
Java Struts Report

I am writing an excel report using an action,controller, servlet struts framework. The report is very congested and has already around 10 separate queries. I need to add about 10 more queries due to a change in the report. Is there a way to do this without having to keep nesting the Result Sets? Below is the existing code. public TotalS...

How to make the Excel broken autofilter indicator go away?

Excel 2003 Working with a large sheet which is typically autofiltered. However when autofilter is turned off the indicators are still all there, they just don't work. Not sure whether some vba was run which may have caused this. Other workbooks behave correctly on the same machine, and this workbook behaves this way on other machines. ...

visual basic - i need help

Hello! I'm really a beginner in vba and programming. I have to write a macro that simulates a binomial distribution where the price of something can only go up or down with the probability of p that is 50% this time. My variables: S=100 (the basic value) u=1,1 (how much the value goes up in each experiment if it goes up) d=1/u (how ...

Add 2 extra columns to an excel file

LS, Since the Microsoft ODBC Excel Driver doesn't support ALTER TABLE/DELETE FROM(/UPDATE?) statements, I'm using alternative ways of getting the right data in the right place. I still have one problem with getting 2 columns added to an excel sheet. Someone told me to use: SELECT *, newcol1, newcol1 INTO newExternalSheet FROM thisShe...

How do I use an ADO.NET managed provider in Excel?

I have an ADO.NET Managed Data Provider that is registered in machine.config in DbProviderFactory - It is available for use from, say, Analysis Services, so I know it is correctly registered. However, I need to be able to query the managed provider from Excel, but the managed provider doesn't appear as a choice from Data Link Properties...

What platform/technology would work best for a web app that has heavy client-side excel type operations?

So, I am working on an app that needs heavy "cell" calculations in a web-based app. The client needs to be able to change values, even the formulas... calculate totals etc, all on the client side in basically a "spreadsheet". These requirements are pretty strict :( I am wondering if there is any library or any way to utilize Excel thr...

forcing excel to display a negative number as ($0,000)

how do i do this in vba? and how do i do this manually? ...

Closing ODBC connection doesn't write Excel file

LS, Basically my code opens a connection to the Excel file, performs an UPDATE query, and closes the connection again. When I execute a SELECT on the file, and output it, it does reflect the updated data, but when I close the connection and send the file to the user, it doesn't have the data in it. It seems that the data is written af...

repeating specific rows on every page printed

how is it possible to print the same set of rows on every page that is printed on excel? how do i do this through vba? how do i do this manually? ...

Importing excel data to xml with one column having different values?

Hi, I am trying to convert my data to XML using Excel. However for one of the column: lcd_size, I have multiple value for it. How do I get it to display in the following way below? ...

excel group with hidden rows

I have an Excel sheet where several rows are grouped together using "Group and outline". By default the group is to be expanded but I have one row that I have hidden using vba in Workbook_Open. After I click the [-] to collapse the group and then the [+] to expand it again my hidden row is now visible. Is there a way to keep the hidd...

Editing legend name on an excel chart using C#

I want to edit the name of the legends given on my excel chart. Right now I have 5 Series on a chart and the legend displays the names "Series 1", "Series 2", "Series 3", "Series 4", "Series 5". I need to change them to "DS1", "DS2" etc. I am using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel for my program. Can someone please help me out? thanks in ...

Excel export chart to wmf or emf?

I am trying to export a chart from Excel to either the wmf or emf format. The code works if you export to GIF but not with WMF as the filtername. This works: Chart.Export FileName:="current_sales.gif", FilterName:="GIF" But Chart.Export FileName:="current_sales.wmf", FilterName:="WMF" fails giving the error: Run-time error '1...

What's the best way / tool to get excel data into an Atom 1.0 formatted feed?

I have some data in excel format that I want to get into an Atom 1.0 xml file. Is there one tool out there that is easier to do this in than others? Excel can save in XML format so the other question is if it's easier to convert that to Atom? ...

Reading text and writing to Excel in Java

I have some code that puts new text on first line of a text document. I need some code to read that first line from the text document, and then should write this text to the first cell, first column of an Excel document. Then my code would put new text on the first line of the text document. Need some code to read new text from the te...

How to setup a unit test in VBA Excel Macro?

Hello, I am working on an Excel VBA macro that will take some excel file, scrub / clean it, and produce a workbook with 2 sheets - sheet 1 being the original 'dirty' file, sheet 2 being the cleanly scrubbed file. Since we have 10 different formats right now, and down the road 40+.. I would like to save this output for a given set of f...

Excel VBA INSERT INTO statement using variables

I am using an SQL query to insert data from an excel worksheet into an Access database. I put all the data that I want from the worksheet into variables: rwyNumber = Range("b13").Value & Range("c13").Value testDate = Range("b5").Value testTime = Range("b6").Value rwySide1 = Range("b14").Value firstThird1 = Range("b28").Value secondThir...

Adjusting Row Height Automatically in Excel

In excel (2003), I have a list of items on one page that my estimator can select from, and then on the invoice it prints the items selected....but I don't want blank lines for the items not selected. How do I get either the empty row height to be 0, or have the rows without data collapse. Is this possible. ...

how to create a multi worksheet excel jasper report??

how to create a multi worksheet excel jasper report?? can i only specify in the jrxml file??? or i need to do some special coding in java??? ...

Add Chart Data from other Workbooks into one series with VBA - Excel 2007

Hi All, I need to create a Chart which will grab data from external sources when a macro is run. Setting up the UserForm and all that is fine, all done, however I cant find out how to add another piece of the series. Is it even possible to have a series that sources data from several different locations? Basically I need it to go in ch...