe flex 3

Hi, when clicking on a row in this editable datagrid, the whole text is selected. How can I set the cursor to the first character. I've tried itemEditBegin(ning) and expected to be able to use for the ItemEditor a method like setSelection()... Please let me know, if you need anykind of additional information! Thanks, Werner <mx:Advan...

Creating a floating, editable and scrollable list in Android

I want to show a list of items when the user clicks an overlay item on a map. The user should be able to select any of these items and edit them. The list can have many items (more than that can fit in one active screen) therefore it needs to be scrollable. Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

Editable Column headers for WinForms DataGrid Control?

Hi all, I'd like to display a DataGrid control where the column headers are editable by the user. Is this possible? ...

Losing data when editing editable datatable (JSF2)

Hi there, I'm starting to code a little cookbook. Therefor i've created a page to add some menusteps, a menustep should describe how to cook the menu step by step. I have a datatable containing a list of MenuSteps. The user can click a commandLink to add/delete a new step. The Bean adds or removes a MenuStep of the list and rerender the...

editable combobox and update of the binded observablecollection

hello all, I an a newby and I spent over a day trying to figure it out how to update the observablecollection binded to a combobox. What I would like to do is to edit an item of a combobox, and then when I change the selection have it set as the current selected item and update the collection so that when I open the dropdown I see all re...

Switch between a TextView and EditText

Is this possible to interchange a TextView and an EditText. Like display the text when needed, but allow editing when needed. Is there a method (as in NON-XML) way of editing a TextView or non-editing a EditText? ...

How to make Spinner Editable in Android?

I changed the ArrayAdapter method of spinner and i got my custom Spinner. just change the parameter of this method like Spinner spinner = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.Spinner01); ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adapter=ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(This,R.array.statename,R.layout.mylayout); spinner.setAdapter(adp); In Which the mylay...

Seekbars and EditTexts

I am working on an application in which I need the user to set an array of 30 values and to make it user friendly and easy to use I have decided to use a series of SeekBars and EditText widgets. I am using eclipse and have used it to set up the layout. I am looking for an efficient way to set up the application to automaticaly update th...

How can I prevent that visitors set fullcalendar (arshaw) to editable:true via firebug?

http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_ui/editable/ The option editable can be manipulatet by visistors of my site via firebug and change data in my database. Is there a solution? $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ editable: false, [...] ...

Set selected WPF DataGridCell to focused and editable upon event

Woot, first Stack Overflow post! I've been asked to work on a desktop application to improve an inventory process for my company. I dabbled with WPF in school and I figured I'd start there. After researching some, I learned about MVVM, put a design together, and forged ahead. Finally, I'm stuck and looking for some help and also a sanity...