
Is there a visual two-dimensional code editor?

Let me explain what I mean by "two-dimensional code editor": imagine of using Inkscape or Gimp in a big canvas (say infinite). The "T - add text" tool is used to write the code. Additionally, all function definitions will be framed and links will connect the called functions. In other words: you have a very large sheet of (virtual) pap...

Text editor inside of OpenGL?

Does anyone know of a good text editor implemented inside of OpenGL? I'm writing this OpenGL app, and I need some basic text editing apps inside of the app. [Not an external application.] Thanks! (PS; if it's a mini-vi clone inside of OpenGL, even better!) Edit: I'm using C++. ...

Text editor/viewer with ANSI codes rendering support for Windows.

I need some tool to display text containing ANSI codes correctly on Windows. No full support needed, but at least coloring/bold is a must. Reason: My logger/debug module produce nicely rendered rich output with important sections colored using ANSI codes. This helps a lot when debugging on the serial terminal, but if I dump the debug to...

How does edit.exe work?

There is an exe in system32 called edit.com . It is an old text editor. I'm wondering how they made a console app have a gui, and work with the mouse? Thanks ...

Web development editor

Hello, I'm new to web development and I don't know an editor with auto completion. I need such for xhtml,jscript,jquery and css. It does not matter if commercial or not,so what do the top web developers on SO use for web development? Thanks in advance! ...

eclipse editor, ex: xml editor, code assistance. how it works?

Hello, I wonder how eclipse editor works to enable code assistance? For example: XML editor for hibernate property file. Within the editor, if I ctrl-space within a tag, a list of possible value relevant to hibernate will show up. I understand that the xml editor is pre-configured to understand xml tag, but how about tag specific t...

javascript php editor

Is there and editor for PHP (or for any other syntax-highlight - able) language, written in javascript and available to use? ...

Vim - yank into search register

Is there any easy/quick way to "yank" into vim's "last search" register ("/)? From the vim documentation, it appears that the answer is no, but that it can be assigned via a "let" command: It is writable with ":let", you can change it to have 'hlsearch' highlight other matches without actually searching. You can't yank or delete into ...

c# richtext editor with smarttags

I'm looking for a richtextbox control which preferably has support for custom smart tags. The standard rich text editor in .net is a bit limited, so I'm just wondering if someone has a control to recommend. Some features I'm looking for is - being able to represent links with a different text than the link itself - being able to add a c...

An Emacs alternative which exposes a text model to a scriptable environment?

Hello, everybody out there! I'm currently seeking for a technical solution to create a nice literate programming environment. Unfortunately, most editors are too much hard coded, and their functionalities just cover most famous needs, and can't cleanly cover special needs. I came to Emacs (later after some others), but I also came to n...

How to add menu entry to "Run As"?

Hi, In Plugin Developpment Environnement of Eclipse, How ca i add an menu entry to "Run As" for a specific Editor? ...

css editor (for admin integration)

Can somebody suggest me a CSS EDITOR (web-based editor), to integrate in CMS (C#, .NET) ... for HTML there are a lot, but for CSS, i can't find. THANKS ...

How to disable Caret Blinking?

Hi, I have created an Eclipse Editor (extends EditorPart) containing an TextViewer. I would like to disable the Caret blinking (I want an Caret allways visible)? How can i do? ...

A tool for understanding assembler programs ?

I have an assembler program and I try to understand it. (I'm actually profiling it). Is there a Linux tool/editor that would structurize it a little for me? Displaying where loops/jumps are would be enough. Handy description of what an instruction does would be great. ...

Eclipse shortcut ctrl+m behavior

In eclipse we have the ctrl+m shortcut for maximizing windows. But when you have two editors opened side by side, it maximizes both editors. Is there anyway to change the default behavior of ctrl+m so it only maximizes one window? (Personally this is the behavior i need 9 out of 10 times using ctrl+m) Thanks. ...

Is it possible to object-select a heredoc or "here document" with vim?

One of Vim's great strengths is object-select, offering quick manipulation of content inside words, paragraphs and assorted delimiters. For example, vi{ will select everything inside a pair of {} braces. Is there any equivalent functionality for selecting a here document or heredoc: <<<HTML .... .... HTML; ...

Trick for seeing databound list controls in the VS XAML Editor

Is there any way to see what a control will look like in the XAML designer when it's ItemSource property is databound? I want to see what it looks like in the designer somehow without actually running the application. ...

replacing string in many many .php files

i have downloaded a website i have created and want to find the domain name and replace it with a new one without having to open each file. I use EditPlus Is there any editor that can do this or do you know how to do this in windows or editplus? thx ...

Is there an free text editor that supports symfony?

Especially the indentation. phpedit seems to be good,but it's not free. ...

VS2010 - Toolbox Drag-And-Drop in custom Language Service/Editor

Hi, My questions are: 1: Is Drag-And-Droping Toolbox controls (for example WPF controls) in a custom Language (Service) TextView possible? 2: Would I need a custom editor? Thanks! Satixx ...