
Mac Tex Environment

I'm looking for a TeX environment for Mac OS, a bit like TeXnicCenter for windows. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. ...

please help me with rad controls in sharepoint

I want to use rad editor in sharepoint I have tried to install tellerik controls in sharepoint and i am getting this error "Could not load file or assembly 'Telerik.Web.UI\,' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified". could anyone help me in trying to figure out this error. Please let me know if any o...

What WYSIWYG editing component should I use for in-browser editing?

I'm looking for a good, WYSIWYG editor that I can integrate into my web pages enabling my users to edit letters, legal agreements, etc. without requiring them to learn a new set of commands or syntax or going crazy trying to remove a table or resize an image. I have read the relate questions. And I have used probably most of the better ...

Good FREE CSS editor with live preview for linux?

As the title says: What good free css editos with preview are available for linux? And please don't recommend Firefox + some plugin (eg Web Developer or Firebug). Thanks ...

Anyone know of a decent HTML editor?

I have always used a text-editor for my web-projects, but as they get more complicated, some kind of help is pretty much necessary. I need something that will do the following: run on linux be as close to just a text-editor as possible (I use gedit for everything) keep track of object attributes, possibly standardizing the order (i.e. ...

Change wrap width in a text file using Vim

I want to format srt subtitle text files to avoid wrapping problems on my media player. I need to set a line wrap width to a number of characters e.g. 43 I can do this with Editplus, its a built in function and works well. The reason I want to do it in Vim, firstly Editplus is only available on the PC and the secondly Vim is badass. ...

Any .NET IDE running on Windows Mobile?

Is there any .NET IDE running on windows Mobile 6.x? The IDE does not have to support mobile development, nor debugging or something else. What I'm looking for is kind of an "IntelliSense-capable editor running on Windows Mobile" that lets me write code on my mobile phone wihtout having to power up my laptop. ...

Any opensource WYSIWYG HTML editor for eclipse plugin development?

Iam looking for opensource WYSIWYG HTML editor for eclipse plugin development. Is there any opensources are available ? I appreciate your help on this. Note: Already i tried with 'richhtml4eclipse'. Regards Mathan ...

Vim - how to store and execute commonly used commands?

If I wanted to process a batch of text files with the same set of commands for example: :set tw=50 gggqG Can I save the above and run it with a shortcut command? ...

Editor to draw program logic and focus on big picture?

Hello This question has probably been asked before, but I don't know what keywords to use to find previous answers. When writing code, I tend to get lost in details, and would like some editor that I can use to be able to move from the little picture (actual code) to the big picture (big blocks of logic). Ideally, it should integrate ...

Blank text editor in Vis Studio

I have just installed VS 2005. I created a project. I added code to the project and then debugged the code. The program ran ok. I save the project. Everything saves fine. I go to open the project and the text editor is blank, or so it appears. After further investigation I notice that the code is there but I just can't see it. I ...

Have nautilus open file into new gvim buffer?

Is there a way to configure nautilus to open a file into an existing gvim process in a new buffer instead of loading a new instance of gvim? I know I can drag and drop the file into gvim, but it would be convenient if I could just double-click a file to open it. ...

TinyMCE writes terrible HTML!

I've currently got TinyMCE incorporated into the backend editor of a simple blogging/page-editing app, but I'm extremely unhappy with the HTML code it creates. It does all sorts of messy things like: Adding inline style information to span tags that you can't ever find to get rid of without editing the HTML directly. Nesting tags in no...

Editors with MiniMap like Sublime Text

Are there any other editors other than Sublime Text with the MiniMap feature as seen bellow? The reason why I'm asking this because Sublime Text isn't cheap for a text editor and besides I've tried the trial version and it still has some bugs and some important features like code folding are still missing. I've come to enjoy the Mini...

How to paste in a new line with vim?

I often have to paste some stuff on a new line in vim. What I usually do is: o<Esc>p Which inserts a new line and puts me in insertion mode, than quits insertion mode, and finally pastes. Three keystrokes. Not very efficient. Any better ideas? ...

vi: paste at top of file

One thing that's bothered me with vi is that paste (p) inserts lines after the line I'm on, which makes it impossible for me to insert things at the top of a file. For instance, say I'm going through and adding a UTF-8 declaration to the top of a few files: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- yy and it's yanked. Good. I switch over to another ...

Editor to select text that is inside a rectangle

Often I find myself with some text where I want to exclude a certain part of the text, say the first three characters of 40 lines. The fastest way I could think of to do this would be to draw a rectangle and copy the text. I am mostly using Windows, but I am sure grep or something similar could do this with a tiny bit of code. My best wa...

rich web text-editor with autocomplete

Is there a web (i.e. html) text editor with autocomplete? Let's say I want to do a web based mini IDE. I want to add it an autocomplete feature, so if you write Str and hit a key combination a javascript method would be invoked that returned possible completions, such as String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder, StreamParser, etc ...

YUI Editor: How to make two fix rows of buttons

Current state: I have a lot of additional buttons in my editor-implementation. I already do need two rows of buttons. The linebreak is made automatically and is dependant of the width of the surrounding div. In my case this div can change its size. Now everytime this happens, the buttons are realigned and some buttons move up in the firs...

.NET developer moving to ubuntu for development

I've been developing in .NET now for about 3 years. I love the visual studio IDE and sadly I won't be able to use it anymore. Could someone save me hours of searching the web and reading reviews, and suggest the 'standard' or most popular IDE/Text editor for linux that will get me up and running quickly? My main goals here are web deve...