
Online source code accepting system.

Dear all I need your input. I am developing a web application which accepts source code online, same like stackoverflow. Source code resides inline with other details and one content may have code in multiple languages. I am very much impressed with stackoverflow's system, can anyone please let me know how should I proceed to develop ...

Why just file locking in multi-user systems is not sufficient?

Ritchie claims that file locking is not sufficient to prevent the confusion caused by programs such as editors that make a copy of a file while editing and then write the original file when done. Can you explain what he meant? ...

editorInstance.SetHTML(text.substr(0,charLimit)) broken HTML tags creating problem

Am using FCK Editor & chars length in editor <= 2000 (this is configurable) including formatting (that is HTML tags it generates). If user tries to enter more than 2000 characters, I kept an alert that "You can't enter more than 2000 chars". But if user entered 1999 characters and clicked on Formatting toolbar icons it is exceeding 2000 ...

how to create a online javascript editor?

I'm learning javascript, however it's not so convenient to do some experiments. You have to create a template HTML file and then embed your js code into it, and then use browser to open the html file. Even you just want to see alert("hello world"). I wonder if it's easy to create a online javascript editor. The basic idea is: in a html t...

Do editors allowing you to view source code in different indent style exist?

This is not a subjective nor an argumentative question but a question that needs a yes/no answer and, if the answer is positive, the name(s) of said editor(s). Imagine the company guideline mandates committed code to use the K&R style and that I prefer Allman (for example). Are there editors (either standalone or part of an IDE) that al...

window.getSelection() gives me the selected text, but i want the html

I'm extending a WYSIWYG htmleditor (for firefox), I want to add tags around a selection. I can't find a function to accomplish this in the Mozilla Midas specification. There is a command to replace the selection with html. So if i could read the selection contents, i could add my tags to this string. window.getSelection() almost works...

WYSIWYG HTML Editor Component for Delphi

Hi. I need to send Email from my Delphi application. What I need is a WYSIWYG editor that I can use in the application to create the body of the email in HTML. Any ideas? Thanks, Pieter. ...

Bespin php backend how to?

Do any body know how to use bespin php backend? mean how can i use it , i want to edit php files like an online php code editor.http://launchpad.net/bespinphp here is the url!! ...

Good text/code editor for Linux

So, I think I'm going to do some coding on Linux soon, but so far the biggest turn-off for me was that I'm very reluctant to move away from my current text/code editor. I'm looking for a Linux text/code editor (either GUI or text-based) which is (or can be configured to be) as close as possible to my current setup of FAR Manager's built-...

Reasons for using command line Vim versus GUI Vim

Background I'm building an application where it detects what documents you're using from the file system. To do this it must access the AXDocument attribute of the active window. MacVim provides this. Running Vim in the Terminal wouldn't provide this. I've just put out a survey to ask what editor coders who are interested in my app use...

HTML 5 drag-drop into wysiwyg editor in Firefox

I have a wysiwyg editor using the HTML 5 drag-drop api to allow the user to place widgets within the page they are editing. When the OnDrop event fires, I prevent the default event, and insert some html within the editor that represents the widget they inserted. I use execCommand("inserthtml", false, html) for this in Firefox. This work...

Xcode Editor Messing Up

Hi Everyone, I'm having some trouble with Xcode. A lot of times I'll just be typing code in, and then something will suddenly happen that screws up how the text displays on the page. Sometimes it will cut off the first characters of some lines. Other times, especially when I'm typing near the bottom (I notice it occurs when it tries ...

Using VIM as a HTML editor

You know how Notepad++ has this feature that when you click on a tag (say ) it automatically highlights the ending tag () as well? What's it called? And how do you tweak VIM to have this feature as well? And any more ways you can turn VIM into a powerful and efficient HTML editor? ...

Editor doesn't open in xcode

Hi, i have a weird problem with xCode. Here's a screenshot: http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/9778/picture2rd.png when i usually clicked on the file in the left column it'd open in source code editor on the right. Now it doesn't happen. Does anyone know how to get it back the way it was before? it drives me crazy greetings peter ...

Why is error coming up for TinyMce blog editor?

I have installed the TinyMce blog editor to my site. When the compose blog page loads a I get a pop up that has the yield sign and says "Developer Key Validation Failed" Anyone know what this is? <script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/jquery/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.cysticlif...

Text Editor For Assembly

I'm now developing on Assembly under Linux, but I love to develop on a editor that have syntax highlight feature. Then I want to know what is the best one for Assembly(that has syntax highlight). ...

wxPython autocomplete

What editors or IDEs offer decent autocompletion for wxPython on Windows or Linux? Are there any? I tried several and support is either non-existant or limited. ...

Lightweight editor for Mac that highlights all occurrences of a word

My question is similar to this one: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/385661/emacs-highlight-all-occurences-of-a-word In Notepad++ editor, there's a convenient feature: if you select a word in your text (not necessarily a keyword), the word is highlighted throughout the text. Is there any similar way in a lightweight editor for Mac? I...

How do I get the VIM matchit plugin working with ColdFusion and HTML?

I've been attempting to follow the instructions on the Vim wiki to get the matchit plugin working with ColdFusion (*.cfm) files containing both ColdFusion and HTML tags running on MacVim. I've got the syntax file for ColdFusion (cf.vim) installed in $HOME/.vim/syntax/cf.vim, the latest version of matchit installed in .vim/plugin/matchit...

Creating XML Editor and using WPF MVVM

Hi! I should make a XML editor on WPF with auto closing tags and highlight tags attributes and data. Now I use PreviewKeyDown event to check which key is pressed. For example when I press < the variable TagStart is set to true and everything typed after < is stored in StringBuilder variable and when > is pressed it generates a close tag....