
Using a previously generated RSA public/private key with the .net framework

Hi all, I have a pre-existing public/private key pair for RSA encryption which I need to use in .net . All the examples I can find online demonstrate how to generate a new private/public pair and then encrypt/decrypt. ie. something like this: const int PROVIDER_RSA_FULL = 1; const string CONTAINER_NAME = "SpiderContainer"; CspParameters...

how do I sign data with pyme?

I just installed pyme on my ubuntu system. it was easy (thanks apt-get) and I can reproduce the example code (encrypting using a public key in my keyring). now I would like to sign some data and I didn't manage to find any example code nor much documentation. this is what I've been doing: >>> plain = pyme.core.Data('this is just some...

On-the-fly email encryption/signature

Background: I've inherited an embedded linux-based system that contains an SMTP proxy and some wacky constraints that I just have to live with. It sits between an SMTP client and server. When an SMTP client connects, the proxy opens a connection to the server and passes the client's data to the server after some on-the-fly processing....

What format signature does Openssl pkeyutl expect?

I'm trying to verify a file that was signed by hashing with SHA-1 and encrypting the hash with an RSA private key. Obviously I'm using the RSA public key to verify. The key is in DER format. The signature verification works correctly using Java's Signature class. The openssl command I'm trying (and the result) is: ~/Downloads...

what is the best python method for encryption

I retrieved the PGP key from the public key server ,Now need help in getting a python method for encryption which can accept this PGP public key . As i know PGP/Gnupg.py module do not allow me to use encryption/decryption function separately without generating the key. ...

Encrypting Passwords in Ironspeed 6.1.1

I'm currently working on an app that is being created using Ironspeed Designer. It's going to be an internet website with sensitive data, so we (my group) would like to encrypt passwords. According to this help article at Ironspeed's site, the customization to do this sounds trivial. Except I can't find the file I'm supposed to modify...

Emulate a radius server in .NET

We have a wireless controller that prompts client machines for a username and pass using radius, the wireless controller than relays that request to us, where we need to then send that request to a third party unencrypted. is it possible to emulate a radius server in .net is there an api. is there a radius encryption algo short of clea...

Public/Private Key Encryption in Java and C, Windows and Linux

I'd like to implement a software licensing scheme. I like the looks of the TrueLicense package in Java, but it's overkill, and I need to validate a license file not just in Java, but in C on both Windows and Linux. Can anyone suggest an approach and/or libraries or tools to validate an encrypted file across Java and C, Linux and Wind...

How to communicate AES initialization Vector to client for hybrid cryptosystem.

I need to implemented security for client-server communication. I have implemented the following hybrid cryptosystem: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid%5Fcryptosystem To encrypt a message addressed to Alice in a hybrid cryptosystem, Bob does the following: Obtains Alice's public key. Generates a fresh symmetric key for the data enca...

PHP Source Encryption - Effectiveness and Disadvantages

I have some PHP source code that I'm hosting with hosting company XYZ. I'm using a PHP encryption software like Zend Guard or ionCube to protect the source from being viewed by anyone (sysadmin or hacker that hacks the sysadmin). How easy/hard is it for someone who has full access to the system (like the sysadmin or hacker that hacks t...

Encrypting Password

Hi All, I want to encrypt password in JQuery and decrypt it in servlets. Please tell me which algorithm should I use and how to implement this thing. ...

not-yet-commons SSL and Open SSL, Java and C++, Common Ground?

The not-yet-commons SLL package for Java provides an OpenSSL object with a method for password based encryption: encrypt("des", password, data); This method is said to be compatible with the OpenSSL C library. My question is, what is the OpenSSL C++ method equivalent to the above Java? Thanks ...

What does SSL do for web applications

Does SSL provide any type of security other than simply encrypting the content of the HTTP request for web applications? ...

Does Rijndael always throw an exception if the password isn't correct?

I'm using Rijndael to encrypt/decrypt some sensitive images that will be used on some documents. I'm trying to be absolutely sure that the password provided works and that, by some quirk of fate, an incorrect password will result in a corrupted image that ends up on the document. If I don't catch it before this point, lots of documents...

Which of the encryption aproaches should I use?

I need a system to exchange very secret data (source code that is a trade secret). I will use Crypto++ so practically I can use all encryption algorithms, although I really prefer to use an industry standard. Currently I'm thinking on these methods: Have the server generate 2048/4096-bit RSA keys, send the public key over to the clien...

relevant query to what is the best python method for encryption

I tried to use the gnupg.py module encryption decryption function named " def test_encryption_and_decryption(self): " Could i use this function by passing the key or fingerprint retrieved from public key server. I am getting the key by this : retk = urllib.urlopen('http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup op=get&search=hex f...

SHA512 vs. Blowfish and Bcrypt

I'm looking at hashing algorithms, but couldn't find an answer. Bcrypt uses Blowfish Blowfish is better than MD5 Q: but is Blowfish better than SHA512? Thanks.. Update: I want to clarify that I understand the difference between hashing and encryption. What prompted me to ask the question this way is this article, where the autho...

How to make a message into a polynomial?

I'm doing a project where I have to implement the NTRUEncrypt public key cryptosystem. This is the first step according to their guide in encrypting - "Alice, who wants to send a secret message to Bob, puts her message in the form of a polynomial m with coefficients {-1,0,1}" . I want to know how I can make my message into a polynomial. ...

How to deliver a java program to a client?

I wrote a software application in Java. Now I want to deliver it to my clients. But before that, I want to do something on that software which are mentioned below. You can answer any or all of the below questions: I want to: Encrypt all the .class files so that no one can decompile it. How can I encrypt it? After encryption I want to ...

Validating hashed aspnet-service passwords programmatically

I have a website of which I am migrating membership from aspnet services to a custom provider. I would like to migrate existing users without them needing to change their passwords. The users passwords are currently stored using a one-way encryption. The only option for me is to use the same salt and passwords that asp services and val...