
Replacement or Migration strategy for Excel/Access

Is there a way of offering the flexibility of Excel/Access development that end users love while instilling centralised IT management so data and logic is secure, backed up, version controlled etc. The common options are to re-write in C#/ASP.Net/Java/Python/Your Choice, but that takes away control from the users. Is there a better way,...

Excel comment invisible under cell

My excel comment is gone under the cell ...how to make it always on top? ...

Perform HTTP Post from within Excel and Parse Results

I have access to an API. The API takes an XML post as input and then returns an XML response with the relevant data. I want to Send the HTTP Post to the Server (Authentication and Request will be sent together) Receive the response (One of the options to be returned is CSV or XML) Insert the data into the appropriate rows and column...

How to do Distributed Calculations in Excel

A number of years ago I implemented an asynchronous peer-to-peer Message-Oriented-Middle-ware that was very friendly to use in Excel VBA, and I find myself again needing to do lots of calculations which could be trivially distributed, if I had the mechanism. I could re-implement the MOM layer, but I'd prefer to use a third party product...

Determining size of printed page in Excel VBA

In Excel VBA is there a way to determine the width in units of a printed page? Dim remainingWidth as Double remaningWidth = <property that gives printed page width> - _ ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin - _ ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightMargin - _ Range("A:H").Width ...

Excel: SUMIF depending on number in field

Hi All You Amazing People Update You know what, I should let you know that I am actually trying to do this with numbers and not alphabets. For instance, I have a field with value like 225566 and I am trying to pick out fields which have 55 in them. It is only now I realize this might make a huge difference ColumnA | ColumnB | ...

Simultaneous connections, excel

Hi everyone, I have a list of session start and stop times, in format like so: 23/11/09 15:18:32, 23/11/09 15:18:40 23/11/09 15:20:02, 23/11/09 15:20:32 23/11/09 15:20:10, 23/11/09 15:20:40 This is in excel at the moment, start datetime in one column end datetime in the other. Basically what I want to do is some post processing on t...

converting a numeric cell type into a text cell type in ms excel document without changing contents of the cell using open office.

How to convert a numeric cell type into a text cell type in ms excel document without changing contents of the cell using open office. This cell value is then accessed using java (POI JAR getRichStringCellValue() method of HSSFCELL Object). ...

Excel TreeView multi columns

Hi there, Sorry for my Noobness with Excel/Vba... coming from a unix world...I need help! I am trying to build a TreeView in an Excel Form from an excel Sheet with 3 columns. The sheet references a list of cinemas, already organized in a "tree view", where the A Column refers to a cinema group name, the B and C columns refer to the par...

How can get the sum of different cell values in excel using POI

Hi to every one. i got requirement like,i created Excel sheet using POI.In that excel i have row one and row two,each row containg three cells with different value,like row two contains same. how can i add the r0c0+r1c0+r2c0 value into a anothe cell. is there any API for that. if any come across the solution please help me. ...

How do I create an excel macro that changes the rows spanned by a cell

I am pasting a table into Excel from SAS where the number of rows spanned by the cell in the first column is variable. That is to say sometimes the first column is 3 merged cells, sometimes it is 6, etc. I would like to run a macro that changes the height of the first cell to be 10 merged cells, and to insert rows at the bottom to make...

Write to two cells at same time excel vba

I need to write the same data into two different range of cells for a VBA application that I am writing. I could of course just loop through twice and write the data, but I was hoping to do it in one pass. This is an example of what I am doing (lot of complexity removed). Sub WriteData() WriteOutDivision "Division1",10 Writ...

How do I Change the Sheet Name from C# on an Excel Spreadsheet

I have a C# application where I am creating numerous Excel Files from Data in a Database. This part is working fine. However, my user asked if the sheet tab could be modified to reflect a field from the database. This sounds simple, however, when I try to reset the name, it tells me that it is read only and cannot be set. I have tried...

Boo - Excel Automation, trouble selecting ranges

Hi All, I'm investigating Boo and thought it would be a useful exercise to try converting a couple of venerable VB Scripts that automate Excel (2007, in this instance). A lot of things seem to translate very easily, however I'm having a huge amount of trouble selecting ranges - whenever I try to get or set them I get a TargetInvocationE...

monitoring a range of cells inside of excel 2007 with C#/VSTO

I have a row in excel I'd like to translate into an ObserveableCollection in C# for binding/event purposes, so all accessor classes know they're getting the latest data from the source excel sheet. How would this be done? Clarification: I'm using an excel add-in project, not a workbook project, so am not sure whether or not XMLMappedRan...

Excel file too big, what format should I convert it to to improve processing time in scripting

I have an excel sheet which has about 150,000 records, operations like find replace, delete columns etc are taking a lot of time. I need to write a script to perform some tasks like find and replace, sort, delete rows/columns etc. Because the excel sheet is too big, tasks like these take lots of time. What format should I convert my exce...

Help converting generic List<T> to Excel spreadsheet

I am trying to create a function that accepts a generic List<T> and iterates the list returning an excel file byte[]. The function needs be able to determine the objects properties. So if i pass a List<person> and person has properties first, last, age, etc i need to be able to determine the property names in order to create the excel co...

excel macro to save as filename excel file and close open excel file

how to add a step at the end of an excel macro to save the processed excel file with name finaloutput.xls in given path on computer and then automatically close the active excel file without saving changes. ...

All images on sheet disappear when I call getDrawingPatriarch...

Hi, everybody! I have an excel template with images... When I simply populate it with data everything works fine. But I need programmaticly to add comments to cells sometimes, and the only way I found is to use HSSFPatriarch. But when I call HSSFSheet.getDrawingPatriarch() all images on sheet disappear... So the question is: 1. Is there...

Importing Excel data to a already established SQL DB visual basic

I have developed a program in which all data is entered into a SQL DB. the program has been designed in Visual Studio using Visual Basic. I am now getting external data supplied in an excel format and need to know how to import the excel data into the SQL DB and ensure the data goes into the appropriate columns. I have set a template up ...