
File will not decrypt properly

Ok so at this point I've figured out many of the other issues I was having. Now upon attempting to decrypt the file, I receive no exceptions, however the data is not decrypted properly....it goes through the entire operation without throwing an exception, until I attempt to access the XML document via the combo box again after decrypting...

How to encrypt a program for defense against disassembly?

I need to protect my program from disassembly. The first attempt would be by encrypting the program and decrypting its parts when needed. Perhaps encrypting again when decrypted code is executed. Please give me a clue, how create this type of defense. Obviously without assambler this task is difficult, but I haven't found many resource...

Generating consumer key/secrets for HMAC-SHA1

I am looking for a programmatic way to generate consumer key/secrets for HMAC-SHA1 to be used by clients invoking our API over OAuth. Any pointers to existing implementations would be highly helpful. ...

pkcs#11 memory error - what might be the common reasons?

I am getting the CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY error code for C_Encrypt call using cryptoki library. From the PKCS#11 spec, CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY means The token doesnot have sufficient memory to perform the requested function. Under what circumstances, do we get the token's memory completely full? The HSM has been working 24x7 for 7 days continuous...

Intersystems Caché - Class for Data Encryption

I wonder which class is the class that I use to encrypt data (first time string data) and the best method of encryption (among those supported by caché). Must generate a strong encryption for data in my project. Any help is welcome. If someone can show me some example, I'll be even more grateful. ...

Coding strategy for securing sensitive data

A web application contains sensitive data of the users. Neither the operator of the web application nor the hosting provider should be able to see this data. Therefore I wanted to store these data in the DB encrypted with the entrance password of the users. dataInDB = encrypt (rawData, user password) With this strategy it is however...

Encryption method that's implemented for both php and java?

Hi, I have to pass some strings from a java servlet to a php script. What options are there for encrypting the strings? I'd need a method that is implemented for both java and php (like..a caesar cipher...). Is there any standard encryption method I should be able to get a library for both java and php? I want to encrypt the strings o...

Encryption for Objective-C

I need to send encrypted data to a remote server from Objective-C using a web service. What encryption method should I use? It should support both Objective-C and the remote server. ...

How to encrypt a alphnumeric serial number so user canot judge next number

I want to generate serial number alphanumeric of 8 digits. But i also want to hide/encrypt the number so no one can judge next number. And also i want to keep the length after encryption or sum shuffling mechanism. For example my series like this: 1000002A 1000002B 1000002C Any idea? ...

How can i encrypt query string parameters in ASP.NET website?

In one of my ASP.Net websites, I have to provide a link to the user in which all query string parameters should be encrypted. What I am thinking is to use the command "aspnet_regiis" (as used to encrypt web.config data), pass output as a query string inside published url. When the user clicks that link, I first decrypt the string and t...

PHP AES decryption

Hi All, I'm really struggling to decrypt a given cipher text in PHP and I'm hoping that one of you will be able to spot where I'm going wrong with this one. So this is the string I'm trying to decode Wq+J2IlE7Cug1gJNiwy1beIcFggGhn+gZHkTCQ4J/DR3OY45OMs4RXN850xbfAmy I know its encrypted with AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding with an IV of 2ZqVSH...

Declaring Encryption in a ASP.NET Web App

Im receiving the following error "Name 'Encryption' is not declared." On Line If reader_login("password").ToString() = Encryption.Rijndael.Encrypt(Password, "SHA1", 2, 256) Then Locally it is fine just seeing this error now on my development machine. Any Ideas ? ...

SHA1CryptoServiceProvider in .NET doesn't match UNIX shasum

I'm trying to share authentication between an ASP.NET app and another UNIX-based app, where the hashed password is stored in the database. I need to ensure the hashing algorithms on both platforms match. This is how I'm hashing in C#: var sha1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); var passwordBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password); var...

How do I secure a CXF web service using WS-Security and an AES 256 encrypted password?

I'm trying to use an AES 256 encrypted password instead of a plain text password. I'm not sure how to configure the server to use an AES encrypted password. When I try to run the client code it gets an exception org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: Unknown password type encoding: http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes256-cbc If an...

Password encryption in Jackrabbit

I am currently standing up a Liferay portal instance. Liferay uses Jackrabbit as its document repository management system. To configure Jackrabbit, I had to put in my database access URL, user name, and password into the repository.xml file. However, one certification check I have to pass is that there cannot be passwords stored in p...

Encryption / Security on a WebApp

We have a web app, which is written in Java, and storing data into a PostgreSQL database. We'd like to encrypt a few fields in our database, as well as some uploaded documents. However, these all need to be 2-way encryption (ie, we need to be able to decrypt them), and decryption needs to be fairly fast. However, we cannot come up wit...

How would you generate a key that is only valid for three months?

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to generate a "key" that is valid for a period of (approximately) three months? For example, let's say (hypothetically) that I generate a key like this (pseudocode): Key = HASH ( MachineID, Salt ); And the way I verify a key is valid is to check like this: isValid(Key) { return Key == HASH ( ...

Generating passwords in Python 3.1.1

I am looking to generate passwords using strings typed by the user, the book I am reading recommends using sha over md5 because it is considered stronger. sha however has been deprecated and I am now using the hashlib module to encrypt me strings in a similar way to that shown here: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/hashlib.html#modul...

Serialize/Encrypt/Transmit Web Form Data to Web Service

I have an ASP.NET 1.1 form gathering data on a public-facing site, within a DMZ. The data is represented by a serializable class. My problem is that I need to serialize, encrypt and transmit the data to a Web Service running on an internal server - the service logic should then decrypt and deserialize the data before writing the XML to a...

After login, should all pages be https?

This will be a bit difficult to explain but I will try my best. There is a website that has the login form on every page with username/password fields. These pages are not using SSL. After the user fills in the username/password and submits the form, the form is sent to an authentication page which is https. I have a few questions about...