
Encrypting streaming content onto persistent storage and decrypting it to the stream on iPhone

Hello fellow developers, My app "streams" content (fixed sized files, hence quotation marks) from an HTTP server into a local file. Then there is another component of the app that opens that same file and displays it (plays it). This is done for caching purposes, so that when the same file is requested next time, it will no longer need...

What encryption method (algorithm) is used for store data base password in MS Access 2010 database?

My desktop application use MS access 2003 data base to keep some sensitive information . used access 2003 files(*.mdb) are password protested. Access 2003 data base password are easily crackable by various tools available on internet because of its weak storage method. Now I am planing to migrate my application database to MS access 201...

Can you 'convert' ciphertext encrypted in CBC mode to ECB mode with known IV?

In CBC mode, C2 = Ek(C1 ⊕ P2) C2 = 2nd block of ciphertext P2 = 2nd block of plaintext Ek = encryption function If IV is known (let's say it's set to 0), is there anyway to find the ciphertext block such that C2 = Ek(P2) ? ...

Executing Application inside an archive file without extraction

I want to compress and encrypt my whole application, maybe with Zip, 7z, Bz2, Tar, or any compression method, and using AES-128/256 as encryption algorithm for security purposes. Then create a launcher application which will handle the execution of the application and decryption of the archive. I already have an idea on how to achieve i...

How many key-sets should be in use to encrypt/decrypt data in several instances of the same web application?

We host several instances of our web application on four different servers. Two of the servers host the IIS/web portion of the application, the other two host the MSSQL databases. Each of our clients has an individual virtual directory in IIS and an individual database. Each database shares exactly the same schema. Assume we're usi...

C# WPF Encryption.

I want to encrypt passwords using the C# WPF. what is the best algorithm (and easy to implement) to use? and I want some example about how to use it ... ...

Social Engine Password Encryption Help

Hi, I want to make an other sign up page which is linked to the social engine database, but when i MD5 the password and store it in the se_users table, the user can't login, i believe that social engine have another encryption method, Can someone please give me a function to encrypt passwords the social engine way? This is their functi...

how to call RijndaelAlg.CreateEncryptor in C# correctly when saving lots of independent files

In my situation I have a number of files that will be stored on a server. Each of these files is created by a C# application that I am writing. background: For this application, the amount of time needed to encrypt isnt important, the files tend to be small and we've got plenty of CPU cycles to spare (the client is the only computer ...

Best cipher for c# and PHP?

Hi, I have made a C# application that talks to my website via PHP(mcrypt) and visa versa. I was wondering which is the best cipher to use and if there are any ciphers that are tempermental when encrypt/decrypting over different lanuages. I also wondered if I need to convert the data to a different format before encrypting. E.g. Say...

MAMP Pro + Espionage folder encryption = 403 error?

I'm using MAMP PRO on my OS X 10.6 with Espionage to encrypt my ~/Sites folder (where MAMP is pulling my virtual hosts from). I'm having trouble having MAMP's Apache follow the symlink that Espionage automatically creates to /Volumes/EspionageMounts/lee/3042560432 (I believe this changes all the time, so cannot be static). My 'Sites' f...

What encryption algorithm should be used for encrypting text as text n FreePascal/Delphi?

I need to encrypt some text in my program developed using Lazarus/Freepascal, but I should be able to load them as text and decrypt them, rather than in binary because I need to save them in a TStrings type property. Which algorithm(s) are suited to that? ...

Which encryption mode ECB, CBC, CFB

My php script and my c# application will pass a hash string to each other that is 32 chars long, what is the best mode for this? I thought ECB but am unsure as it says if using more then 1 block dont use. How do I know how big the block is? They will occasionally pass a large text file, which would be the best mode for encrypting this.....

Help converting PHP functions to c#?

Hi, I have been using the encryption class of codeigniter (PHP framework) for a while and need to convert these functions in PHP to C#. This is so that my c# application can decrypt the data on my website database and vise versa. The problem is that I have recently started with c# so dont really know the function names that would do t...

Does anyone have a code example of AES encryption in python on Google App Engine?

Hi, I have a query string I need to encrypt using AES in CBC mode with zero padding, before finally encoding it to base64 and I need to run this on Google App Engine in Python. I've had a look around and can't be sure what works in GAE and what doesn't, I'm also finding it hard to get example code of some of those I believe should work...

Help with Rijndael/AES encryption to file

I got this example from msdn and what wondering why it wont decrypt all the text file if I comment out the Rijndael EncryptTextToFile() function. Some good examples would be welcome as I am unsure how to set to 256bit and CBC mode. Thanks using System; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.IO; class Rijn...

Storing Credit Card Information

Possible Duplicate: Storing credit card details There are many sites that stores the Credit card information. I too, in one of my application , need to store the credit card information in database. But I don't have any idea how to store them. I found somewhere that we can split the credit card numbers in parts and the encrypt...

Hibernate - encrypted reference by relations on usernames

I was wondering if my idea is possible with hibernate. What I want is that there is one table with usernames and every table wich has a reference to this table has the username encrypted in a column. So the username doesn't stand in normal text but encrypted in every table which have a reference to the user table. So I need something...

Recommended solutions to use PGP-compatible file encryption from a Java app running on Linux?

I need to replace an existing application that, among other things, will need to encrypt/decrypt/sign messages and files in a manner compatible with PGP Desktop. The new application is written in Java (JDK 1.6) and will run on Linux. After surveying what's available, I see BouncyCastle (http://www.bouncycastle.org/java.html) supports ...

Size of data after AES encryption

I would like to know the size of data after AES encryption so that I can avoid buffering my post-AES data(on disk or memory) mainly for knowing the size. I use 128 bit AES and javax.crypto.Cipher and javax.crypto.CipherInputStream for encryption. A few tests performed with various input sizes show that, the post encryption size calcula...

Detecting SSL Browser support

Hello, How can you detect if the client browser has SSL support? I am not refering to the server Variables HTTPS_* . I want to be able to determine if the browser has no SSL support. P.S. I know this is possible because this company (http://www.cyscape.com) has a product that can even detect when you unselect SSL support from your bro...