
characters in an encrypted blob

what are the all possible characters that could appear in an encrypted blob? in another word, for example, could '&' be a character in an encrypted blob? what about '+'? why? ...

Which library would you consider on linux for DEA (Data Encryption Algorithm)?

I need a 3DES encrypt/decrypt library for my project. Do you know an implementation working on linux ? Linux is the target platform, but I essantially compile/debug on Windows. Therefore it could be really appreciated if it could work on Windows, while not mandatory. ...

Predicting the length of an encrypted string

I am using this for encryption: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.cryptography.rijndaelmanaged.aspx Is there a way I can predict what the encrypted text will look like? I am converting the encrypted output to text so I can store it in the db. I just want to make sure the size of the database column is large enou...

How to encrypt query strings in aspx.net?

Title I hope says it all: How do I encrypt query strings in aspx.net? P.S. I realize that this does not offer security. I'm just looking to obfuscate a puzzle. P.P.S Though I marked CKret's answer as the correct one (for the question as worded I believe his is the most correct answer). However, for myself, I'm just going to try ChoasP...

RSA Encryption, getting bad length

When calling the following function : byte[] bytes = rsa.Encrypt(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToEncrypt), true); I am now getting the error: bad length. With a smaller string it works, any ideas what the problem could be the string I am passing is under 200 characters. ...

Fast Lightweight .NET Client Encryption -> Server Decryption

Hi there, I have a simple client/server setup. The client and the server both have a private key. What does .NET offer me in the way of ClientData-> ClientEncrypt with KEY-> Transmit to Server-> ServerDecrypt with KEY-> ClientData Can anyone suggest any fast simple libraries to read up on? Thanks ...

Read/write Excel 2007 password-protected documents

What method does Office 2007 use for encryption (when choosing Encrypt and setting a password from Office menu)? My C# app needs to create and read encrypted Excel 2007 files (.xlsx). It is important that these files remain accessible from Excel, so I must use Microsoft's encryption method, can't brew my own. Normal Excel 2007 file is ...

Implementing a Handshake for a Socket Connection

I'm developing a program with a client/server model where the client logs on to the server, and the server assigns a session id/handshake which the client will use to identify/authorize its subsequent messages to the server. I'm wondering what length should the handshake be for it to be reasonably secure but also short enough to minimiz...

Decrypting PKCS#7 encrypted data in C#

I am working on a solution that needs to decrypt PKCS#7 encrypted data, preferably in C#. As far as I can see, the .NET api has support for this through the System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs namespace. However it seems that the implementation can only work on byte arrays. So what do I do when I have a large encrypted file that does not f...

C# Encryption gone wrong part 2...

Really not having a good week with encryption. Let me explain what I need. I want to encrypt string values to a file.... I want to decrypt the file contents back to a string using C# I want to do this without having to worry about machine store or user store or any other store, neither a registry , etc. Any security key can be shippe...

How to encrypt/decrypt text from file with php?

How to encrypt/decrypt text from file with php? ...

Archiver Securing SQLite Data without using Encryption on iPhone

I'm developing an iphone app that uses Core Data with a SQLite data store and lots of images in the resource bundle. I want a "simple" way to obfuscate the file structure of the SQLite database and the image files to prevent the casual hacker/unscrupulous developer from gaining access to them. When the app is deployed, the database file ...

GnuPG - How to edit the file without decrypt and save to local disk first?

Hi, I'm using GNUPG to encrypt my ascii files. I learnt to generate a key, also how to use the it to encrypt and decrypt a file. There are two ways I used: gpg -d foo.txt.gpg & gpg --output foo.txt --decrypt foo.txt.gpg I realized the first method will display the decrypted file on the screen, for example when I executed ...

Encrypted a project in ASP.NET

Are there any ways to encrypted a project in ASP.NET, so my customers can not change change the function where it checks the license code? ...

How to assure that certain data in SQL Server 2008 can only be accessed with my software?

I’m distributing an SQL 2008 database with my c# application (only the data, which I restore in the client’s local SQL server). Is there a way to assure that the client can only access my data by using my application? (and not, for instance, using Management Studio, SQLCMD, etc) Thanks, Nestor ...

PostgreSQL TDE support

Does PostgreSQL support Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)? We are planning to use PostgreSQL for our remote clients, but are worried that the data files can be copied and a new instance of the database can be recreated on an unauthorized machine. TDE solves this problem. But we're not sure if PostgreSQL supports TDE -- does it? ...

PHP and C# communication with Encrypt/Decrypt

Hello, I have been searching and cant find a consistent solution to my problem : I want to encrypt something in C# and decrypt it in PHP but also be able to encrypt in PHP and decrypt in C#, using the same key on both ends. All the solutions I found dont seem to work both ways, most of them only work on one language and then fail on th...

How exactely HTTPLiveStreaming with encryption works on iPhone?

I want to use HTTPLiveStreaming with encryption on iphone. I have red in HTTPLiveStreamingdocs for iPhone that it provides "Content Production" but can't understand how exactly it works. Some one please throw some light on it. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Amit ...

MD5 algorithm in Objective C

How to calculate the MD5 in objective C ? ...

Secure login: public key encryption in PHP and Javascript

I'm trying to make a "normal" username/password login form secure, without needing HTTPS. My idea is this: Server generates a keypair for some kind of assymetric encryption algorithm. It stores this keypair in a temporary table of sorts (or perhaps the local session data). Server sends the form to the client and includes the public key...